I Am On A Diet - Progress Report

in health •  6 years ago  (edited)

WIP=Work In Progress Update

Warning Every Person Is Different. This Is My Personal Journey

I am 58 years old and feeling great!

I have noticed when I start losing weight after a plateau, I experience detox symptoms, fatigue, rashes, hot flashes, sweating, and symptoms much like the flu. I usually do 3-day water fasts four times a year and experience the same symptoms. Keeping my weight down, eating whole organic foods consisting of small portions of meat, dairy, fruit, root crops like sweet potatoes and carrots, and larger portions of green vegetables have been the only means of mitigating menopause and debilitating fibromyalgia symptoms. I do drink coffee, but I also drink more water when I do drink coffee because of the diuretic effects of caffeine. I avoid fruit drinks, substitute sugar, and alcohol.

I have noticed that when I clean up my diet, and I eat foods that trigger inflammation, I immediately will get migraines and experience severe reactions. I have heard this is common so be careful when you eat foods after avoiding eating foods that cause inflammation. One story I heard is from Jordon Peterson a professor in psychology that has gone on an all meat diet, he drank some apple cider with sulfates and suffered an extreme reaction that lasted a full month.

Water is the most critical part of this diet program. I drink filtered water free of chemicals like chlorine and fluoride, which can jack our endocrine system. Older women that are pre-menopause or in menopause are particularly sensitive to chemicals because of our delicate hormonal system.

I avoid sugar, fast foods, convenience foods and foods high in lectin content like wheat, seeds, beans, tomatoes, potatoes, peppers, and eggplant. Most of my life I have had red bumps on my upper thighs and the back of my arms. For the first time in my life, I no longer have red bumps, and my skin is smooth and clean of rashes!

I have taken a break from blogging, and social media for my health has helped me focus on establishing long-term positive habits dealing with my diet, exercise, and hobbies. Painting and writing for hours at a time are stressful, and I would eat cookies and drink lots of cream with my coffee to soothe my stress. It is stressful for our bodies to sit in one position for long periods of time. Now I walk at least 4 miles in the early morning and break up my work time with activities like yard and housework.

My husband has been so impressed with my progress he has also joined me and has stopped eating foods that are empty of nutrition and has upped his exercise program. He now walks 4 miles a day with me. My energy, focus, and endurance have improved, and this last week I cleaned up all the weeds and brush on our property and manicured our lawn. My husband says our yard looks like it has professional lawn service taking care of it!

My sleep has improved, and I started remembering my dreams. Sometimes I will go years without remembering dreaming. I started supplementing my b vitamins combined with minerals like iodine/with/selenium, and pregnenolone. To help keep memory sharp through the years, some people turn to a dietary supplement known as pregnenolone. A substance also found naturally in the body, pregnenolone is a steroid hormone that plays a key role in the production of other steroid hormones (including progesterone, DHEA, and estrogen).

I was diagnosed with Fibromyalgia in 1993 and tried the traditional protocols my doctors prescribed me, nothing has helped reduce the symptoms except diet, exercise, and meditation. When I was going through pre-menopause symptoms, I had a difficult time figuring out what was fibro symptoms and what was menopause. When I look back through my 50s, my knowledge gained from working with my fibro symptoms have helped me figure out what my older body needs to stay healthy and fit.

July 22 2018

I've lost 20lbs since May 1st, walking, yoga, and keeping to my nutrition program.

May 1st 2018

I was 167lbs May 1st 2018, I weigh. 140lbs today.

August 6th 2018 and all my clothes are lose and so comfortable!

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It’s such a wonderful thing to see you improve your health status , no one can do it better than self .
I’ve always had the drive to up my exercise though I’m working on my diet as I don’t think I know or ready to be more of a vegetarian but as for my exercises , I just downloaded an app to help me with my abs workout and its has proven useful so far.
I got the idea of diet through this post and also some knowledge about the stage of menopause. Keep up the good work , you like like 18 smiles

In my country, the two diseases of this type with the highest rates, particularly in women, are osteoporosis and rheumatism. The low consumption of calcium, the poor quality of the food that is consumed - something that has been happening for 12 years - is making the population a generation of sick people. In men, anemia is the queen of weaknesses. As there is no longer any consumption of animal protein due to the high costs, the male sex, who needs to do hard work, is no longer able to do so; and therefore, economic activity has collapsed. I think that many of our illnesses are intimately related to our eating habits - our abuse and excesses when we were young - and today, sadly, I also conclude that the food we receive as children is part of that link that we carry as adults.

