Below is an article by Dr. Jim Mccarty. He does Nuero Cranial Restructuring (NCR). Alot of what he talks about in the article is exactly what I experience. I researched NCR as much as possible for about a year. I was very skeptical but when the pain got so bad, i said what the hay. I have had two treatments so far (8 total visits) and have got alot of relief from it. I have felt its power. It is touching the core of my pain. Also many other effects take place. I can feel my spine and whole body shifting for up to a month afterwards (in an amazing way). Im getting myself ready for my 3rd session probably here in the next few days. My wife and I's birthdays are coming up (hers is the 15th of May and mines the 5th of May, Cinco De Mayo, oh ya) so im trying to schedule around that. I am feeling somewhat better so hopefully the 2hr car ride wont be as painful. Below is a NCR introduction video by Dr. Hillary and an article from Dr McCarty on Occipital Neuralgia ( which is what i believe i have. Something to do with my skull, c1 and c2, the most important bones in your body). Thank you friends for all your support. Sending you all much Love <3)))
Occipital Neuralgia is not your fault. Your neck muscles and upper back muscles are just trying very hard to support your head which has some skull bones which are compressed and twisted (subluxated) causing it to be off balance.
I do NOT do surgery. I am not a surgeon. I am a chiropractor with special training in finding and correcting “Subluxation Complexes” in the head. ("Advanced Cranial Manipulation"). I have taken an old Osteopathic technique that has been in use since 1930 called BNS (Bilateral Nasal Specific). That technique was changed and improved about 1985 and became known as NCR (NeuroCranial Restructuring®). In 2004, through prayer, research, and post graduate courses in Neurology; I modified the therapy into what is now called Central Nervous System Restoration®.
The information below will answer most of your questions and I have additional research available for those who really want to do more homework.
Occipital Neuralgia is not new and there is a cure that works to give long term relief. The problem is that 99% of the Medical Doctors, Osteopaths, and Chiropractors are only using what they have been taught in school and are not up to date on the new research of what is working.
Primary Care Physicians and Neurologists believe that muscle spasms at the base of the skull are the cause of your Occipital Neuralgia. Therefore, they believe that Rx muscle relaxers and pain killers are the key to your pain relief. The medical community treats the condition with anti-depressants, anti-convulsants, steroid injections, cortisone injections, lidocaine patches and pain killers. They also use non-medicinal treatments such as electrical stimulation to the pain site and to the spine.
Algia means “pain”. Neuralgia means nerve pain.
However, there is a MECHANICAL PROBLEM to Your Occipital Neuralgia that is being ignored and it is the Fundamental Root Cause of your pain. The Occipital bone is attached to the 2 temporal bones, 2 parietal bones, the sphenoid bone, AND the “Dural Tube”. This Dural Tube does not respond to muscle relaxers or pain killers.
The Neurologists ignore this “Dural Connection” to the Occiput because most of the Dura does not have pain fibers. 80% of the pain nerves in the Dura are located on the back of the head.
However, there are many pain fibers in the dura where it connects to the occiput and releasing the tension in the dural tube at this location is the key to reducing your pain.
There are 13 small muscles at the base of the skull/occiput that balance your head on the neck bones. Their goal is to maintain the proper amount of tension so that you can stand up against gravity and not fall over and get a brain injury. When the head gets “stuck in extension”, then these 13 small muscles “accommodate” to this new position and shorten. We call this a “muscle spasm”.
Taking Rx medications such as muscle relaxers and pain medications causes instability of your sense of balance. This sense of balance has a big fancy medical term called “proprioception”. It involves your “cerebellum” which is the back part of your brain. It also involves the semi-circular canals in your middle ear.
Correcting the compression of these skull bones releases enough pressure so that the spinal fluid {cerebro-spinal fluid} can begin to flow better. This hydrates the brain, making it wetter. The more hydrated your brain is, the faster your reflexes become and you can focus better. Thinking and making decisions take less time when your brain is working like it did when you were 20 years old.
Skull compression is caused by chronic stress, infection, inflammation, birth trauma, scarring, and other injuries. This ends up causing compression and twisting of the “Sphenoid Bone” which then causes rotation of the “Temporal Bone”.
This causes poor blood flow to the “pituitary” gland which then causes adrenal fatigue, hormone imbalance, allergies, and brain inflammation.
As I examine your skull, I will be able to see where your skull is locked up and which head positions cause instability of the muscles controlling your posture.
What I usually find upon examination is that all 6 of your skull plates are compressed and the sutures are twisted {“Dural Meningeal Torque”}.
The mechanical issues dealing with the skull need to be addressed first. This involves incrementally moving the bones of the skull so that the “sphenoid bone” can be leveled up as much as possible. This allows the temporal bone to be rotated back into its original correct anatomical position.
