My golf swing, a work in progress.
Anyone that plays golf will know that perfecting your golf swing is a never ending process of tinkering.
Just when you think you have it figured it, you get smacked in the face with reality.
The truth is that there is no such thing as the perfect golf swing.
Anyways, knowing all of that, I still signed up for a pack of golf lessons hoping to at least improve upon my swing somewhat.
Today was the second lesson.
I felt like I learned a ton about my golf swing in the first lesson and was eager to get back for my second lesson.
However, after today I am feeling slightly less optimistic as I was previously.
I have gotten to the point now where I know what I am doing wrong, I know how to fix it, but I am having trouble making my body actually do it when I put a ball in front of it.
What's actually going on?
Anyways, for all you golfers out there, basically I stop my lower body rotation just before impact and have a full extension of my arms instead of continuing to rotate with my lower body.
The result is inconsistent contact and shots that only sometimes fly straight.
Now I have to figure out how to make my body continue to rotate when it only has ever done the opposite...
Any suggestions?