Tips for health living

in healthliving •  7 years ago 

As the common adage goes, health is wealth. And the best way to be healthy is to be happy practise good habits, maintain a regular healthy routine and a healthy way of thought.
The following tips will help you make every meal a healthy one for your body.

  1. Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise is a nursery rhyme worth acting upon. One can maintain proper healthy routine only if one wakes up early and performs the right activity at the right time. This ensures good health at all times.
  2. Avoid anxiety and stressful conditions.
  3. Do not use your nails, toothpicks or other pointed things to clean your teeth because it can wear away the gums resulting in complete exposure of the teeth.
  4. Breathe from the nostrils and not from the mouth. Your nose is lined with small hair that helps in filtering air. The air is warmed and moistened in the nose. Breathing from the mouth dries the pharynx, resulting in dry cough and formation of mucous.
  5. Never eat food while under stress, strain or worry as it hinders the digestive process. Avoid any other simultaneous activity as this forces the heart to pump more blood, slowing down digestion and leading to various ailments including indigestion. Thus, one should avoid reading or studying while eating.
  6. Drinking lots of water relieves many ailments. Ensure that the water is pure to avoid water-borne diseases. Drink water in the morning just after getting up and before brushing your teeth. Drink at least a litre of water at one go and do not eat anything for an hour. After drinking water, wash your face and brush your teeth. Those unable to drink so much water can initially start with one glass and gradually increase to four glasses. The first one or two glasses have no effect on the body except for excessive urination. After a few days, everything becomes normal. People suffering from arthritis and vata diseases should do this treatment thrice a day. Drinking a copious quantity of water at one time cleans the intestine and improves its functioning. Even the Indian Health Association considers this a scientific method. Poisonous substances in of body are excreted within 24 hours. Constipation is relieved and it prevents many diseases.IMG_20180304_121746_704.JPG
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