Advanced toilette graffiti - Chetumal

in graffiti •  6 years ago  (edited)

I like to document advanced and unusual toilette scribbling/graffiti.

I see art in toilettes that is significantly more interesting then many things I see in contemporary art museums. I took these photos in a Chetumal, a costal border town in between Mexico and Belize, a very peaceful place surrounded by mangroves, a place where the Mexican/Latin-American culture transitions in to something like *Afro-Caribbean culture (I guess that heavily over-simplifies the diverse culture of the area but you get the picture)...


Some dude "Dede" from Chetumal seems to have been here. There is also a small slightly more typographically advanced "piece" saying Cancun, under Cancun it say's "Cantina Roo" probably a slang term for "Quintana Roo" the the area where Cancun is located, (Cantina means bar in Spanish, might be a pun since that area is like one big "bar-street"). Possibly signed by "Fredo?"

Some dude (mens bathroom) made this piece, maybe celebrating the artists home in Belize, but it could have a deeper spiritual or political meaning that is hidden from the uninitiated, "Said Mosa" is scribbled next to the house in the picture, probably referring to Said Musa, a famous Belizean politician, who started out as a kind of human rights lawyer and a man of the people, but in his later years was accused of corruption, not unlike many other politicians...

I took this photo down by the peaceful mangrove covered coastline...

*Belize is actually one of the most genetically diverse places on Earth, British influence, Afro-Caribbean, Garifuna, Hindu/Indian, Chinese, Mayan, Latin American, just imagine Belizean food, it's a true culinary marvel! (but more on that in an other article).


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I like your analysis, lol. There was someone a few years back who would put paper placards next to street graffiti, describing it like an art museum. It was rad. :D

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Thats very interesting @phoenixwren, putting "pretentious" paper placards next to graffiti, kind of forces people think about the subjectiveness of art and beauty in general. It's provocative for sure, but in a good way. Thanks for your comment.


howdy sir friendly-fenix! hey I've heard alot about Belize from a pastor who goes there regularly, tons of poverty there and not a whole lot else going on except nice beaches I think but I haven't been there but you have I take it?
Very interesting and unusual post!

Thanks @janton.
Yeah, in many ways Mexico feels like a safe civilized place compared to Belize,
but I do recommend the cays/islands of Belize to tourists, its like a magical fantasy kingdom.
Great diving.

Inland Belize can be a bit more crazy sometimes, not always, but if you are white, driving a fancy new shiny truck, wearing a rolex, you are probably going to need a couple of extra security guards... Plus extra cash for donating to the local Police departments fundraiser, I heard they need money to rent a bouncy-castle or something.... 🤣


haha! howdy today sir friendly-fenix! Well if I ever go there I'll ask if you want to come along because I'd want to see more than just the tourist spots but being a whiter than white guy I'd stick out like a sore thumb!

Don't worry there are plenty of white guys in Belize, man I could write a book about this place, or at least a couple of steemit posts...

There are a group of white people here called the Mennonites nobody messes with them, they are highly respected as the most hard working people in Belize. They are a bit like Amish but more hardcore, and mainly only speak ancient German and wear old fashioned clothes...

The trick to survival as a white guy, well either pay for a guide/security/protection, or not look like you have too much money, you know have some holes in your clothes, look like a dirty sweaty expat, always eat the same food like the locals order the same beer etc, accept local customs, try to avoid drugs, talk to the people with respect, they do speak proper english in ya.

And if you are in "Garifuna tribal land", try making friends with a lady, the ladies pretty much run things, they have a kind of matriarchy going, so if you get in with a lady there you are pretty much under her wing so to speak... To oversimplify the Garifunas are a mix of marooned African slaves, shipwrecked European sailors and natives mainly Arawak, they still speak Arawakan, kriol and English. So you can imagine this is like a proper tribe, the descendants of strong defiant survivors.

According to Young's record, the first Africans arrived in 1675 following the wreck of a slave ship from the Bight of Biafra. The survivors, members of the Mokko people of today's Nigeria (now known as Ibibio) and the British sailors, reached the small island of Bequia. The Carib took them to Saint Vincent and intermarried with them, supplying the men with wives, as it was taboo in their society for men to go unwed.

A visit to the mainland it could be a bit like being in one of your cowboy stories, the mainland can get crazy specially around the border to Guatemala... It's not always a very safe place, but a very cool place... Belize City is kind of a crime-hub, with about a shooting a day only 300.000 citizens, I don't go there, but things might have cooled down....

The Cays/Islands are where you want to go to relax really, nice beaches, high grade rum, hammocks, wonderful food, good service, friendly island dwellers, reggae music, diving, snorkeling and even famous people go there, that Madonna Song, "La isla bonita" is about the Belizean island San Pedro...



wow friendly-fenix! that is amazing, hey you already have enough great information for a couple of posts, throw in some great pictures and you got them.
Amazing history of some of the area to be sure, very interesting! Sounds like you've been there alot.

oh I forgot to mention the Mennonites. Yes I grew up on a farm in Western Kansas out by Dodge City and we had alot of them in our area, amazing people, excellent and they would be so good for a country to have so Belize is lucky to have them.

Yeah, the Mennonites are pretty cool, but they don't really mingle, all that much. But they do a lot of good work, helping orphans and such. I also like that they are pacifists.

exactly sir friendly-fenix, just like the Amish they are very protective and wary of worldly influences but are much more modern in their use of amenities like electricity and cars. What a blessing for Belize, I hope they thrive and I'm sure their numbers are steadily growing. How interesting to learn about this, one of the churche's we went to has Belize as their main missions focus and he goes down there at least once a year and so I've heard alot about what it's like back in the hills or mountains in areas that are still primitive but I didn't know about the Mennonites.

The Belizean Mennonites are well respected, they work hard, out in the sun all day long, no offense, but not many white people do that in tropical conditions... So the other tribes and groups that make up Belize respect them, and yes they do hold a kind of monopoly on the sales of automotive parts and such, but I only ever seen them take the normal buses, to sell fresh produce in the various markets, no fancy cars or anything.


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