RE: Rapunzel goes to Greece

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Rapunzel goes to Greece

in geek-trail •  6 years ago 

Buddhists also know about spiritual warfare:

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Thank you. This is very interesting. But Trantric Buddhism is not really practiced in Thailand. We have the Theravada tradition which has no rituals with mediums or trances. This seems bland and boring to some people.
Although one of my friends is the expert in Tibetan language and has already set up a Tibetan foundation in Hua Hin, I still feel that the shortest path towards enlightenment should be as direct as possible without unnecessary rituals to cloud the mind. So, I didn’t become a member of Thai Tibetan Buddhists’ community. But I was lucky to have met several influential Rinpoches here, one of whom gave me such wonderful energy.

In Theravada tradition, there are so many accomplished old monks with high Yannas and ‘magical’ psychic abilities. But they would not indulge in these diversions, lay people are not encouraged to aim for these powers while meditating. I still prefer to learn the Buddha’s teaching (What the Buddha Taught), Krishnamurti’s books are pure Buddhism to me!

In the countryside, there are various local ceremonies in which villagers use trance ceremonies and mediums to connect with their past ancestors every year. That’s the pagan tradition, a way of paying respect to the past history or memory.

In meditation, the meditators are like warriors fighting to overcome Mara in their thoughts. But by letting go completely could the mind be liberated and free. I am working on this each day! Hard work!


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But I didn't live in Thailand, I lived in the Himalayas , and hence my attraction to the mahayana :-)

I did get some teachings from a Thai master, but he was a Taoist rather than a Buddhist. His name is Mantak chia. Do you know him? He taught me that the Tantric Buddhist systems work - but you don't need to complicate things with all those gods and goddesses and spirits etc. You an work directly with energies - no need to anthropomorphize them.

I have often been involved in various trance ceremonies and spirit mediumship sessions. Most people don't even believe in them, but they re quite real.

Thank you very much for your information on the Thai/Chinese master. He is not really well known in Thailand though he has a very nice setup in the north. I just spent an hour looking at his work and teaching. Most interesting! It’s very generous of him to teach people secret Taoist techniques. You are so lucky to have been taught by him. Chi Kung is very healthy and Tai chi is great! The tantric tradition is very rich and too complicated for me, though my friend suspected that I was a Tibetan monk in my past life.

I do agree with you that we can work directly with energies. I am very impatient and always want to get to the gist or core of the teaching or truth. So, I tend to take the shortest route though sometimes nice rituals can be soothing and comforting.
The Theravada tradition emphasizes sitting and walking meditation to achieve some basic levels of concentration (yannas) so the meditators could further their progress to higher levels.

Trance and mediums are very common in the countryside here. Western-educated young people think this innate tradition of Thai culture is a joke. I had been in trance ceremony since I was a young kid as my uncle often took me to see his respected shaman. These old shamans acted like medicine doctors for poor and uneducated people whose problems involved the beliefs about ghosts and spirits.

The rich and educated people go for trance sessions of invited Indian gods such as Ganesha!! These fake mediums do make a lot of money. So, rich Thais also need divine help on their business and health problems by beseeching Hindu gods.
But I doubted whether those mediums had the ability to contact these high energy beings.

My experiences with this had shown me that most of these so called masters of trance or medium ceremonies were either very good at faking or the spirits that they invited were just ‘sam-pa-way-see’ or wandering spirits in the area. I have not yet encountered a really high level energy from other realm, sacred energies require ‘good pure’ mind or clean receptacle. I am somewhat psychic and could do a few things other people cannot do. But I still have to work out my karma, so I am not taking this seriously. My goal is to be truly liberated one day, Nirvana!

Sufferings are everywhere, Dukka (unhappiness or sufferings) is a fact of life. People search and learn all kind of wisdom to discover the truth or Dhamma and how to be free from all the cycles of samsara (rebirth).

It is not easy to find someone like you who has gone through rich processes of wisdom accumulation. I should be able to learn a lot from you, had you been in my neighbourhood. It is a real honor to have stumbled onto your posts!

Wishing you success in all your endeavor.
Good luck.

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