It's a Gohan Power post, a post about food topic especially for families with young kids (and others!).
What do you dring in a hot summer day? Juice and sweet soda might be popular. But when we see carefully how much they contain sugar, most of them has easily more than the amount of the recommended sugar intake.
Before the host summer days start, here I write how much we can intake sugar in a day, how too see how much sugar in a drink, how can we reduce our sugar intake etc :)
Recommended amount of daily sugar intake
According to the WHO's guideline sugars intake for adults and children(p12):
• WHO recommends a reduced intake of free sugars throughout the lifecourse
(strong recommendation).
• In both adults and children, WHO recommends reducing the intake of free sugars to less than 10% of total energy intake (strong recommendation).
• WHO suggests a further reduction of the intake of free sugars to below 5% of total energy intake (conditional recommendation).
It's said to be roughly around 25g, 6 teaspoons amount for an adult. A toddler needs 900 kcal per day, which is approximately half of mine, shouldn't eat an adult scoop size of ice cream, tall size juice or soda etc. It can be cause of overweight or diabetes that makes huge influence on their whole life.
On the other hand, too much restriction on sugar intake can be stressful. I myself rarely buy juice and don't drink sweet soda but I like beer and sparkling wine and I eat ice cream sometimes ... modestly ;)
How much sugar inside our drink?
It's hard to understand how much sugar inside just by numbers. Few years ago SugarStacks visualized the amount in popular drinks and the images became viral. Unfortunately SugarStacks' website is not maintained any more, I use an image from a blog post (らばQ "コカコーラ1缶にどれだけ砂糖が入っているのか、一目で分かる写真") that introduces SugarStack.
If you want to know how much sugar in food and drinks, it's written in the food label printed on the package. The drink below contains 5.6g of sugar per 100ml, which means 18.48g a bottle.
It can be a good activity to read labels before buying a product with kids. I will teach how to do it to my daughter when she is ready to read numbers.
Alternatives to juice and sweet sodas
Other than water and tea, we can make quite a lot of no sugar or less sugar drinks at home. It's easy on the wallet :) IMPORTANT: NO HONEY FOR BABIES!
Squeeze lemon and add the juice to water or sparkling water. That's it! If you feel the sourness is too strong, add small amount of sugar. Good thing is that we can select which sweetener to use at home (be careful no honey for babies!). If you have mint at home, it adds additional freshness to lemonade :)
Cold tea
Just put a herb tea or fruit tea bag in water and let it stay for few hours. Kids may be happy about the juice-ish berry tea color ;) Once I got an advice in Germany that I should make tea with boiling water. If you care about this I recommend you to make tea with boiling water in a pot and cool it down.
This year I keep lemongrass & ginger cold tea in fridge. I wish it works good for papa who likes coke but has struggle as he cares the environment.
In this post I introduced the amount of our daily sugar intake from drinks and small tips to reduce it. I wish this post help you and your family to be a bit more fit than last year :)
How about posting with #gohanpower tag for your (family) food or food educational post? I started this project with my partner around two years ago with the support of Social Impact Hub Leipzig. Our original idea was to design monthly food box for family to get to know food well. But I'm now on my way redesigning the project. I summarize up posts with the tag in a post. My idea is to share half of the SBD I earned from gohan power posts with contributors and use other half for gohan power real world activities. I know it's not easy to ask others to write about a post with a tag so in the meanwhile I write some posts by myself, probably weekly. It's still in the idea stage and I'm happy to receive your feedback :)
食育プロジェクト Gohan Power トピックです :) 小さい子のいる家族向け、でもみんな向けの投稿です。
とはいえ過ぎたるは及ばざるがごとし、過度な糖質制限、糖質ゼロにも落とし穴がありそうなのでほどほどに。ストレスになってもよくないです。私自身ジュースは飲みませんがアイスは時々食べるし炭酸もビールやスパークリングは飲みます ;)
糖質の量はグラムで言われてもなかなかピンときません。数年前 SugarStacks というウェブサイトが角砂糖で可視化した写真が話題になりました。SugarStacks はウェブサイトがメンテナンスされていないようなので、SugarStacks を引用した記事、らばQ「コカコーラ1缶にどれだけ砂糖が入っているのか、一目で分かる写真」から画像を貼っておきます。こんなに入っているんですね・・・同量の角砂糖は食べられる気がしません。
数字を読める年齢のお子さんと一緒だったらスーパーであれこれラベルを一緒に見ても楽しいかもしれません。子どもがもう少し大きくなったらラベルの読み方や糖質や塩分の1日の目安を教えたいと思っています :)
炭酸やジュースはおいしいですが、お水やお茶のほか、いろいろ代わりになる飲み物を家で作れます。お財布にもやさしくおすすめです。ただ赤ちゃんにはちみつは NG ですよ〜。
「なんだ麦茶か〜」とあなどるなかれ。ハーブティーやフルーツティーの水出しもおいしく、お砂糖なしで十分です。冒頭の画像のようなベリー系のフルーツティーなら色もジュースっぽく子どももだませるかも ;) 一度ドイツで加熱した方がいいよと言われたことがあり、気になる方は加熱して冷やしても。
うちでは今年はレモングラスと生姜のお茶を冷やしたものを冷蔵庫に入れています。コーラ大好きだけど環境に配慮して我慢してもやもや気味のお父ちゃんが気にいるかなと思い ;)
食や食育に関する工夫を #gohanpower タグをつけて書いてみませんか。Gohan Power は Social Impact Lab Leipzig ではじめたプロジェクトで、食育ボックスをデザインするつもりだったのですが、現在プロジェクト再構築中です。お寄せいただいた投稿を都度まとめて SBD を分けたり、子どもたちがおいしく食べて元気に生きていけるような食育プロジェクトに使ったりできたらと考えています。といってもなかなか難しいかな?ということでまずは自分で書くところから始めています。
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砂糖の量、ギョッとしますよね。うち無印のカラフェというか麦茶ポットでデトックスウォーターもどきつくっています。レモン都度絞るより楽で 😅
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みなさんいろいろしてますね。Steemit のよいところだと思います👍
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I made recently. I mean I only made the bug, but it is tasty enough already. I'll be back on the final version soon.
An alternative could be kvass. Here's my post about it:
The downside is that they are both mildly alcoholic, I need to check how before I think whether I could give it to my kids. If it's just traces then it shouldn't be an issue.
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Nice. I want to try fermented drinks too. Maybe for me so that my baby is not drunk 😅 I make Amazakebjn the winter time. It’s fermented rice drink. Actually it’s good for summer too.
I look forward to reading your post about how your attempt turned out in the end.
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ルイボスティーいいですね。妊婦時代の定番でした。夏だし冷たくして作ろうかな :)
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@greenracoon さんみたいに子どもちゃんたちと食べ物育てるっていい食育と思って投稿楽しく&うらやましく(早くうちも一緒に土いじりしたい+畑〜〜!)読んでいます。都会に住んでいるとバルコニーなしみたいなケースもありそうですが、そういう環境でも何か育てられるようにバジルのキットデザインしているところです。
赤しそシロップ去年作りました。おいしいですよね :) 今年はこぼれだねから出ていた芽をプランターの隅っこにふたつみつけて昨日2鉢作りましたが明らかに収量足りず・・・シロップはお預けになりそうです。
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