Giving Steem needs help

in giving-steem •  7 years ago  (edited)


If you are not aware of the Giving Steem initiative and you are interested, please check out these posts;

I am hoping that this initiative will grow because there is great abundance being created by Steem. Together, we have an opportunity to nurture a new kind of culture within the Steem economy. One based upon empathy and love. That is not to say that everyone deserves anything they want, or that someone successful must give everything away. Only that those who have abundance might choose to help others and recognise the incredible value in doing so.

If blockchains are teaching us anything about ourselves, surely it is that we are only as strong as our weakest we must strengthen each other.

Part of this initiative is about helping Steemians, part of it is about showing us all what this technology is capable of. What the world might be in the future with networks like Steem is a vision so powerful, so awe inspiring, so beautiful, it takes the breath away.

So how can you help?

If you feel like doing so, commit some of your rewards to investing in Steemians who genuinely contribute to the Steem economy and need our support. If this is something you are interested in doing, feel free to contact me or just go right ahead and make a post about your intentions and insert the Giving Steem logo on all relevant post images.

If you are one of the great Steemit 'Readers,' have a solid reputation, a sound history of activity and you would be happy to alert me to any posts you think may be deserving of a donation from the Giving Steem initiative, I'd very much like to hear from you! I have some fairly obvious criteria that helps me to guide donation desicions;

  1. Actively contributed to the Steem Economy for some time
  2. Has made no direct contact
  3. Has a relatively good reputation (taken in context with activity)
  4. Has provided evidence of difficulty
  5. Is vouched for by a reputable Steemian
  6. Happy to update on progress, use of donation

The criteria are not set in stone, they are a guide and largely there to protect our precious Steem, the culture of Giving, the recipients to an extent and anyone involved in Giving Steem.

I wouldn't be able to manage a flood of posts to assess and I doubt my rewards would be able to keep pace, but three or four pointers a week would really help! I fear I'm missing Steemians who might benefit!

Let me know in the comments if you are a curator that may be able to help.

Thank you.

Happy Steeming

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Your generosity to the cause is never ending.
It's guys like you that make Steemit a genuinely wonderful place.
I wrote another story in which your amazing help is highlighted.
I hope you enjoy.
Thank you again

Thank you, it really is a pleasure :)

Very nice thoughts , we welcome this.

That's great, thank you so much.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hello @benjojo,

This is a great idea, and I think these types of programs are what makes Steemit so unique. Better than GoFundMe or Facebook could ever be in their current models.

I recently posted this :

And am wondering if it would make for a good fit.

I'm still a bit of a minnow, but have hopes to reach higher levels of the food chain.

Thank you,


Thanks for sharing!
As you said, we gotta grow as a community and enhacne the weakest links!

Indeed, my pleasure.

it is my pleasure to see ur post

Just Got 300+ Followe within 20 Days. Hope get an UPVOTE from you. Your Upvote will motivate me to Steeming!
Post Link:

Great post man thank you:)

It is my pleasure. This is just the beginning.

I love this post @benjojo. I would love to contribute and give back to the community that has treated me so well. Obviously I'm trying to build my account, but you let me know how You would like me contribute. Thank you for making me feel better this morning. Steem On Friend!

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Ahhhh bud. I might have known you would visit. It really swells my heart. That you want to help make it burst. As you can see, I'm at the very beginning of something and I'm not sure how it will all pan out. The idea is that it would be the same for everyone who wanted to get involved. Basically, use the Giving Steem logo (like i have on the main image) on posts set to 50/50 and give the SBD reward as a donation to a deserving Steemian (follow the precautionary criteria above.)


When you donate to someone, let them know what it's for in the memo and in a comment on one of their posts. In the comment, drop in this image which will hopefully spread awareness.


If the initiative grows beyond me.....I sincerely hope it does, then my plan is to have multisig account owners for collective sbd donation funds so we can tackle bigger issues plus a lot more curators who will also donate the funds directly. We're a long way from that yet though! I hope this helps :)

I considered accepting SBD into my account from anyone who wanted to contribute.....I don't feel happy doing that yet as this is all untested, I don't believe I've earned enough trust from Steemit community as a whole and there would need to be additional checks put in place in case something happened to me. I don't know where this will lead, all I knew was that I had to do something. Big love bud.

You have a big heart and that beautiful little girl opens your heart even more. How is your little angel? Much love and I'm fine with sending you sbds for now. Too many here could use help and it's too hard for me to decide who is deserving.

She is just amazing. She's in a pavlic harness (like her sister before her) but her prognosis is splendid and it is a small price to pay for stronger hips. She is a real talker, constantly cooing and smiling.....she's constantly making me laugh. She's taken to coo singing if i sing to her which just blows my mind. Don't know wether to laugh or cry when she does that.... How are your wonderful boys?

