Alzheimer's is Satan

in health •  8 years ago 

Between the years 2014 and 2015 my father developed and died from Alzheimer's.

He was a literal genius, an actual rocket scientist, a renaissance man from the 1950s breed who soldered together his own electronics and built his own cars. But in the course of a few months he became a pitiable, bedridden husk.

I begged my family to change his diet in hopes of delaying the deterioration, but the doctors were in control of his meals and fed him grain paste until he died. I don't know that going to a paleo/natural foods diet would have helped him, but nothing else helped him either.

Alzheimer's has been called type 3 diabetes, and I have seen people who were successful treating it that way. This article by one of my favorite nutrition authors, highlights an understanding that may be even more help towards finding a cure, instead of just attending a demise.

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It is indeed type 3 diabetes. We are dealing with a few problems at once that modern day humans are very naive to. The first one is that we no longer do physical labor to burn the glucose we ingest, the second one is that todays glucose levels get 100 times higher than they did 100 years ago with out the fiber and they convert within seconds. I have studied nutrition inside out for over 25 years and can tell you that our healthcare will never be able to handle what is coming down the pipeline in 15 years.

Right, I agree for sugars and other carbs in general. Even with intensive physical activity (gym memberships, etc) eating diets of almost pure carbs is just too much. Only a return to whole, traditional foods can avert what is coming.

But like you, I suspect it is too late for most of the civilized world. USA will feel it first, but EUrope and the rest of the world won't be far behind. Even those parts of the Third World that has taken on carb diets are developing what used to be called diseases of civilization, but what now is more meaningfully called metabolic syndrome.

But so many people are addicted to carbs, and too few are willing to make the effort. Probably because their carb diet makes them depressed and hopeless. Doesn't help that governments keep telling them the same old lies.

I gave my pancreas a rest , 3 years ago, and the only carbs I ingest now, are from vegetables - (occasionally fresh bread when I'm weak ! lol)
The health benefits, and all round 'well being' of feeling cant be overstated.

I'm so sorry for your loss. I agree, don't know if it's grain or something else, but I do believe that our modern diet is causing this massive growth in alzhimers. Thank you for sharing the link!

Thank you fivepoints.

I don't think their gruel caused it, but it didn't help. Fresh whole foods were just too much of an inconvenience to deal with...

Its never easy to lose loved to sicknesses, because it makes us feel helpless towards helping those we love. I will read more about the disease condition so that i can advice people on how to prevent it from occurring in their lives.

Thanks for this dad was buried this january no thanks to Alzimers...we were sad as he gradually lost memory...i feel your pains and thanks to some natural medicine he lasted longer...
Thank you for sharing the did great

I will read and use if consider to be reasonable..its very painful to see beloved ones be eaten by this evil...

I also join in regretting your loss!

Thank you for your kindness.

I am sorry. My grandmother died of Alzheimer's.

I'm sorry for your loss. Too many have died, and even if we had a sure cure tomorrow, too many more will still die.

It is the first time I hear something about Alzheimer is called Diabetes type 3 . In my experience I have a grandmother with 10 Years with Alzheimer and of course she has lost his mind almost completely , she only recognizes my aunt, mi mom and me because We are the people she sees everyday , but this sickness has been so hard for all of us and her, but in his case she hasn't had problem with the glucose rather she has a perfect nivel of glucose even better than mine.

Maybe in the nexts days I post something talking about this and my experience.

And man I really sorry for your lost.

Thank you, and I have sympathy for your troubles as well.

Type 3 Diabetes is not about glucose levels but more about damage to the brain's ability to handle insulin (insulin resistance). There is some debate about the term, but at least some of the cases seem to respond to treatment based upon it.

Here is a decent reference. Difficult to read but the conclusion at the bottom of the page is - "Altogether, the results from these studies provide strong evidence in support of the hypothesis that AD represents a form of diabetes mellitus that selectively afflicts the brain. " - wherein they showed that oxidative stress (as caused by insulin resistance) causes Alzheimer's symptoms in mice.

I feel your pain my fellow steemian.
My father was diagnosed with both Alzheimers and Dementia at the age of 66.
He was also a genius and chose the lifelong field of running data processing centers.
Since he was divorced and I was his only child it was a very terrible journey for the two of us, especially when I had to place him in a secured facility.
He would have many periods of perfect clarity, begging me to not take him back where I had him or calling me at all hours pleading to be picked up, then the dementia introduced an abusive side of him like I had never seen from anyone, especially my loving father. He passed three years later.

I'm so sorry to hear of your loss, and the long ordeal you both suffered. Of course the worst part for me was losing the person I knew even before he died.

Definitely the most slow painful part of the disease.

I am sorry for your loss. There is nothing worse than seeing your loved ones suffer and pass away. I have been through it twice. It is horrible and I would beat myself up over the fact that I let my mom drop to 75lbs from "treatment" and pass. I will regret that forever.

That's so sad, and I'm sorry for your loss. I have regrets, I could have stopped what I was doing and moved across the country to try to help, but I can't change that now. We never seem to know what we are doing when we do it, it's only afterwards that we learn our lessons.

That is so true because I think at the time it is so overwhelming that we just hope the doctors can just take over and make it better.

Right, I just had to hope that they knew what they were doing, even though I knew they didn't. I have a brother in similar conditions now, a neurological disease, and they are just keeping him alive. Nothing else, he's unresponsive. But what can I do, they are in control and will have the guards take me away if I interfere. Not like I would know what to do anyway.

All we can do is hope. I wish you the best. Stay strong!

You too, have a good night.

Sorry for your loss.

Very sorry for you loss @baerdric My grandmother also had Alzheimers, she could not even recognize her daughter who was taking care of her and lived with her. She thought it was just a nurse. I totally agree with you on how by returning to a whole, traditional foods can avert what is coming. I believe that God provided us with all the natural medicine, plants, grains etc. for us to use as tools so that our bodies can heal itself. We need to get rid of stress in our lives, exercise, get enough sleep, give our bodies more natural food that comes from the earth than all this man made food. We have to take care of our bodies and our overall health so that it takes care of us. If we don't, it will fail us.

Awesome! it's been an intresting read. Have an upvote, i hope to read more from you in the future!

have nice day ! happy steeming ^^

you can check my last blog about health here -> A zen return to the office is possible after holiday

Everything will be fine Thank you for sharing the link!