Bi-polar, High Functioning Autism, and PTSD. Anyone else struggle with disabilities?

in health •  7 years ago  (edited)

I wanted to talk about my struggles with Bi-polar, High Functioning Autism, and PTSD.  I haven't seen a section yet for talking about these sort of things so I'm going to put this in Health.  I'm still very new here and don't know what I'm doing without knowing anyone.

A person on Reddit actually suggested Steemit and was "a whale" and wanted to help me but I can't remember who it was who gave me the link, unless I can find out if I used their referral or invitation link.  I thought it was just an invitation and didn't realize how all this worked.  It's ok though, I don't expect more help than anyone else just starting out and I want to earn friends by figuring out how to make helpful content.  I really do need a purpose in life.

I know this is a lot of complaining, but I jut have to get it out and I'm hoping I meet other people who can relate.  I really have no friends or family and I'm stuck in a bed 23 hours a day with nothing to do but be on this laptop.  

It's been over 20 years taking 22 different prescriptions.  I've really felt like a lab rat for the pharm industries profit.  Every single prescription has failed and many have caused new problems and I'm just now learning about natural medicine.  I've realized there's a drive to make synthetic pills they can patent to make a lot of money.  I understand investors aren't going to throw a billion dollars in something like a plant that you can't patent or even make your money back.  But it seems cruel to prescribe people bad medicine and never even study natural medicine, making a synthetic version of everything.

I realized cannabis oil worked better than anything I've ever tried when a US Marine heard about me and got me a small bottle just to give me hope the answer was out there.  He knew how well it worked for PTSD for soldiers he was friends with.

It's just such a mess with the bi-polar and autism.  My mood goes from panic attacks to severe depression and wanting to die (well, I don't want to die, I just can't figure out how to make this life bearable and I've tried absolutely everything).  And with the autism I get panic attacks from over-stimulation from lights and sounds so I haven't been able to go in public for a long time and have to have even groceries brought to me.  I just can't make it on these 5 prescriptions I'm stuck on.  I've waited for cannabis for years and no one is listening.  I don't care about getting high, I just want this mental and physical pain to stop.

I hate being a person whining like this.  It's just terrifying when I think that there's no way I'm going to make it another year  like this.  It's not right after 20 years of bad meds the one that finally works for me I can't get or I risk being locked in a cage and losing my disability and health insurance.  I read that 22 veterans die a day from suicide from PTSD and I can confirm it gets that bad.  I'm terrified of going to sleep, I keep having the same nightmares.  

I really don't know what to do, but I can't wait another 2 years for cannabis oil.  I don't understand why this isn't medically available.  People are suffering and dying who shouldn't be.

Being abused by a very bad man made everything so much worse resulting in PTSD.  I know now I was an easy target with the mild autism.

I'm not going to die anytime soon but this is very bad and I've been to a dozen doctors and counselors over the years.  It's just so many different problems mixed with bad medications I'm now stuck on.  Cannabis oil takes away 95% of all this.  It's such a miracle.  I spend hours every day shouting at the top of my lungs PLEASE FIGHT FOR CANNABIS, IT'S A MIRACLE AND IT'S NOT ABOUT GETTING HIGH FOR US!!  Why isn't this topic even discussed in politics?  People tell me it's just not that important of an issue and to vote in 2 -4 years for it.  But thousands of us need cannabis today.  

I'm tired of complaining and annoying people.  I'm tired of not having a purpose in life and no friends or family.  I wish people who got high off cannabis would protest one day out of the year for the medical users who are suffering.  I really don't understand why people aren't rioting in the streets over this.  It's also a miracle for kids with autism and epilepsy.  No one has a clue how bad autism is in your brain, and that cannabis oil stops it.  I literally felt like nothing was wrong with me for those 4 weeks I had that bottle.  Plus so many people used the medical systems in other states who really just wanted recreational so people assume I just want to get high.

I'm not asking for pity, I just need to write this down for one post, and maybe some of you guys have similar issues.  I do hope to make some friends here.  I don't feel comfortable using Facebook.

Thanks for anyone who read all that.  It means a lot for anyone to care.  Maybe one day I can find a decent camera and try taking some pictures.  I need to start being productive in some way to get a sense of purpose and meaning in all this.  I'm really scared I'm not going to make it another few years.

I wish our medicine looked more like this:

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Hey keep fighting don’t give in!! Change is coming!! Cannabis prohibition is ending along with government suppression of natural medicine! Keep blogging you did an AWESOME JOB WITH THIS POST!!

Thanks for the support!

A really vulnerable post, and you are right, ones endo-canabiod system needs to be feed the nutrients of this marvelous plant.
Yet the most important thing, you are expressing something that will come back to you because you posted and gave something out of your own need while sharing of your burdens, which to me is a sign of bravery.
Thank you for being whom you are right now, just as it is,
The secret for my life was to
Surprisingly find my hidden power right behind my pain.
Tough journey, but well worth the adventure.
Powering up...

Thank you so much. I worried people would think I was just complaining. I know everyone has problems but I'm 35 and now completely alone and all day every day is trying to get to feeling neutral. I really believe one of the pills the doctor has given me is making things worse. I've even lost over 40lbs in the past few months and and too depresssed to eat. Steemit is my last chance. If this doesn't work I just can't ever try anything again. I'm very tired and I know I'm useless with no purpose but I'm trying to change that. I just don't have any talents or cool hobbies to talk about.

