Games I was best at in all my life

in gaming •  2 years ago 

I consider myself a rather casual gamer at this point in my life. This is likely because of the fact that I have a job and a dog and other things in my life that I must do instead of just sitting down and playing video games all the time. When I was at my peak there were certain games that almost no one was better than I was at. I say that about the area that I lived in because there was no internet during most of my supreme gaming days. But i do know what most people didn't want to play me in any of these games because I was going to win almost every time.

Warning! Most of these games are seriously old school

Blades of Steel on NES


Just look at those amazing pixels! This game came out after the original Ice Hockey game that Nintendo produced themselves and it was just a bit more realistic and included things like fights that were silly, but still fun. For reasons that I do not remember I was simply better than all of my friends at this game and it was a lot of fun. I'm sure I would lose interest in it almost immediately these days.

Thunder Force 3 on Sega Genesis


TF3 was a pretty revolutionary game on the Genesis. Sega was focusing a lot on space schmups at the time and in my mind this one was one of the best because you would change weapon styles on the fly. Once fully powered up many of these weapons were extremely powerful. I don't know how many times I played this game but I got to the point where it was unusual for me to die ever. I could go all the way through the game without ever taking a hit.

I'm sure that shooters have gotten much more difficult because the last one that I tried to play was just annoyingly difficult. My days of playing games like this will be left back in the 90's.

Super Mario Land on Game Boy


We all remember Super Mario Bros and probably many of the other Mario games but this was one of the first Game Boy games that was released and of course, it was a huge seller. Thinking about playing a game on a non backlit screen that was only 3 inches across these days would seem like insanity but that is exactly what we did back when this game game out.

I played this game so many times that I could go through the entire thing, never die once, and have around 35 1-up's that I would discover along the way. i really don't think I have that sort of patience these days because aside from Hollow Knight I don't think I have replayed any game that I have bought in the past 9 years or so.

Street Fighter 2 on SNES or arcade


Keep in mind that I am only referring to the original game, not Alpha, nor any other future mods. I played the bejesus out of this game and it was one of the first console games that I recall being a really close replica of the arcade version. It was because of this game that I shelled out something crazy like $40 for a joystick arcade replica so I could hone the skills necessary to be good at the arcades. This was during the dying ages of arcades but games like this were still immensely popular and was the main reason why anyone went to the arcades. Most of us had the game at home anyway but we would come to compete in the malls like the good little nerds that we were.

There were very few people that ever defeated me at the malls and at my house it was almost impossible you were going to win. There was one friend of mine that could give me a run for the money but even he would lose most of the time.

I mostly played with Ken or Ryu, but was also capable of laying the smack down with Blanka and Chun Li. The only character I was completely useless with was Zangief, whose move-sets I found to be ridiculously difficult to pull off especially the grab move of his where he spins around in the air and then slams you.

So that is all I can remember for now. I am sure there are a few games that I am pretty good at today but since I don't play competitively I don't really know. Back in the day we had little choice but to play competitively since there were still arcades and that is what arcades were all about!

You have any games that you can remember as being the ones you were the best at?

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