Lymphatic System: PART 2 (Ways To Help Your Lymphatic System Function Properly)

in health •  6 years ago  (edited)

Hello, Steem Fam! I am back with part 2 of the Lymphatic System! I will give you some ideas on how  to improve the function of your Lymphatic system! I also created a video for you which is on my Youtube channel! click the link to my youtube channel which I provided down below and watch it on my YouTube channel And if you truly loved the video and got value from it, Please subscribe for more info about health and Spirituality!


5 Methods To Help Your Lymphatic System Function Properly

1. Massage Therapy: Self-Massage, Reflexology, Swedish Massage, Shiatsu, and Much More....

 A Massage is a bodywork because it involves manipulation of muscles and other soft tissues. Massage has a wide range of benefits such as: promoting muscle relaxation, increases lymphatic drainage/circulation which reduces inflammation, helps break up scar tissue and adhesions, promotes blood flow through muscles, and also promotes drainage of sinus fluids. There are a variety of massage therapies and each is based on a different theory by utilizing different techniques. Because of the numerous massage techniques you will need to visit a local library or online book store and research on what massage therapy can best provide the help you need. All massage therapies can help you lymphatic system function properly. 

2. Relaxation Techniques 

 Qi- Gong is a slow motion exercise that is older than Tai Chi. Tai Chi and Qi- Gong focus on movement and breath meditation. Qi- Gong has been proven to increase vital energy for emotional and physical health. This exercise has been linked to reduce blood pressure, increase levels of endorphins, maintain mental health, increase energy flow, and helps lymph circulation. This practice not only helps physical health but also improves brain function. It requires discipline to practice Qi- Gong and in return you develop focus, more energy, clarity, tone muscles, improved joints, and improved balance. 

 Meditation is also another effective treatment for managing stress, managing pain, maintain focus, improve breathing, and more. This has been practiced for thousands of years. Meditation helps calm the mind and helps it focus on the present. The more relaxed you are the better your health will be. Stress is a big indicator of inflammation happening in the body. The body cannot function properly when stress is constant, therefore also weakening the function of the lymphatic system. 

3. Exercise, Moving Your body 

 Regular exercise improves digestion and elimination, increases endurance, increases energy levels, promotes lean body mass, and also decreases stress and anxiety. Exercising not only helps maintain physical health, but also aids in maintaining emotional and mental health.Studies have shown that regular exercise boosts mood, increases feelings of well-being, reduces anxiety and depression, and even increases confidence. Exercise also induces sweat which is an elimination process to get rid of toxins and build-up from the body's exposure to outside toxic elements. The release of the toxins through sweat helps the lymphatic system function properly. When the body is sedentary for long periods of time, lymphatic circulation and blood circulation is cut off, imagine your body being stagnant like a pond, A stagnant body of water is easily exposed to deadly viruses and bacteria, rather than a flowing river that is constantly flowing and eliminating what it doesn't need. Now with this image in your head, If the toxins have no elimination process, the build-up of toxins increases and not only disturbs lymphatic and blood circulation but because of the poor circulation it causes a domino effect on the other organs in your body to function poorly. All is connected, daily exercise is essential for a healthy body. 

4. Sauna 

 As previously discussed, sweating is essential for toxic drainage from the body.We are bombarded with toxins everyday by our environment, food, household products, hygiene products, and much more. The toxins we are exposed to need a way to leave our system and that is through sweat. Exercise is a great way to sweat, and another option is sitting or standing in an indoor sauna or sweat lodge. Sitting in a sauna is a more intentional way of releasing toxins from our system. As we sit in a sauna room the increased temperatures enhance blood circulation, helps muscles relax, reduce toxins, reduce stiffness, aids in weight loss, increases mobility, helps the lymphatic system function properly because of the elimination of toxins allowing the lymph to circulate through out the body. 

5. Dry Brushing/ Exfoliating

 This practice involves a dry coarse brush to brush the skin in a particular pattern  in order to improve skin function and quality and overall health. Dry brushing removes toxins and boosts lymphatic drainage and keeps the whole system functioning properly. Dry brushing prevents toxin build-up, boosts lymph and blood circulation, reduces cellulite, improves digestion, reduces bloating, exfoliates the skin, reduces acne on face and body, gets rid of keratosis pilaris (The tiny bumps you find randomly on your skin), relieves tension, and boosts energy! This is something I practice daily, I have seen vast improvements on body such as clear skin, soft skin, glowing skin, and my digestion is better as well. I have been dry brushing for almost 3 weeks now. It is a short time, but results are quickly noticeable for me. 

If you want to see a visual of how to skin brush your body, watch this video below.

If you would like to watch me talk about these 5 methods, watch here, and if you really gain value from the video and interested in more, subscribe to my channel by clicking here. 

Sources where I got my info from and also For more info on how to help your lymphatic function properly, click below:

Thank you for your support! I appreciate you all, more to come, so make sure to follow and go check out my YouTube channel as well :) As always much love, and until next time..... Peace! 




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