in health •  7 years ago  (edited)
5 Easy Meditation Techniques For Beginners

One question I get on the regular is “how do I meditate?”. Truth told, there is no right or wrong way. No activity is more personal than meditation so you shouldn’t stress yourself trying to emulate someone else’s path. However, we should always look to history to gain insight for what we are trying to accomplish today.Keep in mind that meditation has been practiced on every land mass that covers our earth for millennia. It is literally older than religion itself so you can imagine how many different meditation methods have been practiced over time.After years of study, self-observation and interaction with other practitioners I have singled out 5 techniques that have proven to be easy to understand and very beneficial to those who commit to them. I suggest committing at least 10 minutes a day (more if you can) to your practice and using a timer. So find your comfort zone, whether just sitting in a chair or a traditional meditation posture and let’s get started. And remember to keep that spine erect! 

1. Deep Breath Meditation

When introducing people to meditation I like to suggest they start off with deep breath meditation because deep breaths are important in any meditation practice. This also tends to be a good starting point because most sources will suggest that in order to meditate all you need to do is focus on the breath. This is indeed a good approach but for some it leaves too much room for self-interpretation. Here are a few more direct ways of practicing deep breath meditation:

  • Focus on the sensation of the breath flowing inward and outward. Visualize the stream of breath as it leaves your body and as it enters.
  • Take 6 second inhales and 5 second exhales.  +/- a second if needed. 
  • Gently push out your stomach during inhales and pull in during exhales.

2. Guided Meditation

Guided meditations are also great for beginners because it provides the user with an object, sound, or place to focus their attention on. This greatly assists with quieting the “mind’s chatter”. A few common guided meditation methods are:

  • Meditation music or solfeggio tones
  • Staring at the flame of a candle (it works, trust me)
  • Nature’s soundtrack (if outdoors) 

3. Aum/Om Meditation

Throughout many ancient scriptures and traditions Aum(Om) is considered to be the "first sound" or "mother of all sound". In many disciplines and religions it is a starting point for beginning a meditation practice. The powerful chanting of Aum creates a vibration that travels from the brain all the way through the spinal column. If you are at all familiar with the chakra system you know that this pathway is where the energy centers in the body are located.

4. Body Scan Meditation

A form of guided meditation, body scan meditation also helps us to raise our inner awareness. By starting at your toes and slowly moving up the body during inhalations we become more conscious of all the subtle and pronounced sensations that occur within. As you move up the body be sure to place more focus on your vital organs (liver, heart, brain, etc.). 

5. Mantra/Positive Affirmation Meditation

Repeating positive words/expression over and over has a way of providing us with some serenity. By reciting mantras or creating our own positive affirmations we can bring specific energies to life. Mantras are sacred chants that derive from Sanskrit. Many of the more powerful mantras have been found carved in stone and are thousands of years old. So choose a mantra or create a positive affirmation and get started.For a more extensive explanation of meditation culture, misconceptions and techniques check out my e-book on meditation for beginners.

Here's a link to another great post on meditation by @nicnas that provides a little more historical context. https://steemit.com/life/@nicnas/what-is-meditation-definition-and-different-types-by-culture

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This Is honestly one of the best articles I've read so far great content I often find myself doing the guided meditation life moves way too fast sometimes you just have to sit down and take it slow get away from the technology great article

That is very much appreciated! I'm thankful for the praise and I hope its some applicable info!!
Alternating different techniques helps keep everything fresh and they all each have there unique benefits.

Love this post. I do a lot of similar post but this one is good. I will resteem it. Hope that helps getting it out there.

Preciate the support bro! Yea I seen something you posted about meditation I think a few days ago. I just updated and revised a post I had on my wordpress. I'm going to link yours in my post.


This needs to be seen by more people. Let me promote it and see if that helps.

Thanks a million bro! Yea the info between both of our posts would really lay the groundwork for anyone trying to get started meditating!!

But his delight is in the law of the LORD; and in his law doth he meditate day and night. Psalms 1:2

Awesome, this is just what Ive been looking for. I just got into mediatation. I listen to some videos on youtube. It helped control my anxiety a lot. Tanks for this post! keep them coming :)

Will do!! That's very much appreciated!!!
I'm very thankful whenever any of the information can be useful for someone.

THANK YOU! I have done body scans and guided meditation, I think ill have to try mantra meditations next.

Awesome! They say mantric meditations start the wheels of creation!!

as an artist thats exactly what i need more of so thank you x

I often meditate in my car, in my driveway, utilizing some of these techniques. I find it extremely quiet & comforting just sitting there with no plans or interruptions

Yea mane that's when the creativity get to flowing...

There is a wealth of guided meditation/self hypnosis channels on youtube. I use them regularly to sleep. Also binaural tones. Helps quiet my mind (I'm a small business owner) and let me focus on rest. I have considered doing this in my early mornings before work as well. Thanks for a great post. Followed and upvoted.

Indeed! Yea I plan on making a post solely about the binaural and solfeggio tones. Definitely great meditation tools. When I first started meditating they made it pretty easy for me

I'm not familiar with solfeggio. I'll have to check it out.

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