Ok, lets try it out. Send whatever you want in SBD to my account and it will be part of the very next donation once it's there. All the SBD in my account and everything going in there is for donations currently so there will be absolutely no confusion or concern :) Nice on bud.

It's amazing how we forget about ourselves when we have little ones. They are the reason we live and are the biggest part of of us.

I love my boys so much. Today Or yesterday, they played in the very cold Pacific Ocean and they loved it and also hated it. Lol. I will send you some sbd soon.

Thank you for everything. I'm an emotional guy and you have no idea how much I appreciate you. Your friend from California.

I'm in the same boat, @runridefly. I'll never cash in bitcoins if I can be upvoting and paying-it-forward with steem. If I do have money to cash in, first place I'd spend it is @rhondak's 501(c)3 animal rescue.

Thanks for the thumbs up!

One based upon empathy and love.

I love that code of ethics!
Will look into the links, cheers!

Thanks arcaneinfo! Let me know your thoughts!

Love the direction you're taking. This must be a first within the community. Already saved the image and am moving to spread awareness. Nice work mate. Cheers!


That's great. Thank you for the help. Let me know if you think of anything that might improve the initiative!

Maybe a hashtag or sort. Something that could be easily searched out using a keyword.


That's a very good idea. I was hoping the giving-steem tag would have the same effect but perhaps I can look at adding a #givingsteem as well. I will certainly think on it!

yeah! that's a good start, add tags as you build =D glad to help!

I think a Discord channel will help a lot in connecting and engaging with those who can help and those who deserve it.. Please let me know if there is already one. I would love to join and invite people there.:)

That's a really good thought, the trouble with that solution is that I do not have time to reliably spend in a chat channel, nor do I want to be responsible for encouraging spam requests for donations. My concern is that is what any off blockchain channel would end up becoming as it is not before the whole of steemit, transparent, tied to reputation with the degree of accountability that brings. I'm hoping for a kind of organic discovery of genuine need where a little support can make a big difference. In an ideal world, i'm hoping two or three natural curators simply give me heads up on posts or charitable initiatives that meet my criteria and that they come across during their normal activities.

I'm hoping for a kind of organic discovery of genuine need where a little support can make a big difference.

I appreciate it :)

VERY good post, we need more stuff like this on here. there are so many posts about random things that have nothing to do about anything being created, keep up the good work!

The quality on the Steemchain will only improve. First everyone needs an opportunity to comprehend what it is, what it means. There has never been anything like this before, don't lose heart or be frustrated. If you believe in people when they are given a chance.....this thing only goes one way.....better and better :)

Thankyou for information @benjojo
Can you see art picture in my blog, If it's good you can vote, otherwise I will keep trying again and again

Man, you have a huge heart..You have been my inspirition in this community to help others.. Thanks for what you do..


  ·  7 years ago (edited)

You are very kind and it means an awful lot to hear such words of support. I am fortunate enough to have the opportunity to help in certain ways, I hope to help others to get to that point of greater opportunity.

i am in awe of those who give to help others - i hope i can grow and will be able to give very soon - i will keep an eye open for those in need and let you know

I believe giving is about opportunity, I am fortunate that i have it. That is truthfully all I am acting upon and the simple fact that we have to change this world for our children and their children. The world can be a more beautiful place for us all. Thank you for your help.

yes and giving is more rewarding than receiving - i could give 1% regularly - lets see who needs help and i will get involved

Fantastic :)

I agree with you brother I called all members of my family and made my brother invest here and also my goal to make all the people of my neighborhood here, but I am also in the investment now, but unfortunately I do not have money to buy I bought everything available with me Zgm that a small amount Post + 100% Energy I aim to be the first Steثm as far as I work I have now called 18 people working and target 1000 thousand people and currently I have to get the power of some of the people here to support the new members but I could not find or donate energy to meIn an effort to obtain an energy mandate

Your efforts to grow steemit are fantastic, I know hoe hard you are working already. Really great effort mars9. Keep at it. I feel sure your hard work will eventually bring everything you are hoping for.

Thank you brother for the wonderful words that increase my spirits

As my heart swells and the tears run unchecked by your actions of giving to lighten the load of @daddykirbs, I am feeling I finally found a good place to be where I see humans being humane to each other on this tiny planet we all call home.. Resteemit!

Giving Steem is literally magic and we can all do it. Thank you for your lovely comment.

This sounds like a great initiative. I'm so glad I found out about it. Thanks for posting!

Wonderful! I'm really happy you like it.

I've resteemed

I'm a slow learning individual still have not learned how to add video's but that can wait I'm for the moment happy to check out other's blogs, video's and such and leave questions in the hopes to help and encourage progress or just leave a thanks for sharing post :) I'll check out the links posted above thanks for sharing

I had resteemed this @benjojo Thank you.

Very nice initiative! I applaud you for your generosity. :)

You are very kind. It's easier to be generous when you have something but I sincerely appreciate the thought.

Incredible ideas...keep them flowing