The truth about weight loss , how to lose weight ; feel stronger and learn to not feel guilty especially when you mess up . . .

in health •  8 years ago 

You are a creature of " free will " , sure you can decide on what to do without needing a ' life coach ' . . .

Running is just stupid, it is a modern fad and ridiculous silly. When you run you burn fat (which is good) and at the same time your body burns muscle to fuel your metabolism. Thus as you bashing your spine, knees and hips you are losing bad fat and at the same time losing good muscle.

Put another way you cannot spot reduce your belly or thighs, your gender, age, environment, lifestyle and genetics all decide on how and where you will lose weight. Losing fat is good, adipose tissue pollutes the blood and increases resistance to blood flow thus raising blood pressure.

Losing muscle is real bad. As you get older you naturally lose muscle so why burn it off for nothing? Muscle is a heavier, denser tissue that cleans and filters the blood, plus it helps detoxify chemicals and also protects underlying body organs. Muscle burns ten times more calories per pound of muscle than the same weight of adipose tissue = fat.

Simply if you stop listening to modern new age fools you can live healthier and simpler. First grab your weight scales and throw in the bin. These things are useless, recording your weight daily just leads to never ending guilt trips over the numbers, once a week means you stress all week about what the number might be on Sunday morning.

Simply your weight is stupid; here is why ! ! ! Your body is well over 50% water thus simply and extra bathroom visit will throw the numbers around, who eats exactly the same food and diet and uses the exact same energy expenditure every day? No one has an absolutely exact same day of water intake versus food metabolism is just not practical. Let me say if your living your life by the scales you need some therapy ; sorry but the truth hurts . . .

Next are your measurements, you can be 300 pounds and healthier than someone who only weighs 150 lbs. Guess how you will feel if you get your body-weight down to 7%, it is 99% certain you will feel like crap and possibly look even worse ! ! !

The easiest way to live is simple, just go native and off the grid. No I am not talking about moving to the hills of North Carolina with a knife and water bottle. I am saying eat the diets that people ate 50 years ago. Simply reject calorie counting, it has nothing to do with health it is simply just another way humans try and quantity information. The healthiest people on the planet are those who have never heard of information overload and do not listen to the spin stories in weight loss magazines . . .

It is a bit like a financial planner can they predict the future of the economy; obviously they cannot. Can a magazine or website analyse your lifestyle or genetics or know if your a vegan or meat eater? Of course they cannot, they simply exist to sell advertising space in their trash rags.

Yes ; decades ago trans-fats were bad, but in this new age. With genetically modified foods, poisons added to foods, over processing, flavorings, etc etc. Bad fats are probably overall healthier than all the modern harmful rubbish in your foods. Simply reject any thing reported in the last 25 years, prior to this publishers tried to have quality control over information published with their names upon it.

Today any idiot can publish anything, researchers get paid to conduct research. Getting paid means they must publish the results, no one ever checks on the quality of trash these experts and professionals publish. If you are unsure of anything I have written above find a modern search engine and do a search. You will find experts opinions; then simply rephrase your question and you will find the opposing experts who tell you the first experts were wrong.

So rather than recording what you eat each day or how much you exercise, devote that time to strength training with body weight exercises. The experts have failed to make society healthier, if you wish to avoid diabetes, heart disease, metabolic syndrome, liver cancer or renal failure you need to take personal control of your life NOW.

These fools who work for large multinationals or peddle supplements or rave about overpriced organics have made the modern world a very sick and unhealthy place. The easiest way is to adopt a basics type approach and to simply not waste your time reading about modern health or fitness discoveries. Remember government guidelines are written by political bureaucrats not medical opinions . . .

Not sure? take the government recommendations about the safe amount of alcohol consumption. This level varies by country not by science. Britain has a different result to Spain who is different to Russia who is different to Italy, France or the USA.

Everyone ; including me has an opinion. So stop listening to others and make your own mind up, reject all the modern information, use that time to feel good about yourself by doing body weight strength training, after all its your only health best friend . . .

Use the internet to prove every word I have written above ! ! !

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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Every assertion i included above was also mentioned that the readership should use a quality search engine to" prove " and ' disprove ' both sides of the argument. My personal opinion is cheetah had a high night last night on some recreational substances and I DO NOT mean motor oil, go look at that link and compare that yahoo page to my post . . .

