RE: Hardfork 21 is HAPPENING. What will change?

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Hardfork 21 is HAPPENING. What will change?

in hf21 •  6 years ago 

This terrifies me.

Steemit have defended it saying it will help support the quality content, and the good posts currently earn over 20 steem so they will earn more. The idea that steemit would reply to people’s concerns here to say, yes hundreds of tiny users upvoted your post, but the votes you get are worth less than 20 steem so you need to “work harder” is gutting - because we know it isn’t true. A story can be 10-20 hours of work, in some cases considerably more, and going to go out on a limb and say that is probably more time and effort than went into some of the stuff that does well.

Hard work and good content does not mean a post will be worth anything.

I could cite examples of really talented artists who worked more than hard enough on their creations, and never did well compared to other artists who were more of a personality. I am sure most users reading this have experienced creating something they are actually proud of, something that was hard and took a lot of their time/effort, and it just falling by the wayside unnoticed. Instead of supporting them, I feel like this will just lead the more things like big users holding contests just to win an upvote from them, more people to curate at the top where people will get the most back, and make the current "gaming" of upvotes for curation worse.

Steemit introducing free flagging, and letting people take for free what others worked hard for is like a gut punch.

I have been here nearly 2 years, and have just about built up enough steem power for my vote to have value. I currently get bully flagged by a person who doesn’t like me, on the grounds of they don’t think I deserve the upvote due to personal reasons completely unrelated to the content I produce. Once I found out steemit have endorsed that behavior to the degree of making it easier in the HF, I began to experience anxiety about posting. What if one person thinks it’s good and upvotes it, and someone else disagrees or doesn’t like the content I chose to write about, or that my ending wasn’t happy, or they plain just doesn’t like me, and having seen that steemit is now encouraging this in their explanation of the payout curve - flags me. They, for free, can take away the steem power it has taken so long for me to gather, in a single click. No comment, no justification. And I have no control over how much other people upvote me, so I don’t understand why it is okay for me to punished for that?

It feels like steemit is endorsing all the nastiness and bullying that ruins the experience for too many people.

In that vein, I disagree with indiscriminately flagging things upvoted by a bidbot when you can’t stop someone else using one of your content. A person can deliberately trigger a whole load of flags by using a bot on someone else’s comment. You can click to reveal examples in the comments section of the other posts steemit has released on this so far. There is no distinction made between bidbots used by the author and bid bots sent by users who wanted to upvote with more than their vote was worth/sent by a user who is actively hoping to trigger flags. But, if people really didn’t agree with bidbots, they would be flag the bots directly, not the possibly naïve user who used them. Unless these same people are investing in the bot they are condemning the use of, to me it seems more logical to address the cause of the problem and flag the bot. But that isn’t what is being encouraged here and I can’t help but wonder why.

If steemit really cared about stopping spam or shit posting with flagging, they would have added the long requested functionality to flagging, where a person has to select from a list the reason for flagging, and leave a comment with a min character count to say why.

Right now people jump on the flag wagon and half the time, a person gets all their posts and comments flagged for leaving just one comment with an unpopular opinion. How can anyone argue it isn’t censorship? One unpopular opinion and an account get pushed into negative reputation. I have seen it happen without anyone even responding to an unpopular opinion or spampost (that would have been fine on another platform), just a tirade of flags all over a persons other posts that end up crippling them, and they have no idea what they did wrong. That was what created the upset and hurt that led to the Steemit Defense League, a person buying vast amount of accounts purely to flag users to impersonate a group with the intention of damaging the platform. That is how much flagging can hurt a person on a human level, that they will dedicate months, their own money, their own time, to lashing back. Flags for normal users are pretty rare, so when they are suddenly hit with a mountain of them across all their posts and comments without a warning they need to not engage in a certain behavior, or just for expressing their opinion and being noticed by the wrong person, it affects people on an emotional level, and they respond emotionally. Flags should be limited to the offending content, and not targeted at a content creator in general, and a person should be told why they have been flagged and given a chance to address it before they are mass flagged into the dust.

But ultimately, the flagging system is a cop out, steemit are asking their users to police the platform for them, and shrugging off the responsibility for managing the platform onto their users.

I am not alone here in saying this feels like it only benefits those at the top. Their earnings will go up, they get free flags worth enough to destroy even a mid level users who says something they don’t like. At no cost to themselves, they can take away from what people worked hard for. This is framed like it will help people combat bidbots, but what do flagged people do to try and get their rep back up…? They use bid bots.

