RE: A Discussion About Guns

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A Discussion About Guns

in guns •  7 years ago 

It's odd, when you profess that you don't or shouldn't get Mad at people and react, you use my logic to act like a sensible human of sorts as I would call that at least.

I do have every right to Act as I do and say Fuck You to your Insult, why shouldn't I be angry when I see people blaming the new generation, I am not but I can express myself as Intolerant to that because there is no reason to tolerate finger pointing by the very perpetrators.

Here is wholly your story Grandpa!


I got pissy at you for my own attempt to piss you off? You're not making sense, lets see this Play out Grandpa, can you give me the specific and direct things I said that constitutes to you this quite magical "logic".

I never attacked YOU specifically YOU took it personal and jumped on me specifically - YOU took it personal!! I wonder what Freud would say at that?

What did I take personal, and how did I jump on you?

Care to demonstrate what a Sensible Grandpa such as yourself defines as "taking it personal and jumping on one"?

I don't wonder what a Speculative Story of some Soothsayer Says about it either because I don't prescribe to Nonsense, Story Time with Grandpa.

See, when I was saying the things I said about society today the fact is it's true, you are just to angry and not man enough to deal with the fact.

Which fact is true again Grandpa, I was off my meds and cannot remember the "facts", was it this:

Our new generations have become pathetic sissies basically. Whining, screaming spitting biting name calling tantrum throwers basically.

Those are the Facts? Here is a fact, you have yet to own up to one Ounce of responsibility in the entire rigamarole about "Change yourself". You ammoun to grandpa crybaby, whining, and name calling tantrum thrower, you speak nonsense such as "You got pissy for your own attempt at pissing me off" Which, wasn't an attempt by all measure of the word but more like a Direct Fact of Consequence of my Words. You got mad regardless of you professing that you're above that. The hypocrisy is when you resort to name calling and tantrum throwing which is what this LONG reply is about after all: in the very first comment you made which ended more or less on "Change yourself" you didn't take responsibility for anything, regardless that you want us to belive that you COULD take a fuck, Grandpa, I'm being frank and I have no reason to speak besides to Directly demonstrate that your Shit Stinks. You cannot take a fuck, and you can take it personal but when you dish it to "the new generation" and they say back "fuck you" it's mighty personal. The problem is grandpa, not that I directly said something that I expected a certain response to, but that you expected me to be mad or assumed that I cannot take a fuck because I called you out on blaming the newer generation, and not of anything specific, because you have no RIGHT to blame any Group of People unless it's demonstrably true that a VAST Majority are Complicit in the Act. I called you out with a Fuck you Hoping that you Could Take A fuck, expecting you NOT to and doing it because of the principle of truth. What you said was wholly your opinion, it's not a fact jack. With that kind of Instilled Disrespect towards an entire analogous group of people, with such a Low Brow Opinion expressed and done so in the Context of Frankness, you Obviously couldn't even digest one fuck you as a response to your own opinion, you are no more capable of what you profess and are quite comically WHOLLY making a story up to fit the narrative that this is making me MAD, and PISSY!

I do agree with you on MANY of your arguments BUT I'm not going to become Captain Crybaby about things and rally the forces that bear arms to shoot people that insult me. As YOU have done in some of your responses/posts examples.

I became Captain Crybaby about things and rally forces that bear arms to shoot people that insult me? What a wonderful Story Grandpa, but I don't Cry over the Internet, I don't RALLY-FORCES that bear arms! LOL! you don't know me Grandpa Can't Take a Fuck and it's decisively obvious, it's fabrication, work of fiction, speaking on matters you cannot know, it's nonsense grandpa.

YOU are LOOKING for a fight....
Story Time Still?

America HAS changed and it DOES need improvement. Past generations HAVE made mistakes but the truest answer is still the same. It starts with the man in the mirror. You, seem to be more interested in "dealing justice" and though it is needed, my gut screams that you are the biggest troublemaker in your life. Usually that the answer for each of us.

Yes the rigamarole Extends to this part. I have contested before and I will do so again: Lets see the Change, and Now lets see one Modicum of Evidence that could substantiate such LOW-BROW opinion of the youth, lets see the logic behind it, lets be privy to reason and specific, let's not use circular logic "It's a fact because it's a fact" or big lies "it's a fact even if you deny it" let's see the Demonstrable facts, as I put it previously when I said:

Why are Sick People committing these acts at an increased rate? Show me the evidence, whats the increased rate? Do we care why they did it? Do we even bother to ask WHY? It's redundant, it's absurd, its without merit what so ever why a Sick man Chose to do something, it's banal exactly as the act was. I don't see the thought process over pondering why sick people are doing it, but lets explore the one about why they could be doing it at an increased rate if you can demonstrate that it is so, so we can understand in relation to what "increased".

