Chewing gum: really are suitable for diets?

in health •  9 years ago 

 I rehearsed a little research into gum and sugar alcohols.     

Point 1: Increase suprailiac synthesis, regardless of whether it is sugar-free chewing gum or not! All chewing gum will have an impact on blood sugar and hormones such as insulin and cortisol which in turn regulate blood sugar. Why is this so? Sweet taste is very important and get neurochemical reaction if you tasted something sweet, our brain reacts to this by telling the body of one thing! Sugar is on the way to the stomach, intestines and then the blood sugar to taste has less impact than it actually is. it's hard enough to if the taste of something sweet so you slow down the progress fat loss. Especially body fat on the sides by bio-hard-copy equation. The same goes for zero diet drinks (Coca Cola Zero, light and all kinds of crap) can increase the amount of body fat especially suprailiac therefore gross tissue. 

Point 2: The activation of the digestive tract thus the sweet taste of chewing will stimulate the flow saliva is the first step of our digestive system and stimulate digestion. Does this affect the autonomic nervous system which reduces the sympathetic nervous system and activates the parasympathetic nervous system which means. Turn off the system and frees alone. chewing also causes a loss of tension in the chewing muscles in particular in the pterygoideus medial and superficialis temporalis.  In addition, it reduces physical performance because the brain controls this muscle and not others. 

Point 3: Dr. George V. Russell university of mississippi appeared 50 years ago, applied kinesiology, it is a neurological link between muscular jaws and loin muscle when the motion bigger and stronger so the greater the strain on the hips because the nervous system controls these two areas partially connected together. Chewing can lead to loss of mobility of the hip and reduce the performance it is also increased potential for injury. 

Point 4: Excessive chewing may lead to the sleep disorder is a disease which is called bruxism pinching teeth as chewing. And that trigger violent friction teeth when a person is asleep. 

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