Steemit could easily shut down or cripple bidbots, but it doesn’t, instead it’s giving out free flags and slashing rewards for those who earn below the average payout. You only have to look at the average post pay out from the trending tags to see that the average user doesn’t come near 20 steem. Most average platform users would agree vote value doesn’t directly correlate to quality. I personally believe people who have voiced concerns, like @viking-ventures, are creating high quality content, but it doesn't reach the 20 steem threshold. I know myself, it's easy to put 10-20 + hours into a story, to say try harder is just missing the point.

To say that flagging is an appropriate way to police users is insanity. There is no one guide we are all upholding, and what is okay and what isn’t is subjective, how is a new user supposed to know they were committing a flaggable offense? There are bidbots, nothing says you can’t use them, a new user sees a post doing well because of bidbots, and thinks, oh that’s what you need to do, okay, and spends the real money they invested in the platform to promote a post. Other users see this, and flag them. That new user lost the money they invested and chances are we just lost a user who was buying into steem.

The new payout curve + free flags feels like something that will lead to more bidbot use.

Given that quality doesn’t equate to the value of a post and the value of the average post is going to drop, the main thing people currently do to increase their earnings is use bidbots, the current most popular way to recover from flagging is bid bots. I am confident the bidbots will adapt, they are run by people who endorse this, I am sure they have a new pricing structure ready to roll that accounts for the 50:50 split.

The suggestion in the explanation from steemit that by flagging someone it reduces what they will earn and could potentially increase what you earn feels dangerous.

People already seem to comparatively judge, they declare their work better than someone else and want to know why haven't they earned as much as that person. Steemit suggesting that feeling is justified and should result in flagging is misguided. Especially given things like curie, which have other factors to qualify for them, meaning a person may not get a curie on an amazing story because they got one 9 days ago, and see a curie on a less polished story but feel like their own story is worth more. Flagging isn't the way to deal with that.

It isn’t censorship in the normal sense, because yes, you can click to show a hidden comment, but it’s creating an atmosphere of self-censorship being necessary for survival.

There is so much hate and anger on here, and so much disagreement, most people would think its okay to buy shares in @steembasicincome, but some people don’t and compare it to a subscription bidbot, with so many opposing opinions, and a free weapon being put in the hands of every user, how can a person survive? Seriously, I need a survival guide, I don’t know how to continue to share content.


  • a 50:50 split encourages curation at the top because you can earn so much more from it so it follows why waste curation on smaller users when you will get more back from upvoting someone big
  • quality is not reflected by post value at all
  • flagging with no singular guide for users isn't good for the platform
  • the average post doesn't come near 20 STEEM, only the top few percent will benefit, at the expense of everyone else
  • Posting is scary when you can lose everything you have built up with no warning just because someone didn't like your story, didn't like you personally, or doesn't think it is worth what it has compared to what their own post got
  • we shouldn't be turning on each other with flags
  • flagging other users shouldn't be explained as a way to earn more on your own posts
  • reducing the payout for the average user whilst increasing the cut for curation takes from the user base and feeds the top


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Flagged because you're oblivious to the intent of Steem/Steemit and this sounds like nothing but a bunch of whining from someone who doesn't care to build up their own Steem Power.

That's one way to go about discussion I guess.

If you don't mind me asking, when you say intent of Steem/Steemit. What does that mean?

I ask that because Steemit Inc is a corporate entity and as business I would their intent is profit.

As for Steem, we both know it's a blockchain with a variety of users and variety of intentions for use. Some may be concerned only profit while others relish in social interaction or the conveyance of ideas, art, humor or other things under the sun.

It's reasonable to desire users to be fair in their appraisals of value to the network so I believe that idea is articulated in some sense in @calluna's comment. It was thoughtful but you don't have to agree with everything she said which obviously you don't.

But did really have to go an zero it completely? She took the time to engage the community in an intelligible way. May I ask you to remove the downvotes and, if you wish, place them on me.

You post about Steem being like a desert yet you seem to lack self-awareness of how you contribute to that.

Do you want a network of Yes-Men repeating only ideas that are palatable to your wordview or do you want to be challenged?

Debate and discussion is good for the platform but seems you are quelling with opinion flags.

Hope my contrary opinion is well received. Have a good day.