I'm copying your message and putting it on my computer background so I remember it. Thank you so much for the kind and helpful message. I was worried people would make fun of me. Thank you and 'followed.'

High CBD Cannabis Helps Immensely

Check this post out on what it's like to awaken with a truly functional, high CBD strain of cannabis. I still have mornings where I feel like I'm drowning in euphoric happiness, and the strain doesn't have any euphoric traits. ;) Hell, it doesn't even get you high or stoned. It gets you "Right" with yourself and the world.

Micro Grow
There's hope, go chase your carrot on a stick. :)

Thank you, I will read more about it! That's a big problem trying to get cannabis oil because people think I just want to get high (until they meet me and see I'm disabled). The kind I tried I think was 3% thc so they said it was very low and it didn't cause a "high." But if CBD alone will work that could be a life saver. I just want to be normal and to have friends and to be able to go in nature and one day get a camera to do photography. Thanks again, following :)

CBD by itself is not as effective as CBD/THC. That 3% THC makes a big difference.

I'm working on getting functional cannabis to more growers. :) It'll take time, but eventually we'll have functional cannabis around the planet. :D

You can do it! I can do it! We can do it!

I am so sorry you can't get ahold of cannabis where you are. For me, and many people I know it's given us an oasis on which to rest, so that we can begin to hear. It's not a cure, but it helps the treatment.

And don't be afraid to use this platform as a way to organize your thoughts. At first, like this post, it's like verbal diarrhea. You just need to get that stuff out. All that black crap you've had sitting, ruminating, moving around inside your head. But as you write more and more, you learn how to use those feelings and revelations you've had because of them, to teach, to help others, and to heal yourself. There are people listening here. There are people that want to help. And just being a part of the community could help you to heal. I know it's helping me.

Those first steps are going to be tentative, because if you're anything like me, your ability to trust is at an all-time low. But, no hurries :)

Stay strong and keep believing! It's what gets me through those dark moments :)

I can see you do understand. I've made facebook posts during bad times and I've had people tell me "everyone has problems, quit whining about yours." So Steemit seems to have much nicer and supportive people. I want to help others though much more than only focusing on trying to fix myself. You are exactly right about needing to get all the stuff like this out, it's been festering in me for over a month. It's just over 20 years of medication after medication and I've done everything every single doctor has said to do and nothing ever comes close to helping like a fruit/veggie smoothie. I really do want support with nice people so I can help them be encouraged like you are encouraging me. Maybe all the suffering might have a purpose in helping others one day. Thank you :)

Facebook is a black whole of ungood. I've asked for help there so many times, but, like you said, everyone said 'get over it.' I sometimes wonder what happened to the concept of community, supporting each other, helping each other. That's what a healthy community is supposed to do, and I think that can be found here.

Keep on writing, that's my recommendation. Work on forming your feelings into specific words and stories. But, also take time to write about the good things. Balance it out a bit. Otherwise, if you're anything like me the rumination on the bad becomes endless.

You can't save the world, but you can help the person next to you. If you need an ear, let me know :) I'm always down to help the person next to me however I can. Because I hope that others will do the same for me.

Be well! Be strong! Together we'll get through to the other side :) And, by other side, I mean some semblance of happiness.

Now this real love..when you prepare from natural sources

This is a beautiful piece @johnadams00 on autism.. We must keep the awareness on.

Please, keep up the good work.

I have PTSD as well.

And I would love to have you apart of the Green Union! We advocate for all patients to have access to medicine!

And if you were in a medical or recreational state.... It would be alot easier.

And growing your own medicine is a huge therapy! Having hope to get your medicine under your control? Priceless!

Come and be apart of the future of healing othersIMG_0418.jpg!

Awesome man! I've been watching 100's of YouTube video's on how to do that. Then I just need a light and seed but I'd find all that eventually. Man that plant is beautiful. I want to learn to grow and grow the rest of my life. I LOVE the smell of it and there are so many different smells. So beautiful when they are short and bushy like that. I've never seen cannabis except for the compressed type that comes from Mexico, but even with it being bad quality it helped with nerve pain like no other pill would.

I want to move today if I could. I get $750 a month from disability (autism and a neurological disorder), so that's $750 for rent, water, power, and the internet is all I need after that.

Also I'm a bit awkward around new people unless I can tell they are nice people. I guess that's from being abused as a kid. This plant helps so much it's really a miracle to me. I worry about moving because I wouldn't know what to do and I wouldn't know anyone.

My dream is to get off that $750 a month disability and get a real job in the cannabis industry. I would die for this plant, I've seen it help a girl with epilepsy and another 4 year old boy with autism. It should be in every medical kit, it stops seizures. Plus we have an endo-cannaniboid system that needs cannabis!

Save and get your disability switched. A grow light can be saved for. Oregon allows 4 plants to be grown.

I to have suffered from debilitating depression and other issues, for sure PTSD.....what has transformed my life is meditation and fasting.....I dont take pharma but really try to eat well, and do cleanses, and fasts.....Also listenibg to different music tones like 528hz or 444hz.....Im not saying I have the answers for you, but this is what has changed my life....Im now following and upvoted.....Check out my blog, i do a lot of inspirational stuff and spiritual....Blessings my friend and remember you have a Gift you just need to find that gift deep within

That's great you have been able to stay away from pharmacy pills. Thanks for the advice on the music tones, I've copied and pasted that and looking into it now :) Following!