Compression of the skull plates causes dehydration of the midline of your brain which is the "core" of your brain. It controls the "core" muscles of your body. Posture distortions result from this imbalance in flexor muscles versus extensor muscles.
When the core of your brain is dehydrated; then this is affecting the core of your body, as well as weakening the extensor muscles of your neck and back. The flexor muscles on the front half of your body are overpowering the extensors on the back half of your body. This causes the head to shift forward and your center of balance shifts forward; then the stress moves to the upper back and neck. Your neck muscles and upper back muscles are just trying very hard to support your head which is off balance. I am taking a very mechanical approach to correct this whole problem and it works to cure the problem, usually within 6 to 12 months.
The “Central Nervous System Restoration®” will unlock the skull plates and restore the slight flexion and motion that is supposed to occur in your sutures.
My “Central Nervous System Restoration®” corrects the Occipital Neuralgia pain in 6 to 12 months for most people. It is a good idea to get a check up about once per year after the original course of treatment.
Of course, the muscles of your neck have to work very hard to support a skull that is out of balance and this can cause CHRONIC MUSCLE SPASMS in your neck and shoulders.
The compressed sphenoid and temporal bones also affect the middle and inner ear. This can cause ear pain to develop.
Using this approach, I have better than 90% success rate over 6-12 months.
The compressed Temporal and Sphenoid bones cause the Temporal Lobe of the Brain to become Dehydrated and cause Areas of High and Low Pressure within the Cerebro Spinal Fluid which causes poor blood flow throughout the brain. This poor blood flow causes the brain to dehydrate and your brain works slower. This makes it harder to think and process information at a fast rate.
The spinal fluid compresses the blood vessels causing loss of blood flow to the muscles of the jaw and face.
About 1/2 of my patients are from out of state and out of the country.
The first day, I would examine your skull not with x-rays, CAT Scans, and MRIs, but with my hands and also with specific Neurologic Reflex tests (Proprioceptive Reflexes) that are designed to show me how fast your brain is reacting to gravity and how quickly the left side of your brain is talking to the right side of your brain.
The first portion of the examination will reveal how many and which of your six sutures and skull plates are locked up in the wrong position and will give me an estimate of how many series that you need. These tests tell me which areas of YOUR brain are dryer than they should be and are causing pressure to build up inside the spinal fluid and are causing YOUR Dural Torque/Occipital Neuralgia.
The six points are:
- Bridge of your nose where someone's glasses would sit.
- Under your nose where your two front teeth come together.
- Top of your head where the soft spot would be on a baby.
- Back of the head where the second soft spot would be.
- Behind the left ear where the temporal bone meets the occipital bone.
- Behind the right ear where the temporal bone meets the occipital bone.
The second portion of the examination will test for 13 different treatment patterns on each of the 6 skull plates that could be unstable. Each unstable treatment pattern requires 1 treatment to correct the unstable pattern. There are 78 individual patterns that must be checked and corrected. This portion of the exam gives us a better indication of how many individual treatments that will be required in order to correct your problem. Your Occipital Neuralgia situation is unique and the initial exam will reveal how many series of treatments that you will personally need.
This examination shows me which head positions are causing the brain to feel unstable and are causing pressure to build up inside the spinal fluid and causing Your Occipital Neuralgia. The treatments are typically done in groups of four treatments which are referred to as one series.
The examination will show how many treatments are required to correct each of the six skull plates. The skull unlocks from front to back and from left to right.
We correct the skull plates one at a time. This gives us BETTER RESULTS with less symptoms in between series.
This examination allows me to zero in on YOUR PROBLEM AREAS and AVOID OVER TREATMENT therefore Getting Quicker Results and Saving You Money. This is all done by physical examination of the head. (No costly MRI or Cat Scan or X-rays)
The total cost of treatment will vary according to the number of skull plates that are locked up and how many of the 78 treatment patterns that show to be “unstable”. The average length of time needed for 8 out of 10 patients is about 32 -36 individual treatments or 8-9 series of four day treatments. 2 out of 10 patients need up to 48 individual treatments or up to 12 series of four day treatments.
After I examine your skull to find out how many of the skull plates are compressed, then we begin treatment.
First I do the deep muscle work around the spine and work to the belly of the muscles to break up lactic acid, then the light muscle work from Australia to balance the muscles on both sides of the spine, then the massage of the skull plates along the sutures, then I remove pressure on the brain stem, and finally I place a little instrument with a balloon in your nose and put air into it for about 2 seconds. The air in the balloon will move the bones (incrementally) into their correct position. This is done every day, for each treatment, to unlock each of the 78 patterns that were unstable on the examination.
