GymSamurai: Personal Fitness Challenge Day 5 - Arms

in heath •  8 years ago  (edited)


Body weight: 252lbs (-0.6lbs)
Calories burned: 3795
Calories eaten: 2863 (235g protein, 190g carb, 113g fat)
Steps taken: 9368
Workout duration: 50 min
Weight lifted: 12,928lbs

Arm day hype! Feeling refreshed after a rest day yesterday, I started off the morning with a 35 minute fasted walk. Then I did my usual desk job all day and hit the gym energized to blast arms. I started with some dips to hit the chest a little and warm up, then hit biceps, then triceps:

Dip Machine

105x15, 205x8, 205x7


Barbell curl: 60x10, 80x8/6
Incline DB curl: 60x3, 40x6, 30x6
Overhead cable curl: 44x5/6, 33x10
Hammer curl: 50x6, 40x7/7


Rope pushdown: 88x6, 83x8, 77x7
Overhead rope extension: 50x5, 44x4, 33x4
Close grip bench: 45x15/15/15

I had a sick pump going and a lot of lactic acid flowing, so I opted to skip abs today and chose to hit the hydromassage table for 15 minutes of relaxation and aquatherapy. I love that thing! My arms were so pumped that with my elbows resting on the table, my hands would not touch it in a relaxed state. :D So I rested them on my belly and let the water work its magic.

My calves were definitely sore from Wednesday's workout. The morning walk, hydromassage, and an evening hot tub soak seem to have done the trick and they're feeling nice and loose again. I was surprised that they were so sore - I've been walking a fair amount and I didn't think I'd blasted them too hard in just three sets of raises on the leg press machine. Duly noted.

Tomorrow is likely going to be another rest day. The gym has a Fit 3D body scanner that I'm keen to try. As a 3D artist myself, I'm very curious to see what my actual physique looks like from all angles - not just the side I see in the mirror. I suspect that I will be most disappointed with my belly which, while it doesn't seem to be super fatty, is feeling rather distended. Maybe from lack of ab work? ;)

Regardless, the body scan will serve as a great reference and motivation to train harder to achieve my goals, and I'm really looking forward to having them done regularly so I can really see the progress I'm making over time.

I may do some quick HIIT sprints in the morning, just to get the blood pumping. Haircut and food shopping are the other things I have to get done tomorrow. If I'm feeling good, I may start the next cycle - back day again - but that will be an afternoon decision. I'm keenly aware of overdoing things, as I tend to, at the beginning and must keep my eyes on the long term goal of regular exercise for the next year. We shall see what we shall see...

Be great!

Feel free to read my original post about the why and how I'm doing this challenge: GymSamurai: One Year Birthday Fitness Challenge Begins or view my feed at @imagin8orr to see each day's workout log.

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