At roughly 1 am I remember half dreaming of bright lights. Then a sound woke me. It wasn't a dream and that flashes of lightning lit up the sky. The lightning was followed by the roar of thunder. I got out of bed, climbed down the loft, and went outside. The air was heavy and there was a slight drizzle.
The day before was super hot and sunny so I felt a freak storm was coming in off the ocean. It was pitch black, and since we ran out of power, I had to use a small lantern to see. We left all our power tools out, as we normally due, because it never rains at night when there were no clouds in the sky during the day. Well this morning was never.
I quickly carried the tools into our tool shed with the small lantern in one hand. The rate of the lightning increased and the sound of the thunder grew louder as the storm moved in off the ocean. I covered up the bandsaw and brought the wood pieces we were working on inside.
The wind picked up and started to shake the roof of our storage shed. Then the rain came down. The darkness turned into a torrential downpour. I quickly closed the windows of the Tiny House and listened the the rain beat down on the roof.
The lightning and thunder increased and got closer. I watched the storm move across the lava field from the windows of the bedroom loft and head to the mountains.
I fell back asleep to the sound of the rain on the roof.
When I woke up I saw puddles of water on the lava outside our Tiny House for the first time. The puddles and the damp ground are the only evidence of the storm.