RE: There is no "white supremecy problem" in USA

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There is no "white supremecy problem" in USA

in getyerlearnon •  7 years ago 

DIVIDE and CONQUER. This is clearly divide and conquer strategy. The best example that it is still used and WORKS is a prison. A prison has 5000 hardened criminal and only 100 guards per shift. The guards are outnumbered 50 to 1 . It would be easy for the convicts to over throw the guards. How in the world does the guards stay in control? DIVIDE AND CONQUER. You keep the convicts fighting, whites against the blacks, blacks against Hispanics and so on. They know that a unified facility is a dangerous facility.
Please, We are AMERICANS. We could be a real threat to the controlling elite as a unified country. So many have drank the cool aid of focusing on the wrong thing. I am not your enemy. Unite as AMERICANS!

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