Get Back On Track - Aerobic Exercises (Rest of "A" List)

in health •  7 years ago 

Here are two of the rest of the "A" List for aerobic exercise that you can choose from.

But before we continue, again the "A" List consists of:

  • power walking

  • jogging

  • aerobic dancing

  • stair climbing

They are the most effective aerobic exercises


And to continue helping you choose which exercises are best for you, Here are the pros and cons of each below,
For each exercise, aerobic rating is included, a convenience rating, a risk of injury rating, an overall rating and comments regarding who this exercise is most appropriate for and who is not appropriate for. All of the numbered ratings are from one to ten, ten being the best rating.

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  • Aerobic rating: 8

  • Convenience Rating: 7

  • Risk of injury rating: Low for low impact aerobics, moderate to high for high-impact aerobics

  • Overall rating: 7

This exercise is appropriate for: Individuals of all fitness levels..Those who enjoy rhythmic exercise well as a group exercise.

  • This exercise is not appropriate for: Anyone with orthopedic complications that aerobic dance movements would aggravate.

Aerobic Dance

It can provide a fun way to accomplish your weekly exercise minutes. There is such a variety of classes these days that it's hard to get bored with this activity.
Aerobic boxing and aerobic martial arts are considered to be in this category of exercise.

Keep in mind that there is high and low-impact aerobics. I recommend the low-impact variety, you will have much less risk of overuse and impact-injuries, luckily these days most of the classes are the low-impact type. It's also best to attend a class taught by a knowledgeable instructor.


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  • Aerobic rating: 10

  • Convenience Rating: 8

  • Risk of injury rating: Moderate

  • Overall rating: 8

  • This exercise is appropriate for: Those who can meet the strenuous demands stair climbing. Those who have a limited amount of time to exercise and want a time-efficient, concentrated aerobic workout.

  • This exercise is not appropriate for: Anyone with orthopedic or medical complications that the intense nature of stair would aggravate. This includes people with high blood pressure and smokers.

Stair climbing is actually a slightly different exercise than stair stepping. Stair climbing is performed in actual stairs, such as those that may be found in your home or at a stadium. Climbing actual stair fully weight supporting and is more aerobic than stair stepping on a machine. This is a great activity, However, you may have to build up to being able to perform it continuously for a minimum of 10 minutes. Simply walk up to the stair to the top and then walk back down. Since going up is more strenuous than going down, you should maintain the proper intensity by going down the stairs more quickly than you go up.


Just Remember.......

Remember that it is only one way to feel good about yourself - you can create others. otherwise, your emotions and feeling of self-worth will simply go up and down inversely with your weight, and the scale will become the source of your highs and lows. This is an emotional roller coaster you can't afford to take

"Be patient. If you can find or create things to be happy about today, you'll be much more likely to take care of tomorrow."




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All your exercises are good. can learn from them in the future.

Great information,thanks a lot for sharing.

Aerobic Dance