Half of the people that I work with say that it feels like they jumped into the pool and got water up their nose. The other half say that it feels like very intense pressure for 2 seconds. They even hear the cartilage and small bones in the nose move and say that is sounds like Velcro being pulled apart (tolerable because it is only for 2 seconds).
I tell patients that They Will Not "LIKE" The Treatment But That They Will "LOVE" The Results.
The exam is $250.00 and each treatment is $250.00 and lasts about an hour. The first four treatments are $1,000.00. That includes the all four days of the “Soft Tissue Work” and the “Central Nervous System Restoration®”. Each additional 4 treatments (1 series) is $1,000.00.
Each individual treatment lasts about an hour and is $250.00 We have a one-time fee of $10.00 Most patients want to get well as quickly as possible and choose to do 8 treatments in 4 days. The total cost for the exam and 8 treatments is $2,260.00
Correcting your Muscle Spasms and Occipital Neuralgia using “Central Nervous System Restoration®” would be a PROCESS...not an overnight cure as I'm sure that you are aware. There is NO NEED for you to be in such pain. Most of my patients begin to see results and begin to feel better by the time that we get 2 skull plates unlocked. That usually takes 8 treatments (two series) on the average.
On the AVERAGE, each series of treatments is four days and the treatments are “normally” scheduled about a month apart. Each patient is unique and in certain circumstances the treatments should be done closer together such as in the beginning to “jumpstart” you to get relief. In the beginning, the visits lasts about an hour.
We usually wait four weeks before doing more therapy in order to allow the spinal fluid to catch up with what I am doing to unlock the skull plates. Getting in with about a two week notice is USUALLY no problem but some weeks are booked more solid than others.
During the last 19 years, I have combined Five Major and 2 minor "non-surgical" therapies that are curing the Occipital Neuralgia for 90% of the patients within six months. I still recommend that patients return yearly for a re-exam to see if they need a “Tune-up”.
10% of the patients are requiring 12 months of therapy because of extenuating circumstances such as “scarring and dehydration” within the Brain and Spinal Cord from severe tailbone injuries, severe viral infections in the past, or extensive dental work, or braces.
About "1 out of 50" people have a slight nosebleed. They blow their nose 2-3 times and it stops. About "1 out of 300" will have more of a nose bleed and we then have to use smaller balloons and "baby" them a bit. This may extend the average length of treatment to 12 months as we allow the blood vessels time to rehydrate.
For some people (1 out of 50), Emotional trauma from past experiences may occasionally surface during the treatment. This is usually short lived and you MAY feel more emotional during the week of treatment. About "1 out of 50" people have old memories that contain old emotional issues that were suppressed. If you are one of these people who has been “raped” or suffered a lot of “victim abuse” then your subconscious will process this old emotional trauma usually in one week or less. You may have a good cry during that day or two while your brain processes the old emotional baggage; then you will feel much lighter.
As I unlock the skull bones and remove the pressure on the brain, the circulation to the brain is increased and your memory will improve. For the majority of people we are able to restore the proper flow of the spinal fluid and get rid of the Occipital Neuralgia in less than 12 months. After this, you will probably need a “tune up” about once per year. I personally need a 2 day tune up about twice per year if I am dealing with a lot of stress. When I do not have stress; then I can go for a year before I need for a Tune-up.
There are only 2 doctors in the world who are checking for all 78 patterns of instability in the skull. I am using the “Central Nervous System Restoration” which is a combination of techniques. I have offered to share my knowledge with other doctors who do an older style of balloon technique; however the instructor said that he was doing his own research and did not want to hear about my research.
Several Chiropractors, Dentists, and Acupuncturists have inquired about when I am going to start teaching my methods.
I have found that if I combine 5 major techniques and 2 minor techniques along with my knowledge of Neurology that I get faster and longer lasting results. They work together very well and the results last. Again, a yearly check up is essential to maintain what has been achieved.
Nimmo Technique-deep muscle work along the spine developed by Dr. Ray Nimmo, a chiropractor, which breaks up lactic acid in the muscles and increases blood flow and oxygen thereby helping the muscles to relax.
Bowen (Neuro Structural Integration Technique)-Very light muscle work designed to relax the muscles of the spine, neck, and face even further so that they do not pull the bones back out of place. The Bowen work has its own protocol for helping the Occipital Neuralgia. Developed by Tom Bowen of Australia who was an osteopathic type of therapist.
Cranial Sutural Spread- regular cranial work that feels like I am massaging the scalp where the bones of the skull come together. This reduces the Cranial Subluxations as well as promotes the flow of the cerebro spinal fluid in and around the brain.
Condyle Lift and Spread- It is designed to remove pressure off of the brain stem using very gentle lifting of the head with patient laying face up with light pressure laterally on the underside of the skull to increase blood flow to the brain by relaxing spasms in the "Vertebro-Basilar Artery" which supplies blood to the brain.
