Seeds Are Sprouting

in gardening •  7 years ago 

Testing Seeds

I have an addiction to saving seeds. There is just something about the potential of future abundance that fascinates me. What that means is that I usually end up with some seeds in my pocket - and sometimes, they end up in the washer. If you have the same affliction as I do, I am sure it has happened to you before.

Usually, if I put the seeds through a wash cycle, I plant them somewhere and hope for the best.

Another thing which happens to me at times is that I pick some fruit or vegetable to save the seeds from and sometimes, I just don't get around to doing a good job of harvesting, drying, and storing the seeds.

If I just use them in my garden to broadcast, I don't worry too much about it. But if I want to share them with someone, I want to make sure that they will germinate.

A couple of weeks ago, I wrote a post about the squash/gourd pictured above.

I entered it in a gardening competition hosted by @cryptofarmer. Here is a link for you to join the contest

In the comments, I had a conversation with one of the other participants and he expressed interest in some seeds. I am in the US and he is in Canada. I checked on the legality of sending seeds across the border and found that a small amount is okay.


These are the seeds. But I hadn't taken great care of them and really don't want to share seeds which are not going to germinate. So, I decided to do a germination test.

First, I soaked four seeds overnight in water. Then, I placed them between a couple of sheets of moist paper and kept them in a plastic container. And here is the result.


Four out of four germinated!! Yay! So now, I can send those seeds on their way!

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I have an addiction to saving seeds. There is just something about the potential of future abundance that fascinates me.

I certainly share that fascination, and way to share the seeds and spread the love! Good to know that shipping a small amount of seeds to Canada is okay.

That is what google told me and who am I to question that? :)

good informative post my friend

thank you

I accidentally wash seeds all the time! I often reach into my pockets and pull out a 'mystery propagation handful'!

hahaha. Me too!! Seeds are everywhere. sometimes, I have to slap myself to stop me from getting more propagation projects started I don't have time to keep up with.....

Lol. I'm a seed saver too... but usually don't keep them in my pockets though.

I pick seeds wherever I go - and often my pocket is the only place I can carry them :)

Haha.. just came back from the coast and found a 2 hectares plot of land... moving in in a month so might have to buy a few clothes with pockets to start collecting seeds too ;) Have a beautiful week ;)

That is wonderful!!! You will have so much fun!!

So wonderful to see those seeds germinating Marianne.

I save seeds too. Because I buy from known growers at our Organic Farmers' Market, I know the seeds from their vegetables will be the most reliable for sprouting and growing that one could get. Don't always have the time for propagating them though, so I now have such an abundance of capsicum seeds. 😊

I also like using seeds, from other plants, as one of the natural elements in some of my ephemeral art work. 🦋

Some seeds and seedpods are so decorative! I totally can see you using them in your arrangements. :)

This is really interesting!
Never germinated seeds in this manner; but it is definitely something to consider.

I do it that way if I want to test if the seeds are good or not....

We have saved seed from time to time but we are going to get real serious next year. Thanks for this post. Following you now.