in helth •  7 years ago  (edited)

Foto0224.jpg[Photo: by. @jubagarang persiapan Kelapa muda dalam kunker Mensos RI Thn.2013 PKH in Bireuen]

Of course you have tasted this drink (Young Coconut) This one drink besides can restore thirst can also return your lost body ion during activity, in my village Young coconut in drink by farmer after spraying pest by using chemicals because water from coconut still young in believe can kill toxins inadvertently inhaled when spraying pests, and this water is also believed by the mothers who are pregnant can make a clean nap when giving birth but regardless of the myth is still young coconut water is very good for the consumption by pregnant women because it contains sodium, magnesium, protein and potassium.

Young coconut water in the cool will be very delicious in the sun is very hot buddy,

even Obama who served as president of the United States at a visit to Indonesia had felt the young coconut in the ice.


Foto0220.jpg[Photo: by. @jubagarang dokumentasi PKH]

for those of you who have not felt cold coconut water like you should try it now

Enjoy your friend.

Greetings of friendship

fierce greetings

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Kelapa mudanya banyak banget . Bagi donk @jubagarang.

Terima kasih bunda sudah mengunjungi halaman saya...

Mau bunda kapan kapan ketempat @abughaisan kita makan bareng....


Bereh bereh bereh... Komentar usahakan yang panjang...

rakan, i just trying to write in steemit.......dont orget to visit mine

Thank you for visit in my blog.
Oke rakan...
Secepatnya dikarenakan zekarang akin saya lagi bandwich limitid

Hai. Nye pakek poto ureung laen harus pakek sumber. Mehan keneng blok nyan

Ops oke pak karamullah, sion tok photo orang lain (obama jep ie u) oke akan saya tulis sumbernya terimaksih atas masukannya