RE: "Spiritual Drugs" Are Bullshit

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"Spiritual Drugs" Are Bullshit

in health •  8 years ago 

truth is not a democracy. many people believe in aliens and angels. doesn't make them true trough.

Referring to aliens and angels here , is utterly irrelevant to support your claim. It is a known fact, there are proper scientific studies on psychedelic drugs like DMT and LSD which have confirmed the SPIRITUAL EXPERIENCE claim.

irrelevant. this was the same guy that refuse to take proper cancer medication and died by drinking hippy juices.

My dear friend, Steve jobs was so engrossed in revolutionizing technology, that he often forgot his cancer medications. He never refused it. AND forgetting medicines was not the reason for his death.His cancer was untreatable.
Seriously "hippy juices"? do you believe in all rumours?

I tool LSD. plenty of times. so what? doesn't prove anything "spiritual".

You took LSD plenty of times? If you didnt get anything from LSD, why did you take it plenty of times?
This contradicts youself! Either you are lying or are a fool to take LSD so many times just for the sake of nothing. However, LSD experience depends upon the dosage, and the method of intake.It is a scientific proven fact that LSD leads to spiritual experience. GO check the net yourself to confirm it.

if that worked consistently and scientifically most people that had LSD would be successful as Steve Jobs. Instead most of them are wothless hippies living on the dol.

Everything taken in excess is harmful, be it water also! Addiction of anything is dangerous. Same goes for drugs. Jobs took LSD only few times. HE was not addicted to it. And if he himself owes his success to it, how can you even criticize it!
And i never said taking drugs make you successful. You are making irrelevant arguments. LSD OPENS PATH For spirituality. One can either use these revelation of spirituality for the betterment of society like jobs did or find inner peace through devotion to the gods.

Actually I never had a single bad trip about them. They just numbing your brain and induce hallucinations much like you will experience in dreams. Many people have died by losing control, jumping off buildings..etc.

As i said earlier, LSD trip depend upon dosage and method of intake. It is not a toy to just take it anywhere , anytime and whenever you feel like. Seriously man, Jumping off buildings? You are creating your own stuff. I talk on facts. You are just talking on rumors. You will not find a single evidence anywhere about anything jumping off roofs due to LSD! Seriously mate, do you even think when you write!

no evidence. what the fuck is a "spirit" anyways?

Again man, irrelevant argument. Go and surf the net about about it before making any nonsensical comments about something you dont know!

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