My dear @ddd, I am glad to know that little by little you have managed to control your ailments; there is no better remedy than to know your body and take steps to balance its functioning. I wish you many years of life. The fight against fibromyalgia has already been won. A brotherly embrace.

There is a movement here in America growing our own food and owning small farms. However, it is small and will not be able to feed the huge cities if our economy comes crashing down because of the huge debt we all carry. There is no way one can take care of their health during a time of famine and depression unless they can grow their own food and live in a community that can be defended. Globally we are all one step away from Venezuela because of our centralized food, banking, and energy grids. The only thing I can control in this world is myself and right now I am lucky enough to have good food and shelter, tomorrow I may not be so lucky. I pray your country and people survive and find their health soon my dear friend @amigoponc

Actually I am not at your age! But I think I could absorb a lot of things from your post to my life! Yeah, I am not yet suffering from fat or any other illness! But that doesn't mean I won't care about my health!
I am little sugar addicted, I think I want to reduce the level of sugar consumption and do exercises! Thank you very much friend, every time I could learn something valuable to my life through your articles!


I think most of us are addicted to sugar @theguruasia, it is more addictive than any other substance known to man, hahaha (I am not kidding). I think you are on the right track, staying healthy when young is like building a savings account. But none of us know even if we stay healthy through our life whether we will get sick or die in an accident. However, living a healthy life improves the quality of daily living so it is worth the effort in my opinion.

You are absolutely correct my dear friend! One thing is a must, we all die! So, till that day, if we can keep healthy life I think it's a worthy thing!


Highly rEsteemed!

Great work! So nice to see such great progress. Very impressed and sharing with some folks who are trying hard getting started on their first set of Detoxes. This post is very inspiring. Thank you. SteemON my friend.


Detoxes are like cleaning out one's garage. I like to start in a corner and work my way to the middle...hmmmm... that reminds me I need to clean out my garage. I have the energy to do it now ;-)

Thank you for your support my good friend @frankbacon <3

Well done with great results and progress! Yes food makes massive difference. Once you eliminate all the harmful foods or ingredients, all changes completely. It takes time and energy but if you are really committed, never will want go back to old habbits especially when see great results.

I have lots of time and just a little bit of energy, I take one little step at a time and take lots of time planning my steps...hahaha

Anyone can change their life for the better just by changing their mind, thank you @ruta.

I think the first thing I have to say is that I am very proud of you and everything you have achieved. You are an inspiration to me! Many say that when people reach a certain age they are not able to do anything and you on the contrary are firm in your decisions and take care of your health. Happy night dear @reddust👏

@denissemata, thank you, I think at any age if one can set their goals and know their strengths and weaknesses they can keep improving their health and growing their knowledge and insight. This takes a some discipline and staying open to new possiblities. I have had some wonderful teachers that have helped me develop both discipline and insights.

I would say that a lot of discipline. And you're great ... Keep it up so you're doing very well

Hey reddust, great work and congrats. I know how painful fibromyalgia can be, have you looked in to medicinal marijuana as an all natural means of treatment. Also, in regards to memory and the brain, Onnit makes an incredible neutropic supplement called Alpha Brain that is outstanding for improving cognitive function. I've used it myself and the results are incredible. If interested, check them out at onnit.com. Thanks for the post, you're crushing it. Keep kickin' ass.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Yeah, fibro is awful but if I hadn't have gotten this sick I don't know if I would be as healthy as I am right now following an American traditional diet, which is full of fast foods, grains, and sugar. In a way, my illness has guided me to better health compared to most people my age here in America. I will check out onnit.com thank you @gorillaguru <3

You're very welcome. I think it's very inspirational how you found the silver lining in your situation. I too have recently changed my diet over to a ketogenic diet. I lost about 40 lbs in the first 5 weeks, metabolism is back on track and averaging about a 1-2 lb loss per day. You never fully realize how harmful your diet can be until you begin phasing certain things out. Thanks again for your post and your response as well. Take care.

Alpha Brain is legit good stuff!

