Benefits of outdoor training

in health •  6 years ago  (edited)

Benefits you did not know about outdoor training
Performing outdoor exercise has multiple benefits that go beyond those that can be provided by the muscle conditioning room or classes conducted in fitness centers. And is that research is more benefits on welfare, self-esteem and motivation. Train approximately 30 minutes a day outdoors, with the help of the sun and contact with nature, increase your energy levels, revitalize and reduce your levels of anxiety and bad mood in your day to day. Let's see below a series of benefits that are key in outdoor training.
Train in sunlight
It is estimated that in Spain a high percentage of the population has deficiencies in vitamin D (Serrano et al., 2017, Cutillas-Marco et al., 2013) and this situation is associated with an increased risk of many diseases, including type 1 and 2 diabetes and different forms of cancer (Garland et al., 2014; McDonnell et al., 2016; Pludowsky et al., 2013). The vitamin D that synthesizes from the exposure of the sun in our outdoor workouts has great benefits on the health of the bones, and the function of metabolism, as well as the prevention of cardiovascular diseases (Pludowsky et al., 2013). , it is a frequent treatment for depression and other problems of mood. In spring and summer, it is only necessary to be exposed to 10 minutes a day to help children lose vitamin D (Serrano et al., 2017). Likewise, exposure during the day can help to better reconcile the nights, improve the immune function and increase the production of the "happiness hormones". However, you should take certain precautions when exercising in certain times of high heat such as summer, as it can have an opposite effect and be detrimental to our health. We talked about this in this previous post.
Fresh air
Refreshes and increases vitality and strength. When training outdoors, pure oxygen is taken to nourish the cells and help fight diseases.
Lesser sense of anxiety
Going to the gym for the first time, especially at certain times of the day, could be overwhelming. Enter a new, closed and crowded environment of people moving irons and using material that you have never seen before and doing exercises that are a novelty for you and you do not know how they are performed, it may not be the best way to start a program of exercise if what is sought is motivation and continue with it over time. Outdoor training instantly eliminates most of this type of anxiety by doing the exercise in places of great space, with fewer people, with exercises that are easy to execute and possibly in an environment that you already know, pleasant and that can transmit more tranquility and security.IMG-20180821-WA0004.jpg

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