Goals (April 30-May 6)

in hammercalled •  6 years ago 

I want to take a few moments to quickly talk about what my plans are for this week (totally not because I've slowed down my writing due to being tired and having a lot of other work to do, and entirely because that's a good idea, right?).

As some people are aware, it's already most of the way through this week, so I'm a little slow on the draw, but I've already accomplished some of these goals, so I have that going for me.


I've been working on a few things for Hammercalled, most notably a GM section. I've been doing some new talents, and I want to do some formal writing and analysis of how to customize it for a setting.

Segira 1985

My alt-Cold War setting is still waiting for a Hammercalled adaptation. There's not a whole lot to do for it (some Gear, Talents, and slight simplification of rules), but I'm really hesitant to move forward so early in Hammercalled playtesting, so I'm delaying it a bit.

Unsung Gods

I had originally been planning to build a fantasy arc for Hammercalled in my Othenar setting, but I've been working on a different setting for my local campaign, and found that it just has kept on going.

So, without further ado, I present Unsung Gods, a WorldAnvil world that's pretty far from completed, but will at least allow you to jump in and see some of my work on applying Hammercalled's rules to a setting. It's far from complete.

velotha's flock

I swear I'm going to get the character guide stuff done. I've missed so many deadlines for it, but it's just not speaking to me like it used to and I don't want to make characters that don't have a spark of motivation in them. Once stuff gets a little less "survival mode" for me we should see that inspiration flow again.

Archetypes and Steemit articles

I have two of Pearson's archetypes left: the Creator and the Fool. I have a hard time finding good examples for them, so it's taken me a while to really come up with the tools to explain them well.
I'm also working on an article on Poe and "The Cask of Amontillado", which is half written but I just don't have the time/energy to finish it tonight.

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