I agree with you 100% have said this for over a year since ned offered us the BS of HF20 and RC/Mana and all the frauds that created.. Funny I hear he powered down and left steem after I called him out over 12 months ago for doing just that! (he flagged me with his insane power just to spite me for mentioning his name negatively)... Funny what you say is EXACTLY what I predicted over a year ago! Flagging should NOT EXIST! After getting rid of flagging we should not be creating a situation where if you do not know whales and/or have insane SP and self up vote that you are punished with lower rewards... It should be linear... You get 200SP in voting power at 100% it should be 1/10th if you got 2000SP in voting power up voted on your post at 100%... THAT IS A FAIR VOTING SYSTEM! Skewing rewards based on how much a post gets ONLY favors the big pay for up vote bots and adding a FREE downvote ensures people can just create lots and lots of fake bs accounts to flag you and destroy your reason for being here! These people who claim you are wrong... ARE THE EXACT people who flagged me and tried to say RC was a good thing and proved AGAIN AND AGAIN they are not into a free good platform but rather protecting self interest.

Witnesses should have been expanded to over 500 and frankly SCALE with active userbase... This is how electoral college works in America for the very said reason of protecting the individuals from a mob rule (democracy)...

Your comment is very insightful I recommend you contact me and discuss more privately as I have a lot to say and I know by reading your comment you do as well!

I'm going to come back and read all of this. Incredibly thoughtful from what I did scan.

If steemit really cared about stopping spam or shit posting with flagging, they would have added the long requested functionality to flagging, where a person has to select from a list the reason for flagging, and leave a comment with a min character count to say why.

That's kind of what we do with @steemflagrewards. Took it upon myself to create a system where users may properly moderate and receive rewards for legitimate flags (NO OPINION FLAGS). We've received a fair amount of community support and are approaching 100k SP but, unfortunately, Steemit Inc has not shown interest as of yet.

Note: Opinion flags bases on idealogy. Technically we do flag based on our subjective evaluation of rewards specifically as it pertains to bid bots.

With their support, we could go after bad whales, flag em, comment why, vote that comment with an alt and burn the rewards.

...Or alternatively if they desire work out a community support curation initiative with the rewards. We have the bodies in our Discord of about 450-425 (fluctuates) strong and I'm sure we can easily find volunteers among them.

The great thing about our community is the culture and ethos we share. We aren't just trying to bring any jerk trying to make a quick buck but are full of people that really care about the platform and have higher integrity imho.

I'm off on a tangent. Sorry you are being targeted. I'll take a look at your blog, maybe create a post about your comment later. Check out @steemflagrewards if you have time.

I have heard of you guys, and I have so much respect for you as people, and for what you do. Flag rewards, where legitimate flags are rewarded, and I am guessing if submitted illegitimate flags are also picked up on. Sadly sometimes, you end up being portrayed as part of the problem. Normally by little users who you guys flagged for copying something they say a big user doing. But that is a wider problem of steemit not backing a project that is already addressing this.

The work you guys do makes such a difference, and would be a much better way of dealing with the problem. If steemit got behind you, then you could take on the big users who are problems. I find it hard not to feel for people who copy a big user and get flagged for it.

There being integrity and a sense of responsibility behind flagging is so important. Flags should be motivated by wanting to improve the platform, not pettiness, personal feelings or wanting to earn more. If steemit gave you the backing, and made it so they at least logged the reason for a flag themselves, there would be an accountability behind what you did. I also bet that would be fascinating data.

A very on point and parallel tangent, and kind of the other side to the coin. The user base has already come together to support you as the way to address spam and shit posters.

It is a good point that it is all subjective, but then that makes it hard. The flagging you guys do is different to the flagging that really causes problems, and I would like to see these things separated. Although that said, people still get very upset, but if you were backed, and the functionality of flagging was there so they could see why they had been flagged there could be so much more. Its a tangent of my own, but if flagging was left to people who understood what they were doing, a group that ordinary users could click to report things to in place of flagging, it would be far more effective in stopping abuse and addressing the issues.

The person who flags me does no damage at all, it is purely trying to hurt my feelings so I have ignored it entirely until now. But I know I am not alone, and that a lot of people in the same position are hit more by being flagged out of spite or as part of splatter retaliation flagging, and are more upset by it, and given the amount of people I have crossed paths with who have been misflagged, I couldn't not say something. Thank you very much for your response, I was pretty anxious about having posted this and getting others to sincerely consider some of these things is the most I had hoped for here. Thank you :)

I do admire this flagging system to the extent it discourages spam, theft, hate speech, etc. Like you said, our perception of things can be subjective as we are humans. So, it might be a question of whether we want a centralized governing body police us or if we would rather attempt to decentralize that policing system. If the policing system can mirror a decentralized, constitutional (blockchain) republic (Steem), if it could seek after three or four branches of governments in Steem, then that might be better. I don't downvote. I don't promote flagging. I promote voting on what we like. I like something, I upvote it. I ignore other things. I don't have time to downvote. But I understand why people downvote. To some extent, I feel tempted to maybe downvote sometimes. So, it might be a better choice to sometimes downvote sometimes. I understand that. Have a good day.

