Nintendo M.U.L.E. - 1983 - amazing multiplayer game - NES

in gaming •  7 years ago  (edited)

M.U.L.E. is a seminal multiplayer video game originally written for the Atari 8-bit family by Ozark Softscape and published in 1983 by Electronic Arts.

Four colonists land on a barren planet, and go on to build a colony around a town square. In order to survive, each player must purchase M.U.L.E.s, which stands for Multiple Use Labor Element, and outfit them with a particular job program, and put them to work on each of their plots of land. M.U.L.E.s could be outfitted to harvest food, electricity, and smithore. Each commodity was essential to successful (and economic) life on the colony. As a result, players could choose to sell their surplus of supplies to other players who might be in need, or sell excess to the colony store for later purchase.

There is an active M.U.L.E. community too with new versions of the game and online playing!


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This is one of those games I've always heard a lot about but never played. One of these days I'm going to have to find the time. It's interesting how it always seems to be a favorite among Atari computer users. I know it was available for the Commodore 64 too but I don't hear as much about that one. People who speak of it as one of their favorite games always seem to be referring to the Atari version. I don't know if it was a bad port or what. Maybe it was just that the C64 was fairly new at the time and not as many people had one yet. I know I wouldn't have mine for a couple more years...

The Atari version is best. Give it a try with an emulator!

Good like broe 👍🏼

Thanks @fadzly!

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