Though I DO agree with you on Constitution, gun rights, how America has gone wrong etc... I draw the line at being a knee-jerk asshole that thinks it's the right to bear arms so we can shoot people for insulting us on the streets to keep the crime down. Perhaps it would.

You're the knee-jerk asshole who would do such a thing, that's what you're freudian fear is based on, your own freudian guilt. Freudiot.

Perhaps it would, the words of a Fool.

But I still stand on my original stance of if you are too big of a pussy to not take an insult like a man then the last thing you need is a fire arm in your possession! And that is a statement from a STRICT Constitutionist and a 2nd Amendment supporter!! I read your response initially and thought perhaps you were a "professional victim"(ANTIFA/SJW asshole) thought I'd say something in volley of your initial "Fuck you"-I want to argue with you attitude,

By calling me a Pussy LMAO! You either would get killed in a free and Tolerant society for your mouth, and the only memory would be on the poor soul who didn't tolerate such Reprehensible Speech, or you would be the poor soul who couldn't sleep at night because as much as he Professed that they Be Kind, and Sensible, and Compassionate, Homely and Humble, they be NOT!

That Freudiotic expression of Projection, where you projected a certain attitude onto me so that I could validate your Opinion and by some flip of a switch use my sense of such things as how to act to validate acting as such, even though it was complete validator to the simple, common sense of Hypocrisy: Not Doing As You Yourself Profess you Ought To Do.

If you cannot Bite your Tongue and Insult people then you ought to bear the Consequences of your Acts, there is no "not taking it like a man" crime in court before a jury of 12 sensible people of the same character as the man that shot you down, it's murder/manslaughter and he will walk on reason of Temporary Insanity as Anger is nothing else under law. Nobody is free from the consequences of their acts, but it's not murder and the instigator bears the responsibility.

And threw out my Insult back at you on purpose to see you get mad so I could throw your own words back at you (because you are a hypocrite) But the more I read of your other post replies you just seem to be a "professional arguer/justice deliverer" You WANT the fight. You want to correct the bad guy. Usually that person can be found in the mirror... AS I HAVE SAID. But you would rather blame other people. Yes they may be at fault for not being perfect and screwing up guess what, you are NO better. We ALL should be focusing more on ourselves and less on others. THAT is the best medicine for this country. Doing that first will make you more ready to handle bigger tasks.

You can Accost me all day long I do not Care to consider. The Story of Big Bad Bah continues on your authorship of this fiction and now It only validates that you Projected onto me, what I remarked only earlier.

Of course I am better then those I correct, or how could I correct them? I am better at correcting what is wrong that others say is correct then those that are wrong are at pointing out they're not correct. If I say that is wrong, by principle I profess to be above such wrong.

But,You are just a busy little beaver type responding to soo much stuff. You seem to be looking for an argument and that name "Bah FucYou" immature, as I have said! Sometimes it's called for but you lead with it. Though we are on the same side of the American divide argument I was right as it gets... You are an argument seeking immature brat that wants a fight. The last thing YOU need is a gun,What you need is self reflection on you getting that California redwood out of your own eye. That would be a way better investment of time and effort. That way you could be more worthy of carrying a gun.

So, like I said, no matter who's made mistakes in our culture and there ARE plenty to go around "I AGREE". The best place YOU can start is with YOU!! If people were more interested in that, that would surely be an even better pursuit! Because no matter who's done what It's always us that determines "how we respond" I know that personally. I'm in process of correcting that one for me. I've made many HUGE mistakes and I am telling you, YOU may not be responsible for what has already been done by others but you ARE responsible for your own screw ups and I assure you, You have got a shit-ton to correct I can smell it all over you. That, Bah FucYou (I'd start with that name) is where we all need to start -YOURSELF/OURSELVES

There is no But, or If or And about what name I chose as it is My Name, it is My Business and there is nothing to Correct about My Name.

You can remark all the but you're and fill the rest with whatever value judgement you want to validate your hypocrisy and it won't matte to me, I will keep pointing out "Fiction".

Do you want some cheese with that whine?! I'm not blaming/insulting "children" I'm talking about young adults 18+ and sorry to rain on your blame it on mommy and daddy fest but, by then YOU are choosing YOUR-OWN reactions in life.

Ok, lets give you one point, it's not KIDS, it's the newer generations..

The point is still that the NEWER-GENERATIONS are disadvantaged by their older, grandpa generation. If you were a wit of on ounce you would have understood this in your comment's context as "Taking Responsibility For your Self Grandpa, and not wagging your finger at NEWER-GENERATIONS as if they are somewhat or somehow responsible for the baseless claims or accusations you hurled in their direction with your Low Brow Opinion of them." In other words you would have read that Yes, "we" are responsible, where we is solely you and your generation.

So, NO! YOU as an adult choose who you are who you become!

Yeah, some Chose more than others. Some by default don't have much choice if any, many are in a life on wheels and many more are rudderless captains.

