Race and Genes.

in genetics •  7 years ago 


Don't you just LOVE how the PC crowd want to have it both ways? Empiricism must triumph when confronted with the Transcendental Moral Law Giver. However, when the demographic that is reliably associated with the Transcendental Moral Law Giver see(s) said triumph, they get HOWLING, therefore the empirical must be disregarded. What is more incoherent is that members of the Transcendental Moral Law Giver Demographic deny the existence of the Transcendental Moral Law Giver that is responsible for their existence. Milk comes from cows. Milk is not that entity the reason for its existence is to be found in itself.

Behold the worst case: Race and genes do matter, especially the one that has accelerated its own evolution to the degree that it has been outcompeting all others for resources. In whatever case, please leave a dignified slice of the pie for my demographic...please?

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Race and genes do matter, especially the one that has accelerated its own evolution to the degree that it has been outcompeting all others for resources.

very well said..@honeybee

Sir, @honeybee

I think you should explain going to the deep. But, this is vrey impressive sir. Keep it up sir. Best wishes to yoi sir

This message is so encrypted. I think there's more than one moral law giver.