Gym offering specialized courses in NAP!

in gym •  8 years ago 

Sleeping problems have become commonplace in the twenty-first century. Despite the fact that people are living with the problem, they have dire consequences for the impact on work and social life caused by fatigue and constant stress throughout the day.
In order to overcome this problem, many companies have resorted to making products that are easy to sleep and make the insomnia of past problems such as the creation of pillows, beds, blankets, etc.

However, a new unfrequented idea was invented by a gym in the United Kingdom by offering specialized courses in the NAP!
That's right, you can now pay in order to get 15 minutes of special courses in a NAP by a certified instructor! In a room, the ideal conditions for sleeping from the temperature to soft sheets and suitable pillows are available. Then you get 45 minutes of deep sleep in the lounge!
Organizers responsible for the lounge have called the course "nap-ercise". According to the course description, he specializes in improving mood, stimulating the mind and even burning calories!
According to some studies carried out at the "Iligini" College in Pennsylvania, participants who received 45 minutes of sleep during the middle of the day were better off in their work than those who did not get a chance to sleep. A different study from the University of California Berkeley found that the afternoon nap can increase the brain's ability to learn.
Although the new course characterization is exaggerated, there is no need to persuade customers, especially tired parents, to experience a good hour of sleep away from the children's uproar and their screaming and the bustle of life that does not stop!
At the moment, the odd course is being piloted at the Lloyd Clubs Gym in Sidcoop, United Kingdom. Although successful, other gyms are expected to offer specialized courses in napping throughout England and the world, perhaps!

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