Which is why plenty of examples of people in same circumstances become totally different. They each choose differently. Stop blaming it on mommy and daddy and mean ole government.

Stop blaming it on the newer generations first and maybe bite your tongue instead of demonstrating what a hypocrite is, or lead by example.

Though on that one I vomit a little as I happen to agree with you that a serious overhaul is needed. But, NOT by immature little boys looking for a fight with anyone that hurts their feelings.

But of course Grandpa knows it all.. after all I quote:


Regardless of other peoples wrongs because we each die with ONLY OUR OWN list on our shoulders. Trust me my personal story sucks ass but I'm not using it to be a whiner. I'd rather just tell people what I've learned to be the more better answer, the one with honor the one to help you meet GOD with more honor, not a bigger bad people that I punished list.

I don't trust your logic, I don't see your example, you've yet to demonstrate one thing and continue to build a story line centered around such fictions as what I think, what I am and what I do. No Grandpa Can't Take A Fuck, I don't trust hypocrites by default.

Possessing a bad-ass firearm to help free America if the government became North Korea is one thing, but toting one to put someone in their place that insulted me IS just immature and pussified as-I-said. So I rest my case.

It's not to "put someone in their place", it's not "Immature" after your exemplary Rant that was a cool story but hardly a True Story of what is immature even though you've done quite the exemplary demonstration on "how to be a hypocrite" from the onset of your act! Your case is only a figure of speech to attest the last effort at substantiating your fictions and leaps of logic.

You are not worthy of arguing with me. You lost as soon as you responded to me with "Fuck you" as your first words when I had never spoken to you "directly". And that name... (Bah FucYou/Taser-Face).... that's really where you lost.

I'd let the people who are impartial to this decide when and where and why I lost, as for-myself I have no loss that I claim in matters of spreading the truth and establishing the truth, at most people get angry and stomp or at best we all walk away a bit more enlightened.

And another thing I did actually catch that double tag grandpa insult line.

If you're wagging your finger at newer generations while preaching Looking In the Mirror..

However, if your pic is accurate and recent, the joke is on you,Taser-face.

Either way Grandpa, I am having a belly laugh and it cost me nothing more than pointing out hypocrisy and lack of logic or outright abortion of logic.

I'm more fit, better looking, got lots more muscle (and probably stamina too) I bet I'm better in the fighting ring as well, and a car well, lets just say it's hot!

And you deduced that from my profile pic! Freudiot indeed!

Grandpa yes, I am that too but, out classed by you? That's funny....

It's funny in deed, before you denounced your label you Totted it as Affirmative, after declaring it an insult, and the context and the reference of all this has never moved one inch from the initial declaration! It's Hilarious and quite rightly so.

Stop looking for fights! Im done with you boy, get off my lawn.....

Grandpa you walk away salty and mad because you rightfully got more muscles in the face than me after preaching about how I am worse than the people that I correct and that you don't think people ought to get mad over insults! The knot you have to untie to make ends meet with that!

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Look, you are a little boy looking for a fight. And it is PAINFULLY obvious. And if you cant handle the fact of a generalized statement that this new generation is largely a whining safe space needing generation with out you specifically being pointed to with out beginning the conversation of response to me with "Fuck you" as your first words then my case is rested. Now I could stop there, but after looking at you for an instant I got you sized up. Take a look at your page name "Bah FucYou" you are a disgruntled "little boy". You Want the fight. You are actively looking for it. What I have said about the current generation is NOT a lie. It's NOT me being an asshole. And your knee-jerk Fuck You as your intro proves it Bah FucYou.... It wasn't me being a mean hypocrite. It was you proving my point.

Kick rocks Jr. I'm done with you. You are just not worth paying attention to. You are going to have to suffer in life a little more I guess... good luck you're gonna need it....

When you invite the Fuck you by claiming AT-LENGHT that you can take a Fuck you when you cannot, then you are a Hypocrite. When you Wag your Fingers at the Current Generations and do so SOLELY on your opinion after repeatedly asked to provide something of substance to sustain it and do so while preaching "Look at the Man In the Mirror" you are a hypocrite Once More. When you Resort to Personal Attacks and Tantrum Throwing that you accused the faceless, defenesless "generalizations" of, you are a Hypocrite.

You can continue the fiction of what I want, what I think what I do, who I am, why I am and how I am but it won't make me a Hypocrite. Your Nonsense Stands as Nonsense, your Opinion Remain Opinions, your claims to deal in fact are bogus, keep some of that advice you so freely give to yourself and use it, maybe you can find some sense or logic or maybe stumble over some facts.

Men don't speak in Omissions. Men don't use ellipsis or end their thoughts on them, Men say what they mean and Mean what they say, you hardly can claim such things, keep wishing me good luck mr Muscle Face, who has a Problem with my name and hardly can Take a Fuck but will profess quite to the contrary. I lost, you won, your high brow is showing.