Guilty pleasures exposed / Writing contest by @blewitt

in guiltypleasures •  6 years ago  (edited)

I have seen the contest and i said to myself, no there is no way I am going to do this. Mainly because i feel no guilt indulging myself in sily pleasures that harms no one. Then @honeydue decided to take it out of the cave and she kind of marked me as her target, so now just because of her I have to do it. She will be responsible for my shame :D

Websites for selfpleasuring

Yes, i know that doesn't sound great but is one of the pleasure that other people like to surround it with shame. I bet that if you are not my close friend, now your eyes are out and your mind is starting to search the labels you can stick on my head. As my love life is kind of inexistent, maybe because the boyfriend material is not anymore on the open market, i need to take care of my desires as best as I can. I already have my favorite pages and selections in case you wonder :D

French croissaints



There is a big trend in the world as we speak to be gluten-free. The trend even touched me at one point, around 6-7 years when i was for about 8 months raw-vegan, so no bread, no pastry, no biscuits were part of my life then. Well i had no other regrets than the fresh, just backed, soft and melting in the mouth croissants. They made the end of my non-cooked food period and i am still glad for that. I love them with all my heart and i believe that pretty much all this year my morning breakfast started with one or two of them and a ginger tea/cappucino.

Sience-fiction movies



Whenever i feel down in spirit and i need a little power lift i usually have 2 movie options to help me as an elevator: space and love. I must have seen Mars at least 3-4 times now and i will never have enough of that amazing frames of infinite space and the grit to survive those unfriendly conditions.

Adventure junky


I love the adrenaline and i can say she loves me back a lot. I like ziplining, paragliding, rafting, scuba-diving and any other experience that involves flying (on the air or down the road/river). Speed is what makes my heart sing and my best memories ever are in a helicopter ride on the Grand Canyon where the pilot decided to humor me and to do some upside down curves close to edge of the mountain. I am a certified rescue diver and above is one picture when i dived with sea lions kittens in Baja California Mexico.

Osiris - Death captivation

As you can imagine from the previous paragraph, i am not afraid of dying. On my youth, the age of experiments i even tested myself how many days i can survive without water and food...and how does it feel to be on the edge and wondering about the jump. My favourite book were and are those treating the after death experiences, even the music did include for a long time just death metal songs. So here is my favorite song, by Nick Cave who treated death with love and care:

Good, many other, but i will stop here and let death to speak :D Cheers for @blewitt, great idea to take the unacceptable to the light and pour love on it. I have some few curiosities for few of you here, so @adetorrent, @redrica you need to tell me on friday all about your #guiltypleasures :D

Crippy hugs,

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Hah great list, @teodora! I'm glad you decided to take part :) Very bold opening, I must say. Gotta like that. You know what they say, there's the people who do it and the people who don't admit to doing it ;)
I must say I love Nick Cave and that I wish I had as many adventures as you :) Maybe one day. I like how you choose to live your life :D

Haha the opening was just a gift to you, I would had mentioned anyway that one, as I had seen the challenge, but you made it to take the first place :))) I love Nick Cave and he does live close to me in Brighton. One day for sure if ever, life will bring exactly what you need ;)

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The internet is for porn!

#1 opening pleasure in this contest!

Now that I now is such a relief 😂

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That's what I say after visiting those sites!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Hey there @teodora!!!! Thanks so much for participating!!!

I am in awe of the honesty of your first one as it "should" be on most peoples Hell, I am right there with ya!!!

As for sci fi movies...have you seen Edge of Tomorrow? One of the better sci fi/action films in recent years that does not get the attention it deserves. If not...peep it asap!!!

I also love croissants....especially chocolate ones. We have a lot of the same likes or pleasures I am seeing! This is what the initiative is all about!!! Also @adetorrent....yeah, quit yer slackin!!! Get on day left!!!

Well maybe the are still saints on this world :))
I haven't seen the movie and I cannot find it on netflix, but thanks for the tip
Yes we all have our hidden places and most of the time those can be the reasons for the most deep human connections. Again thank you for the challenge :)

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I have a single friend who swears she never watches porn. We call her out on that bullshit all the time. lol

Yeah It's totally worth checking out. Tom Cruise and Emily Blunt. Fantastic film! One day when you get around to it, lmk your thoughts. I hear they are doing a sequel so I am pumped about that.

Thanks again for participating. You are awesome!!!