Golden Hour: colorful sunset over Mexican jungle at Riviera Maya

in goldenhourphotography •  7 years ago  (edited)

The #goldenhourphotography contest organized by @juliank and @photocontests is one of my favorite photo contests here on Steemit and I always enjoy browsing through my photos in search of a decent entry for the competition.

Today, I picked a shot I took a couple of days ago just outside Playa del Carmen, here on Riviera Maya, Mexico. I was strolling along the beach from Punta Esmeralda back to the town when I noticed the sun was just about to set.

Click on the image for full view

The Caribbean coast of Mexico is on the eastern side of the country so we actually don’t have those super romantic, “into-the-sea” sunsets here but the setting sun can still conjure up a pretty amazing spectacle sometimes.

I was very surprised and happy to find out my last goldenhour entry from Malta made it to the winning collection so hopefully, you will like this one too :)

Enjoy the rest of your Sunday and have a successful start to the new week!

Minulý týden se v této kategorii zadařilo, tak snad se vám bude líbit i dnešní příspěvek. Je to pár dní stará momentka z pláže kousek za městem. Tady na karibském pobřeží nám sluníčko nikdy nezapadá přímo do moře, ale i tak jsou tu ty západy někdy moc krásné :) Přeji hezký zbytek víkendu, přátelé.

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There is nothing beautiful than nature

I can only agree :)

How about this flower

I take with camera handphone Redmi 3S

Beautiful paradise 😍

I am looking at the entries today to see what people post to get inspiration. I love how you got all the detail in such low light. I hope you win this one too. Your last winner was a wonderful shot. I'm not sure I have anything good enough now!

Thank you for these nice words :) You should keep trying though, as far as I remember, it took some 20 entries to get the first win. I am sure you will suceed too, you have some nice photos on your blog :)

Wow this is absolutely beautiful - how on earth did you manage to capture that sort of lighting? Was that a natural lighting?

yes, it was natural lightning... taken minutes before the sun disappeared :) thanks for the comment

This is fairytale

Another Beauty !!

This picture of sunset is super cool. It is a classical example of nature's gift of beauty to man. I think it suffices as one of the best entries for any contest. Thanks @phortun for sharing

Thanks :) Nature´s gift indeed :)

This is gorgeous!!! :)) would love to stay in a treehouse or a tent and camp out there :D

Hmm, sounds good :))

Opravdu nádhera :)

Díky :)

Moře nebo pevnina, tyhle "hodiny" mají vždy své kouzlo ;-)

Pravda :) Však i u nás bývají kolikrát nádherné západy ;)

Na těchto snímcích mi vždy nejvíc učaruje ta hra barev a světel. Až pak se dívám, co je pod nimi ;-)

I stumbled across from another Blog. Really beautiful photography. Have a friend that live in Playa del Carmen and she has been holding back on me. lol! Have a GREAT Sunday too! 😊

Thanks for stopping by :) Playa is an amazing place :) You should visit your friend ;)

You're welcome. I have been in a few places in Mexico, just not in Playa. I will! 😍

Krása. O takových západech si mohu jen nechat zdát. A nic si z toho nedělej,u nás v Orlové taky sluníčko nezapadá do moře, hihi. ;-)

Pravda, takže jsme na tom vlastně skoro stejně :D

Tak to je pecka, pro to se vyplatí si přivstat.

Díky. Byl to západ, takže jsem vstávat nemusel :D Btw, před pár dny jsem tu publikoval post o "hairy fruit", mrkni na něj, mohl by tě zajímat :D ;)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Wow !

You caught this one just in time! Absolutely stunning! Congrats on your winning picture too! I've only won one myself, but I just got a new camera so I'm ready to play hard! :)

Thanks for the comment :) And good luck in future contests, I am sure you will snatch some more wins soon with the new camera ;) I am also going to get a new camera :)

What camera did you use for this / what camera do you want?

99% of my photos published here on Steemit were taken with my cell phone :D including all of my 10 photocontest wins... So any "normal" camera will be an upgrade for me :)

Impressive! It's funny you say that, the only contest I won was a smartphone photography that I used a Samsung Galaxy E5 with. It's been broken for a year now and my new(er) phone is a $20 smartphone so its pictures are garbage. Instead of spending $500 on a new nice phone I went with a Nikon, as my primary focus was photography when I got a nice phone anyways. (Saw it as a cheaper option). With Steemit, I went with the better option

Yeah, I think you made a good choice :) Happy for you, even though it means a new, better-equipped competitor for me now :D ;)

It's all about the photographer though. I know people that can take amazing photo's with any camera, aslong as they know the specs. Understanding the camera, the lens and the aperture means everything.

That and being at the right spot and at the right moment.

Brilliant photo!Good photography skills.

Thanks :)

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment