Correct form really makes a difference.

in health •  7 months ago 


So far every time I've injured myself in the gym it's been from doing something incorrectly, or neglecting some other muscle or muscle group.

I'm too old to be learning this way.

Time to hit up Youtube for, like, every single lift I do, and get my technique squared away.

Who knew you could hurt yourself doing lateral raises? This is my 2nd time, from 2 different errors. Golfer's elbow from tricep extensions? Wrist injuries from benchpress? OK that one should have been obvious. At least I learned (from Youtube) how to not get a hernia doing dumbbell rows, without having to get a hernia first.

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try athlean-x. The guy is a physiotherapist and shredded like a Michaelangelo statue. He knows what he's talking about, especially when he uses his muscle marquor