Meditation and Travel. Stay Calm on the Road. Part Deux.

in health •  6 years ago 

Walking in Matanzas.jpeg

Here are a few more meditations I wanted to share with you (in addition to my articles two weeks ago) to take on the road or to use at home.

My definition of "on the road" is while traveling, at work, at school, or anywhere in between.

I have used these exercises in places like the New York Subway (Although, I don't close my eyes!!), the Rome train station (busy, chaotic, and a wonderful crash course for my stilted Italian), near the roaring Hawaiian surf,


in line at the grocery store. (Sometimes you REALLY need it there!).

Since the death of my friend last week I certainly have been digging down into my bag of meditation tricks and treats!


  1. Smile Exercise:
    With your eyes closed, sit still and do your natural breathing in and out of your nose. Curl the edges of your mouth up in a little smile or grin. Breathe slowly and naturally. Think of the Mona Lisa, the Buddha. or someone with a peaceful, content smile. This releases the feel-good hormone oxytocin. A perfect time to do this is before bed, or when you wake up, or in the middle of the day. Actually ANYTIME! Continue with this exercise until you feel a natural conclusion.
  1. Hallway Visualization:
    (Read this through once so you have an idea of where you are going with it.)
    Close Your Eyes and take 3 deep breaths.
    Don’t heave your chest, just do it naturally in through the nose and out through your nose.
    You are standing at the end of a VERY long hallway. It appears as you picture it. It may be light or dark. There may be candles, windows, flowers, birds, trees, paintings, a fish tank, photographs – this is however YOU see it.
    Begin by picturing yourself walking slowly down the hall noticing everything along the way.
    Take your time, there is no need to rush. Enjoy the walk.
    When you reach the end of the hallway, there is a door.
    You really want to open the door because there is something important behind it.
    Only you know.
    Open the door and walk through.
    Take a few moments to experience what is past the door.
    You may see yourself in a life dream you have.
    ...a new home, a new pet, a new or current relationship, traveling, swimming.
    You name it.
    This is YOUR visualization.
    Enjoy the experience.
    ​Stay there as long as you like.
    ​When you are ready open your eyes and come back to the room. Wiggle your fingers and your toes.
    Take a few deep breaths.
    Allow your body to assimilate the experience.
  1. ​Energizing breath:
    (Also known as Breath of Fire in Kundalini Yoga)
    This breath is done in and out of the nose.
    Inhale, expand your stomach or diaphragm. When you exhale pump your stomach inward pulling your belly button in. Start slowly then increase the speed.
    Because we are shallow breathers you may feel a bit light headed or tingly. That is common.
    It is actually very energizing and exhilarating.
    If you feel dizzy, stop the exercise and come back to your natural breath.
    Repeat the breath until you feel you have maximized its benefits. Slow down, then stop and normalize your breathing. Return to your natural breath.
    Whenever you need energy or to wake up, this breath is very effective.

​4) Happy Person’s Stance:
(For confidence)
Stand up, hands on the hips, one foot in front of the other.
You are grounded in the now and also have one foot ahead of you in the future OR whatever is coming next. It’s a confident stance that you can do at any time. Hold it for a moment. Breathe naturally then take a few deep breaths.
Add a smile or grin.
Look ahead.
Stand there until you feel that wave of confidence. (You may feel a little like Wonder Woman or Superman.)
Again, you release those feel good hormones.
When you are done rub your hands together, quickly, for a minute or two, breathing in and out deeply.
Now shake your hands and arms.
Breathe in deeply and exhale with force shaking down your hands and arms.
​Return to the room.


Enjoy the feeling!

Have a wonderful day and week!

As always, thanks for reading.

See you next week.

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