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Super duper cool! Awesome progress and so many changes :). I also dont dream much. Years ago when i was first learning meditation, i fell into a lucid dream :). Before then i questioned if it was even possible. I did it twice but not sure how. Was pretty fun. So happy for you! <333

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

@weirdheadaches I forgot to mention something I found while listening to the Joe Rogen show and his interview with

Jordan Peterson a Psychology Professor from Tronto. Jordon mentions his battle with chronic immune system dysfunction that both he and his daughter have suffered from for years. One symptom he said was horrible headaches and physical symptoms when they both ate foods that cause both of them inflammation after avoiding the foods for several weeks or months. I think he has a blog that goes into his diet. I don't agree with an all meat or protein diet, I think it's extreme, but it works for him and his daughter. He hasn't had his blood workup yet and I remember reading the all meat diet screws with our hormonal system is we don't eat organ meat along with muscle tissue. The body doesn't need much vitamin C when we are only eating meat. Vitamin C is required when eating a high carb diet. Something I found out when researching Inuit and other meat eating societies diet.

You are 58 year old...your fitness is so perfect.....you are very hard worker lady....your looking so nice...i m glad to see you...thanks for sharing great tips...

I have to work hard @asadchughtai, or I will become ill and not be able to take care of my family and have fun with my husband and hobbies. Thinking like this makes it easier to stay the course.

Ohhhh yes you are work very hard...ohhhh you are ill so sad.....and great work

Your pictures look great :-) You are quite disciplined with your dietary plan so I am sure that you are doing great as far as improving your weight goes. What I am really happy to see is that you are improving your mental and physical health through a combination of diet and walking.

One of the things that I find to be a good indicator of mental health is that you start to enjoy the things that you do, even that smallest things. I can see that the work with your yard and your daily activities have you involved in a good way. This usually happens for me when I am at a good place, mentally speaking.

Another thing that tells me that you are doing well is that your husband has been inspired by you to make some changes as well :-).

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thank you @hashcash, I have come to enjoy my everyday tasks like cleaning house and keeping my life neat and tidy, you are right. If I lose interest in my daily life, I know I have to change something that I am doing, or I will start feeling depressed and fatigued again. I used to loath cleaning the kitchen and folding my clothes...hahaha

Glad to see your diet progress via every sooner update. Great tips for increasing healthy level. I saw you burn your un necessary calories. Congrats @reddust.

I burn calories but not a lot on a low calorie diet. I will be increasing my calories when I start running! Thank you @dragonking.

Health is the only jewel we have for a lifetime and it must be taken care of with great importance. You have adopted a certain way to do things and results are astonshing here.

Without health everything this life brings becomes difficult to deal with and I figured this little truth out in my 30s and have been working on balance and keeping my life simple ever since. Thank you @rocksg.

@reddust, Of your diet program drink water most important thing I know. Because water removed our The toxic chemicals in the body. Also vegans increase our body facts with included some nutritious ingredients. But coffee never accepted. It has addiction ingredients. I remember those days I had bad habit before sleep every nights I drunk coffee. Finally I understood what's bad result given to mine. I stopped my bad coffee habit. Also instant foods cannot acceptable. You have best healthy habits and we can learn from you most.

I don't drink coffee after 5 pm, or I have a hard time going to sleep, and it is addictive. If I stop drinking coffee, I get headaches, so I switch to tea, and after a couple of weeks, I can quit drinking tea without headaches. It's easy to avoid fast food by cooking whole foods; it saves us money too! I can't do a vegan diet because my digestive system has a hard time absorbing plant protein and iron.

You are still fit and gorgeous.
By the way I wanted to know about the drawing art of yours. Did you discontinue it again ?

Thank you @wa2qr, I will be starting my art projects this week and you should see posts on my project by this weekend. Thank you kindly for loving my art and telling me how pretty I am...hahaha even old ladies love compliments <3

All that hard work is paying off. Glad the red bumps are gone. You mentioned a three day water fast. Do you mean you go without food and water for three days? Looking good and interesting to learn of your story. Blessings @reddust.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I go without eating any food and only drink water @enjoywithtroy. I found this helps my bodies inflammation issues and many double blind scientific studies agree with me, inflamation is the most debilitating part of fibromyalgia. Losing weight is all about changing habits, that is the hardest part of dieting. I have to stay on this program until my body changes again and then I will have to reevaluate my diet and exercise program. I have to remain aware of how I am feeling to stay healthy.

