My detour into the World of Harry Potter!

in harry-potter •  8 years ago 


Delayed un-gratification

When I asked my eldest daughter what she wanted for her eighth birthday and she said “To go on the Harry Potter Studio Tour”, I was less than impressed.


Firstly, it isn’t cheap taking a family of five to visit the land of Hogwarts.

Secondly, although it is called the ‘Warner Bros Studio Tour London - The Making of Harry Potter’, the attraction is in fact located in Watford. So it was destined to be a mission getting there and back.

Thirdly, it was Harry Potter. I spent most of Christmas being forced to sit through marathon sessions of the franchise. The first instalment was suitable for the kids. However by the final one, Harry and his crew had matured (as had the themes) whilst my little precious girls had alas stayed the same age. Least to say I was less than impressed with having to cover their eyes through all the kissing and mushy bits!

Judgement Day

The only saving grace was that booking tickets to Harry Potter World was almost as bad as booking for a West End Show. The next suitable date for us was three months away. I therefore was able to book and defer “that problem” for another day.

However today that day had arrived.

I have to say, despite my initial reservations, we (and in particular I) had a wonderful time! When the guide said it usually takes three hours to do the tour, I was thinking ‘Yeah right, I’ll be in and out of here in ninety minutes.’ All told we stayed for four and a half hours.

Obligatory Pictures!

Here are just a few of the pictures we took!







Magic of movies

If your kids are into Harry Potter and you’re in or around... Watford, I can thoroughly recommend going on the Harry Potter Studio Tour. Not only do the kids get an insight into the magic of Harry Potter. They also get a glimpse into the magic of movie making.


I can highly recommend the Butterbeer Ice-Cream... this dad was not for sharing!

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My little brother was an extra in one of the Harry Potter films. He got about £500 for doing a few days of work and had a brilliant time. He something like Indian kid number 2 in one of the background classroom shots lol!

Sounds like an amazing opportunity. That's also more than what most extras get in Hollywood for a days work. Awesome!

Indian kid number 2? Were they looking for specific ethnicity when casting extras?

No that was just me joking - I think they just used random kids from his school.

Whoops. Well...I feel like this.

Yeah I remember when my wife let our daughter (then 4) to watch Harry Potter. She really has no idea when it comes to what is suitable on the scary scale.

For months after she was worried that Dobbie was hiding under her bed, or following us at night. Then I would make her look, and she would say "yes but Dobbie can go invisible."

So, I might give this one a swerve for a while, even though it's pretty easy for us to pop up to Watford on the Thameslink.

How much was it by the way?


Yep.. my girls think they can watch anything without being scared, now that they've seen all the Harry Potters!

2 adults/ 2 kids - £126 entry fee (the baby got in for free).

That's not counting all the extras when you get in... put it this way, we won't be going every week!!

Woah, that's hefty! I'll wait till she's 10, I'll start saving now! :-)


love the family pics :)
look very happy

I can't lie, I grew up in the Harry Potter world...Does that make me a nerd? lol!

Not at all... I'm just catching up now and I'm hooked! :)

Wear that "Harry Potter" badge proudly! :) I've gotten into the books and movies just as much as my girls.

Hey, cool deal! It's hard to believe that the first book was released so many years ago.
Come to think of it, I was reading it in 4th grade...and I'm 26 now. Whoa.

Excellent. As always time spent with the children is a time wisely invested. By the way, have you seen voldemort? Careful, he should not be spoken :)

Ahh I know those books well.

They are all about that heroic Voldemort as he attempts to squash meddling teenagers. I can't wait to finish the final book where Voldemort will surely triumph in the end!

That's so adorable! There's nothing better than spending time with your children! You have a beautiful family! I showed my daughters your pictures. They're all HUGE Harry Potter fans. We had/have so much fun reading the books. It's a long trip across the pond, but if I bribe my husband with some Butterbeer Ice-Cream I think we can make it! :)

I yet have to finish watching the whole series, but this is a great incentive! ;)

Thanks for sharing the results of your tour with us, this is really cool. Nice pictures too where it was great to see your family.

Namaste :)

That looks like a blast! It definitely looks like dad is having as much fun as the kids! :) I have 3 girls also and doing things like this with them is the pinnacle of life. Times like this you'll remember forever!

wow...that's nice...upvote and resteem for u

this reminded me of my childhood

I just recently visited Harry Potter world in Florida! Seems like a pretty similar experience. Seeing all the props in person made them seem all the more real. The frozen butterbeer was definitely the highlight of all the magical food items! I also ate a chocolate frog and got this really cool holographic card, just like the books/movies.

Butterbeer icecream... sounds like a plan. I will definitely put that on my list to visit next time I'm across the pond. I wonder how much it is for a family of 6 ?

£126 (around $160) for a family of 4. Babies get in free.

Bring plenty of spare change for the goodies they have on offer inside!!

Good story, You can count me in on the Butterbeer ice cream. I like beer and a little butter can't hurt. @anothervoice is now following @nanzo-scoop .

hahahaha I can hear you saying this. Happy to hear harry potter world won you over!

My wife and kids are complete Harry Potter FANATICS. I have to make sure not to look at this post while they are in the room (can't give them any more ideas). I am sure your kids absolutely loved it and will never forget it. That is one hell of a "good dad" moment. Well done!

Nice, I was also a Harry Potter lover so it would be nice to visit

I still remember watching the first Harry Potter movie at the theaters when it first came out during the holidays with my family..


THIS IS AMAZING, I'm so jealous lol

Wow to imagine I have been able to live my whole entire life without seeing a single Harry Potter movie.

awesome man - thinking of going there, my other half loves harry potter, me not so much, but im sure it will be a fun day in fantasy land!!

Few days ago I took this picture of the Poudlard Express :-) ! Enjoy it ! Ecosse-2017-836.jpg

What a great idea for a family trip. The kids must have had a blast! What a lovely family you have :)

I've been waiting to dive into the world of Harry Potter, this just might have made me take that leap! Thanks nanzo!

Best article ever ,no doubt 😉😎❤🙂