in gse •  7 years ago  (edited)



Hey guys, today I will be revealing to us why GSE-NETWORK has decided to bring back trust in our Sharing Economy. This great men of valor have conducted a deep research on why mistrust, fraud, and unfairness have suddenly ravaged our Sharing Economy and has found out that it's because of the centralization model. As such, they decided to deploy decentralization to our Sharing Economy using the blockchain technology. Before I go further, I'd like to throw a little lite on the meaning of Sharing Economy because I believe most of us have forgotten.

Sharing economy is a general term enclosing a variety of meanings, it often used to describe economic activity involving online transactions. Sharing economy was originally growing out of the open-source community referred to as peer-to-peer. It was based on the sharing of access to goods and services. Recently, the term is now mostly used in a broader sense to describe any sales transactions that are done via online marketplaces, even the ones that are business to business (B2B), instead of peer-to-peer.


For some years now, the original aim of the online marketplace has been gradually diverted. This reason was originally to bring up a safe, easy and trustworthy atmosphere were Peer to Peer (P2P) and Bussiness to Bussiness (B2B) would have a peaceful coexistence in any sort of transactions. However, the reverse is now the case as fraud, unfairness, and partiality have taken over this sector by surprise. This is because there are a lot of intermediaries intruding in Peer to Peer and B2B dealings. As a result, they tend to initiate unfavorable and selfish laws that finally ruin this original intention.

For instance, if you notice recently that most of these intermediaries have made it a custom to charge high unlawful fees from consumers. E.g Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and the rest has implemented an unbearable amount of fees for advertisers. All these are due to the fact that they are centralized and has contributed in one way or the other in diverting the original intention of our Sharing economic model.


The blockchain technology has remarkably been noted for its unique, secure, reliable and fast features. In no doubt, these great features are due to the fact that it's a decentralized ecosystem where peers monitor, govern and have a total control over their transactions. In blockchain technology, there's nothing like an intermediary between any transaction.
As such, GSE NETWORK has deployed this technology as a decentralized structure to encourage the usage of the platform through the distribution of rewards. By removing any intermediary, the externality value produced will be redistributed to those who contributed to its value creation.

Also, considering the recent trend in our sharing economy business, GSENetwork has deployed the following features to make it a distributed and decentralized service.


GSENetwork aims to provide a robust distributed service infrastructure for sharing economy business to be built on. These will be done in the following areas;

  1. Order Dispatching System
  2. Anti-Fraud System
  3. Multi-dimensional User Profile Rating System
  4. Transparent Pricing System


GSENetwork has deployed a technique to boost the global sharing economy. They have decided to redistribute every reward generated in the GSE ecosystem back to its contributors. However, this will happen in the following ways:

  1. GSENetwork rewards participants with GSE tokens when they “transact and share” instead of having to “owning” an asset. This will ultimately scale the global sharing economy, truly encouraging sharing behaviors.
  1. Also, rewarding participants so as to increase participation rates, encouraging transactions within the global sharing economy


In order to endure trust in the ecosystem,
GSENetwork has structured tokenomics model, to return the locus of control to the user to determine the quality and quantity of data provided to the network, and in return, receive the respective incentivization.


40% of the total tokens has been allocated to build the ecosystem.

20% has been allocated for the foundation.

While 20% will go to the investors.

15% of the team.

And 5% to the advisors.


Website: https://gse.network


Medium: https://medium.com/@gselabofficial

Twitter: https://twitter.com/gselabofficial


Telegram: https://t.me/GSENetworkOfficial

My Btt Url: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?action=profile;u=2048580

My Btt Username: desydollarss

My ETH address: 0x0727d95d786Ef8C7F03E5F879De5073F4D30D36C

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