And another thing ? this RoBOT cheetah; when was its last service and software update ? ? ?
I am thinking this robot is about 50 Reputation points past and beyond its schedule maintenance recommendation ! ! !

I literally wrote this out of my head, how can a plagiarism bot find similarities to something I just thought up.

Seriously plagiarism can be a truly serious plague but if Cheetah is just here to meet a daily quota of speeding fines then I am not sure of the point of having RoBOTS.

I myself have worked log and hard to try and meet the guidelines, if this is becasue I did not include references that is just wrong.

That means no one can talk about anything without references CNN, ABS, BBC, Miami herald or NYT or Web MD...

The link cheetah is speaking about appears to be either an INDEX page, or link farm or click bait . . .

NoT HaPpY ! ! !

Manual labour is the best form of excercise, better even than weights, because if you create something its an added bonus. I just left a desk job behind and spent 4 weeks landscaping my garden (breaking concrete platforms, cutting down trees, digging up roots, taking all the rubbish to the tip) and Im healthier and stonger than I have been for a long time. Unfortunately the garden is done now, so I'll be joining you with some weights.

Manual labour is not exactly perfect. Firstly if manual labor is not so repetitive to burn out joints and not so heavy to cause strains, but average manual labor is perfection. The reason is that body is not regularly subjected to the same movements.

Take jogging, initially you burn off some fat, then you start burning fat AND MUSCLE ! ! ! However soon your body adapts to this repetitive exercise and you cease losing weight, why? Because your body had adapted to that stimulus and now your body is far more efficient at reproducing that motion.

Do not believe me ?

Take a marathon runner and ask them to jog up a flight of stairs or to ride a bicycle at a certain pace. Just because they are thin and healthy does not mean they are fit even if they can run a 3 hour marathon . . .

The reality is 75 % of people spend more than 75 % of their days when awake sitting and sedentary ! ! !

All people have to do is move their damn body's as much as they can safely, strength training with bodyweight exercises is not a modern fad, it is what the Greeks and Romans and cowboys used before someone thought up marketing social gyms.

People go to gyms to socialise not to get fit . . .

I would tend to agree with you on most stuff, but I also have tendency to believe in many things that are published with modern science. Sure, many can be discredited due to the magazine they're published in, but many health tips are big because they are backed by legitimate research. I think it's more important to preach which specific trends are bogus, and which ones we can have real discussions about. Regardless however, great perspective on modern day health.

The New Age Y2K Modern World is about the " Information Age ", remember the ' industrial revolution ' well today it is about information to gain access to improved market share. Gone are the days when sellers could simply come up with a new product, today there are truly very few new products. This means people must be subjected to relentless advertising. The theory is if you overwhelm people with experts and scientific opinion you will increase your market-share.

The easiest way to avoid confusion is if the person promoting the information has any professional training or credentials after their name then you are best to avoid their spiel. If the magazine you are reading has shiny pages or advertising then the information contained in it is most likely dubious at best.

Simply skim the magazines and find out the premise and idea behind the theory and then use a modern search engine to go and try and find the truth. Most magazine authors and media webcasters or newsreaders just take the official media release and reword it and publish the resultant propaganda . . .

After all if anyone ever questions the validity of the assertions and statements they will reflect poorly on the scientific author's credibility and not on the journalist who was just to sloppy and lazy to try and do their job ethically ! ! !

What about individuals who's passion it is to heal others and do so behind the title as a Doctor or Nutritionist? Couldnt you argue they are doing the research for you?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Simply all they would have to do is prove they have evaluated modern professional practice and then explained the other research of alternatives that they can ethically share with their clients.

I include my previous blog post that says simply at least 49% or more of modern scientific evidence is misleading trash.

Yes I do say that and so does a lot of genuine authoritative websites . . .

But as I said anyone can publish whatever they like now-a-days so maybe all these websites are wrong as well.

Personally I like what the Law Courts ruling, no expert is allowed to testify to any expert opinion until that expert opinion has been accept by the vast majority of the scientific community ! ! !

To my mind if a scientist wants to be able to publish their findings, then they need similar scientific finding independently found in at least three overseas countries ...