How Do You Get Rid Of Headaches? I Need Some Advice!

in headache •  7 years ago 

I have struggled with headaches for most of my life. Over the last 2-3 years, I have been doing much better. But unfortunately for the last week or so I have been getting headaches again.

I am looking for ways to relieve my headache. Share your ideas in the comments!

  • What medicines do you take?
  • What do you avoid?
  • What natural remedies do you prefer?
  • How do you de-stress?

I want to hear from you. Give me your best advice.

Disclaimer: Normally I want to provide you with something informative and meaningful. Sorry that I can not do so tonight. I am reaching out to all my friends in the Steemit community because I know that you have great information. Thanks in advance!


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I went to see a neurologist, did a magnetic resonance imaging of the brain, and only after that I started to look for patterns that are triggering my migraines. For me it was dehydration and exposure to air conditioning. Now I only have a headache once in a month, and this I can handle with a Paracetamol and coffee (yes, the German Society of Neurology recommends the use of paracetamol in combination with caffeine, and I prefer to have it with coffee instead of a combined medicine).

In the past bananas triggered headaches for me. I will be sure to keep an eye open for what may be triggering my headaches. I have heard that if you have more than 1 headaches a month then there is a problem. Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

I can't (or won't) suggest a remedy but I can share a process I use.

  • Begin with the assumption that unless you know the cause you cannot determine the proper remedy
  • Causes for headaches are many and varied. From brain tumours to dehydration; and everything in between so know when to seek professional help, or not. Doctors make a profession of studying the human body and its quirks. Likely you don't have the time to duplicate their knowledge and experience so use them. The tricky part is finding one that actually has the time to determine the cause. Today's healthcare industry doesn't promote or reward that kind of doctoring.
  • So look for the most probable causes first and attempt to rule one in or out. For example, did you get stumble drunk the night before your headache? If yes then it's a hangover. Remedy - stay drunk!
  • Know yourself and the state of your health.
    • Are you prone to sinus issues? If yes then suspect a pressure build up as the cause; test it with antihistamines and decongestants.
    • Do you have a vision problem and is it correctly corrected? If not and you binge watch your favorite on Netflix then it's eye strain. Solution is to binge watch with your eyes closed.
    • Is your headache upon rising in the morning? Maybe it's related to sleep apnea. Remedy is never to sleep so you never stop breathing during your sleep.
    • And so on .... You get the idea.
  • For me the most important thing is knowing my own body, its health and the factors that influence it. Know the facts and don't make assumptions.

Often if we search our lifestyle and then REPENT it clears up a LOT. ;-)
Good luck,

I agree that doctors do not have the time (or do not take the time) to find the cause of a problem. Seems like most people only treat the symptoms.

  • I can rule out drunken headaches. I don't drink!
    • I am prone to sinus issues. I will check this out.
      As I get older my eyes are getting worse. Add one more thing the list to get checked. I haven't binge-watched anything lately but have spent a lot of time on a computer at work.

I definitely have some lifestyle changes that need to take place so that I can enjoy a healthy life. Thanks for sharing your process!

I forgot one thing you might want to rule out, sorry.
Closed angle glaucoma can cause headaches (as well as other symptoms).
It is not common but something you want to rule out because if detected early is correctable; if not you go blind. It can be similar to a sinus headache.
You can rule it out by having your intra ocular pressure measured by your friendly optometrist.

The number one reason I get headaches is from being dehydrated. 75% of my headaches go away within about an hour after drinking plenty of water.

If the headache persists, I put a few drops (total) of peppermint essential oil on my forehead, temples, and scalp.

The vast majority of the remaining headaches disappear after the peppermint oil is applied. Often times, I use peppermint oil immediately because it provides such quick relief.

If it still doesn't go away, then my last resort is taking a pain killer.

Keep in mind, it could be caused by other things. It's possible you have a food allergy that you don't know about and it results in a headache. My girlfriend has a few foods that give her headaches, so pay attention to your diet.

Maybe you recently reintroduced a food that you're unknowingly allergic to?
Maybe it's from not drinking enough water?
Not enough sleep?

Here's a few places to start from my personal life experience. Hope it helps!


I'll have to try peppermint oil on my next headache, but like you, a big glass of water usually does the trick.

It's not the most fun thing to get peppermint oil in the eyes, so if rubbing it on your head, be sure to wash your hands before touching your eyes!

Ouch. I got clove oil in my eye once. I imagine it would be similar. Thanks for the reminder!

Ouch! Clove would be more painful than peppermint.

Oh, well then. No worries lol

I have not been drinking as much water lately as I should. Someone stole my water cup from my desk at work. I guess I need to get another one so that I will start drinking more again.

I have had different food trigger headaches in the past. And I am experiencing some stress in life right now. Seems like everything is coming together for the perfect headache storm.

I plan to drink plently of fluids before going to bed and trying the peppermint oil.

I am so sorry to hear that my friend @sumatranate. Here is the think I do every single day:

  1. I drink a glass of fresh water when I wake up every morning, before I take any other thing for breakfast
  2. I take 2 spoons of pure honey before sleep
  3. Avoid to eat junk food, as much as you can
  4. No soda or Liquor
  5. Soak a few slices of fresh lemon and drink it after 2 hour, I drink it every afternoon//or you can eat the lemon instead.

Hope this will help you my friend
Get better soon

I like junk food too much. I am planning on changing up some things so that I can feel better and live healthier.

I will try your idea about 2 spoons of honey.

sumatranate you need to meet a special doctor.
and talk about your problems, only he/she can solve your problem.

Thanks for the advice. I hope to find a natural remedy but will visit a doctor if things do not get better.

obat paling mujarab dari segala penyakit adalah hati, saat hati kita mampu menikmati kebahagian, maka rasa sakit akan hilang, sebesar apa kita mampu menikmatinya sebesar itu pula rasa sakit akan hilang, saya seorang muslim, saya terinspirasi dari kisah sahabat Muhammad Ali bin Abi Thalib, dalam sebuah peperangan pahanya tertancap anak panah, sudah 3 hari anak panah tersebut tidak bisa dicabut, sehingga dokter menyarankan segara dilakukan pembedahan, kemuadian Ali berkata "bedahlah pahaku saat aku dalam shalat", kemuadian Ali salat, setelah salat dia bertanya "sudahkah kalian mencabut anak panah itu??", sahabatnya menjawab sudah, "sudah, apakah kamu tidak menyadarinya?",,,,Ali menjawab "aku sangat menikmati salat ku, sehingga aku tidak merasakan sakit apapun",
inti dari kisah ini, saat kita menikmati keadaan apapun yang terjadi pada kita, semua rasa sakit akan berubah menjadi kebahagian,,
semoga bermanfaat dan lekas sembuh@sumatranate

bagi saya sakit ada dua macam,

  1. bersumber dari penyakit (seperti tumor, kecelakaan,)
    2.bersumber dari dalam

obat untuk poin 1 :
a. kedokter
b. dukungan dari diri sendiri dan keluarga

obat untuk poin 2:
a. menikmati hidup dengan segala macam masalahnya
b.dukungan dari diri sendiri dan keluarga
c.memootivasi diri sendiri bahwa tidak ada yang lebih sakit dari kita terjebak dalam sakit kita

semoga bermanfaat

Thanks for this post @sumatranate. I'm a health practitioner specialising in the treatment of headaches & migraines. At the request of one of my clients and fellow Steemian @sift66 I'm currently doing a series of posts about how to reduce & eliminate the kinds of pain I've been treating on a weekly basis for the past 20 years. Check them out and follow me for more coming up this month on how to do self-treatment techniques.