Gaming Clip Contest #2 - The Cold Winter - Result

in gaming •  7 years ago 

I hosted this mini contest for the second round last week and there were 6 participants joined the contest. It improved a bit from the first round and I consider this as a success for myself. There are 5 winners, winning a total prize pool of 2 Steems, with each of them winning 0.4 Steem. Like before I also selected one entry as a consolation winner because of the uniqueness of the game.

The winners are:

I. The Original Chapter 13 by @siren87

- click the link to view the video.
Link to post:

V. Tanki by by @kokuryo

Link to post:

All winners received 0.4 Steem each.

I selected this entry below as the consolation winner. The game is unique as it involve some coding to play it. This is actually a good game for those who want to learn coding.

Screeps - When programming meets games by @superoo7

- click the link to view the video
Link to post:

This entry received 0.2 Steem as the consolation prize. The video might be longer than 60 seconds but it's unique in its own way. Not much people will play this kind of game and I think it is not for everybody as it seems to require a lot of patience. This is to encourage more people playing this kind of game. I mean I really respect those with the knowledge and skill in coding and programming, it is not easy to learn. I know because I did learn to code many years ago for website building.

Proof of prize payment
gaming clip contest winner round 2.JPG

This contest will take a break after this round and once it's back, I'll make the announcement.

If you play Overwatch you can check out the post I made on exploring the new map, Blizzard World that was launched few days ago. It's so beautiful! You can read it here:

760486 - reverse.jpg


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Hey, man. Thanks for hosting the contest! Looking forward to the next one! And thanks for the STEEM!

You're welcome bro. I'll be busy for the next few weeks, so maybe the next round will be after I come back.

I just realized I uploaded the unedited version
Oops 😅
Thanks for helding the contest.

hahaha it's ok bro. You're welcome :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

interesting contest! hope i have the chance to take part the next one!

Thank you for hosting the contest! Looking forward to the next one! 😁

Wow thanks man for the pick this week! Will be supporting this contest as much as I can :)

Thanks for the hosting once again and for the prize! Things are picking up and it'll get bigger soon! Let's get all the gamers next round! :D

Thanks for the hosting.. I was a good initiative. Hope this will be back soon.