“Central Nervous System Restoration®”-uses a small instrument that looks like what is used for "angioplasty". It is a blood pressure cuff with a finger cot (small balloon) attached that is placed into the nose (turbinate bones) and inflated with air for about 2 seconds. The balloon then moves the turbinate bones and opens the cartilage at the back of the nose and allows you to breathe better. It also "begins the process" of restoring the subtle motion of the skull bones that is supposed to happen when you breathe air in. Recent research, done at my clinic in August 2004, has allowed for FINE TUNING of this “Advanced Skull Work” by checking for 78 treatment patterns. Each of the 78 different patterns that are unstable must be corrected. The examination reveals how much treatment that you will most likely need. Average is about 32 to 36 individual treatments.
Reset jaw muscle (Masseter) spindle fibers-very gentle massage of the major jaw muscles that allow you to chew.
Atlanto/Occipital Restoration-(Ligament Resetting)-light pressure applied behind the ear (bottom of the skull) and to the upper bone in the neck while rotating your head throughout its range of motion during inspiration and expiration to remove stress off of a VERY IMPORTANT ligament that acts like a guy wire to support the skull.
By finding and removing the subluxation complexes of the head; the Occipital Neuralgia gets corrected. The Soft tissue work is just as important as the “Central Nervous System Restoration®” in correcting the underlying cause of the Occipital Neuralgia. The average scenario for 80% of the Occipital Neuralgia patients would be that all six major plates are locked and therefore 6-9 series of treatments would be needed. That would cost approximately $6,250.00 spread out over 7-8 months.
About 20% of the Occipital Neuralgia patients have extenuating circumstances that require up to 12 series. All of our patients pay for treatment at the beginning of the week when treatment begins.
The Cerebro-Spinal Fluid acts like hydraulic fluid and once the compressed skull joints are unlocked, then the spinal fluid begins to push the bones and cartilage back into their proper position. They tend to stay in the right place unless you receive a new injury or if you have lots of stress. It Is A Good Idea To Get Your Skull Checked once per Year (just like having your teeth cleaned). Get a tune up to Catch Any Problems Early Before They Have A Chance To Develop Into Major Health Problems. Once you have completed our program, then all re-exams are FREE to You AND Your Family. Be sure and ask about our FAMILY DISCOUNTS.
The sinuses and the skull plates shift with barometric pressure changes. Many Occipital Neuralgia conditions flare up the day before it snows or rains.
It is the combination of these 5 major and 2 minor techniques that gives our clinic its high success rate. This means quicker pain relief and less money out of your pocket in the long run. The “Soft Tissue Work” allows the “Central Nervous System Restoration®” to correct the Occipital Neuralgia quicker with less visits.
“Central Nervous System Restoration®” helps to restore normal brain chemistry by removing the abnormal pressure of the skull that is compressing various lobes of the brain. “Central Nervous System Restoration®” is not a panacea treatment that gets rid of every ache or pain from head to toe, however it does address and normalize brain chemistry which controls all hormonal and body functions.
There are four lobes of the brain and each one makes a different type of brain chemical. The frontal lobe and the parietal lobes act like an accelerator to make the brain to work faster. The temporal lobes and the occipital lobe act like a brake to help the brain organize information and rest. Each lobe has a specific brain wave associated with it. [Alpha, Beta, Delta, Theta]
The frontal lobe deals with a neurotransmitter called "dopamine". This makes the brain work faster and keeps you awake and alert. It also helps you to feel like you can overcome any obstacle or challenge in your life. This chemical can become depleted when people are under stress are not exercising. Cocaine use seriously depletes dopamine.
The parietal lobes deals with a neurotransmitter called "acetylcholine" which helps your memory and is how one nerve sends a nerve impulse to another nerve. Without enough acetylcholine the brain slows down. The left side of your brain cannot communicate fast enough with the right side of your brain. Acetylcholine is depleted if people take speed (amphetamines).
The temporal lobes deals with a neurotransmitter called GAMA AMINO BUTYRIC ACID. "G.A.B.A.” helps you to deal with stress and balances the left and right hemispheres of the brain. Without enough of this neurotransmitter, your brain could feel like sparklers or firecrackers are going off inside the brain. This is the nerves of your brain not getting the proper message to the correct portion of your brain. Therefore your body does not respond when and how you want it to.
The occipital lobe deals with a neurotransmitter serotonin which also helps us to rest and sleep along with sexual functioning. It also deals with stress, digestion, and ability to let your mind rest and not race. Day to day stresses can "burn up" these neurotransmitters faster than you can make them especially when the skull plates are "compressed". We are finding that the work that I do using “Central Nervous System Restoration®” to unlock the skull plates makes a direct improvement on brain chemistry.
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