in happy •  7 years ago 


past the mediewal time women in india promotion of equal rights by many reformers ,today in india women hild high offices-including governors,minister, prime minister,chief minister,president,speaker of lok sabha etc early period women enjoyed equal status,in mahabharat pired women could select their husband in a assembly called swayamwar , how women rights were taken seriously oruing the vadik the purana every god was shown in consort of this wives, vishnu with lakshmi, shiva with parwati, bramha with saraswathi,the idol is god and goddess also show equal importance. hindu to accept powerful women indhra gandhi. even in the homa ritual involving fire and offering to fire,historical time women subjcet of respect in india,in british rule many reformers fought for the belle ment to women set up the first free school for girl in india 1847 in calcutta,in indepandnt india now participate fully in areas, constiution of india guarantees to all india equality, our india has one of the highest nomber of female politicions in the world,the women in india is strongly conneted to family relations,is seen ascrucially important , women in culture,military, education and economic development and large of indian women in the work socilal life health etc.
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