With some good exercises activities and best food using created best healthy indeed life to us. You're already followed those steps @reddust. Your longer write healthy blog more valuable to everyone. Thanks mam.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Thank you @kingsberry, I found eating simple organic whole foods saves us a lot of money at the doctor's office and at the grocery store.

You mentioned plain water without solubles or any solutions added to it, avoidance of sugary drinks or drinks that are carbonated or preserved for quite a long time, apart from the fact that you take water and not these kinds of harmful drinks, is there an example of a drink that you'd virtually take anytime without it having the negative effect of these harmful drinks let's say milk? Milk may be harmful I can't tell it may have fatty acid as well butis it okay to drink and not harmful?

And you mentioned water fasting, why is it so essential to do these three days water fasting?

Wow it's really a work in progress you're getting better.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I don't drink milk, but I do eat live cultured whole milk plain organic yogurt and cheese. I can eat just about anything I want as long as I avoid high lectin foods, chemicals, and sugar. An important key to losing weight is eating small portions and staying consistent.

I saw you very healthy and fit. That's great news. You are making an example by living a healthy life and sharing it with us. Congratulations @reddust

Oh, my goodness @turkishcrew this has been an adventure, not a fun one but still an adventure. I hope I can inspire others who struggle with chronic health conditions to start researching alternatives and figuring out who they are and what they need to stay healthy. Thank you!

I think that at 52 you look very good, you are a very beautiful person and everything is in the mentality that we have and in feeling good about ourselves

Thank you @osc10, I thank my Mom and Dad for my good looks <3

Your parents take many merits, they made you very beautiful❤

Keep it up! I love seeing people go get their goals!!!

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Thank you @mrrah80, this is only the beginning, I have to go on a maintenance program after I am finished losing my weight. I will be upping my calorie intake and increasing my endurance training program. I will start running this fall after the hot summer season is over, I am looking forward to running again.

everybody should try to keep their body fit
you are looking so much pretty than before

@steyn, it's amazing how an extra 20lbs of weight will suck the vitality out of this body, thank you. Carrying extra weight is not healthy, I am so happy I caught myself before I became stuck in bad habits.

I wish I do like you I'm fat a little.

You look so good I will challenge myself to lose wieght

@askmee, be sure to eat healthy food if you cut back your calories and stay active. Every person is different, especially men and women regarding their nutritional needs, I wish you success!

thank you so much @reddust

Diet progress, maintenance and keep body fit with exercise along with your partner quite impressive work. A lot of trouble and physical weakness won't stop you to get your achievement, that's true sprit and inspiration we can see it by your husband.

Thank you @sheikh27, you support has helped me stay on the path of good health.

You are well maintain your health . Yes, water is most effective part to become healthy ..Become totally vegetarian then your health become more healthy .

@spiritualpower, I was a vegeterian for several years, which includded supplementing my bs and iron, alas my body cannot absorb plant iron and I have issues getting enough b12, I became very sick, my bones and nervous system suffered.

With dry fruits you can get all things which needs to healthy life . There are many variety in veg foods . Veg means not only vegetables .

Hello @reddust. it is nice to see you again! I am glad that you are achieving your health-related goals. I know blogging might be stressful, but it is still missed.

@marcusantoniu26, the hours of sitting writing and painting and eating my homebaked cookies were not good for me...hahaha

I figured out a system, no cookies and don't sit for hours and hours and hours...(hugs) thank you for stopping by my friend.

i am also on a diet. last few month i have been too fatty and for this i face many problems............but after on diet i feel i am on the way to overcome to this problem

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Oh, my goodness @steemibu351, getting fit and losing weight isn't easy, it takes a good six months to install habits into long-term memory and let go of old habits. I wish you luck my friend, don't give up!

thank you dear......for your kind information

I want to be hard worker like you :/

All you need is to figure out what your body needs to stay healthy and a little discipline @abdulmanan, you can do it!

You look really good and you are on the right track by cutting your sugar, sugar is not needed as it is unhealthy. I also started eating more healthy about a month ago and I like to refer to the changes I made as a way of life and not a diet as this keeps my honest. A way of life is a permanent commitment as oppose to a diet that is more temporary.

Great changes! Really did a lot of hard work. If people want everything is possible, it is true. Extra is not really anything good, now you are looking so beautiful.


Great looking .and I really appreciate your work and discovery