I think its going to cause more hate


They seem to forget that voting against others can also be a strategy to reduce competition. A tactic backed by those who voted for HF21 (I was not asked).
If a person with a higher reputation can reduce the reputation of another with a lower reputation, without any requirement or condition, this can turn into a war of flags and markings, rather than content and ideas.

Technically, that is already a problem. But at the same time, it can also be a good thing. I like free markets. You know that the free market is not safe. But I like it. Steem might not be a free market. But if it was a free market, it would be very dangerous. If Steem was too safe, it would be not a free market. If this second pool is a bad idea, we will all write posts about that.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment




What's wrong with a plagiarist destroyer?

Or are you too afraid to speak up?


Oh yeah? Tell this "little guy" to fuck off the platform.

Oh wait, you won't. You can't. You are more interested in your overbid memes. That will soon change.

Who may I ask?

Posted using Partiko Android

Totally agree. Bad changes for this poor economy. I will most likely leave this project due to very few becoming even fewer rewards for the 100% original content I am sharing.

Yes, I earn an average of 20 cents for my posts that is some of the best literature around, and now I'm going to earn less?

Completely agree with @calluna
Especially with regards to "Hard work and good content does not mean a post will be worth anything."
I am lucky if I get 20 votes on a post. For example, here's a video that I had commissioned for a conference
6 months of work, dozens of fo people involved. Several tens of thousand views and likes on other platforms but only 7 votes here in Steemit:We must Return: Building the Moon Base.
Same goes for news related text posts "The A.I Medical Revolution?💻:

No way in Hell are both posts combined close to 20 steem.

It's difficult to grow here on Steem as it is, but these new changes are going to make it next to impossible. It seems like the whales are the priority with this update.

I wonder if these changes will cripple the likes of @actifit and similar projects?

Since the whales will have the ability to end the competition, this could end up being suicide.
If only whales have the possibility of generating content that cannot be marked, those under them have NO opportunity to grow.
This platform was already unfair to the issue of whales, now it turns out that they themselves will decide the future of all, because it depends on the use they give to the power that with the HF21 self-concedes

Well said @galatas 👍

Value is determined by supply and demand, right?

Some people earn very little. It DOES NOT MEAN that their content is WORTH less and NOT AS GOOD as someone who earns more. I am totally with you on that concern. I am trying not to let this dictate my internal state of being, but it's very difficult right now. Steemit is basically saying that those of us who earn less than 20 Steem, our content isn't good. Some of the stuff I share, like the fanfic or videos, HOURS of work, WEEKS of work, MONTHS of work.

It's as though they are trying to get rid of us.

Steemit is going to give more to people who earn more and give less to people who earn less. Not fair. Why not give equal. Not more to some and not less to others. Why should someone else gain more and someone else gain less? Just have it be they earn what they earn.

Hot take: The Whales want the minnows gone, but they are too much of COWARDS to actually tell us to GTFO.

I am going to monitor closely how my posts do after this fork, but if this relationship becomes unhealthy for me, then I am out. Never thought I'd say it because I had a lot of hope for Steemit.

Time to look for a replacement platform. This sucks.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)


Thanks for the insight. There is a lot to keep in mind for me. If I do leave, I have to assess the impact it will have on the communities I am delegating to. I would wish for us to as a group jump together somewhere else. I might continue to delegate to some cuz I don't want to leave them high and dry, but I also will have to do what's best for me.

Posted using Partiko Android

I agree. Steemit is just trying to run us off.

Come check us out instead! We forked Steem at HF 19 and created a mobile review platform for iOS/Android where users earn crypto for reviews of restaurants, hotels, movies, video games, coins, exchanges, dApps and more! All 100% free!

Earn like you used to earn!

If you reply with your username, i'll even kick you 10 additional BRAVO!

Username: HowWeRoll i just started.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I left Steemit for awhile... Because unless you have massive support it hard to make anything. I came back because I like the Platform and Project. But now we will make even

I have been posting and making $1.50 or so a post some times less with over 3000+ Followers and over 1800+ Posts. It's been hard on here because I often post erotic art and nude art that is NSFW. But some of my images take hours of work, as well as other people to product including models and makeup artists. Some don't take as much work as they are instant film, but still need to be scanned.

I just can't see posting it for even less. When I can actually sell access to it on other sites.

I had hoped Steemit would be great for artists, creators, models, but it's really has not been for the most part and then dealing with flag attacks politics, etc... And then getting harassed by Steem Cleaners and being told I'm a known copyright infringer of my own I glad I came to Steemit and did well for a little while and I'm very grateful for all of those that have supported my work. But I'm not sure if it's really going to be worth my time to even post. Let alone my dream of actually earning an income by creating content on steemit, which died a lone time ago.

Regardless of my position I think this is mistake for Steemit and will cost them a lot of content creators and they will be left with vote traders. In the long run that does not benefit the platform. But I'm not hating on the traders either, I get it, but there need to be balance, and also giving curators the same payout as the creator is a joke and insult to content creators.

Steem cleaners harrased me once. I was just posting my YT videos and they kept spamming on my posts and had to spam on an irrelevant tweet saying I need to confirm that the content is mine. My face was visiable on a post they comment on and that wasn't a clue it's my content?

You've spoken the mind of many down flagged accounts here. One was a friend whose religious views spurs a bully flag whenever he made posts!!

Thank you so very very much for that comment, sincerely. I had felt like I had to try, so many people get their voice effectively taken by flags.

That's true. My publications are clearly about religion, someone or a religious congregation other than mine (with members of greater reputation than I currently have) will have the possibility of marking me negatively without giving reasons for it.
It is a possibility for religious, political, anti-gay, progays, pro-drug, anti-drug censorship.

The HF21 will bring to this platform the means to convert what should have been an exchange of content in a bid for the power to publish what I am interested in being published.

Quite pathetic. But we have to continue the ur individual or corporate campaign against unwarranted flagging until, hopefully, steemit comply to our request!!

Steem could be policed from a central committee of moderators like Facebook does. We have that with the tech cartels. Steem could be policed, however, through a decentralized Wild Wild West. Downvoting is flagging. You can leave a comment stating why you flagged something.

Downvote Pool

As people downvote, will their downvote power and weight increase and will this second pool grow and grow, is my question. I'm guessing that if people are paid money to downvote, and if that secondary pool is not just merely Resource Credit (RC) manna, and if the downvote grows and grows, then that is potential flaw in Steem. But if this second pool is fixed, then that might be less dangerous.


I don't downvote. So, I don't promote that. So, you're right that we shouldn't be flagging each other like you said. Yes, decreasing author rewards down to 50% is dangerous. It might promote more interaction, engagement. However, it is risky. It is dangerous. I'm hoping things improve. I'm crossing my fingers. Hard Fork 22 might be undoing some of these things. If these things don't really work, we should revert some of these back to HF20.

Free Market

I believe in the free market. Specifically, the market can be crazy. Some people have a lot of money. Some people may be very poor. I believe in the system, generally speaking. I believe in freedoms. So, I believe in letting run around wild doing good and bad. So, we see a wide variety of content with variations of quality and quantity. Generally, quality can be measured subjectively, generally speaking. Of course, objectivity is real. But too often, people are judging quality from a point irrationality, because humans are full of bias, preference, perspectives, paradigms, beliefs, feelings, as we are not perfect. Now, hypothetically, if we were perfect, if we knew everything, then we would be able to rate the level of quality objectively. I believe in freedom over safety. I believe in smaller government. Have a lovely day. Oatmeal.

Free Market...

Yup. That's what it's all about. And if the reward bar is set too high for new users, the new users will simply not be here.

What's the point in posting on Steemit for $0.02 a week (maybe... if one is friends with a large wallet...) when someone can post of Facebook and have a much larger audience?

From what I've seen so far, most of the top payouts are handed over to plagiarists who have purchased most of the votes and the rewards on the post as well. This particular practice is mystifying to me, as it seems like chasing a tiny profit margin using a ton of cash... but whatever.

There should really be a Gaussian voting power curve... with the highest vote power set at a few thousand SP. That would ensure the best quality content over all... because the mid level users are the ones most likely to be engaged in actively reading content and making the platform better. This would also fix the problem noted in other threads regarding the VP of the bidbots.

But... maybe someday there will suddenly appear a BAT tip jar next to Steemit postings. And the whole discussion of platform generated rewards will slide into oblivion.

One of the purpose is to protect content from being banned from tech cartels. Money is secondary issue. I'm here to save my work because I've lost thousands of videos, pictures, etc, on YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, etc. I've lost dozens of accounts, etc, in the 2010's, in the USA, in Vietnam. Millions of people are running into these issues. As the dollar dies, Bitcoin, Steem, and other cryptocurrencies will continue to rise.

Well, there are many, many other ways to keep your digital stuff afloat, on the internet or offline, private or public...


Spoken with great wisdom, especially the part when you said, "Oatmeal." It was deeply touching...

Even commercials can be awesome when designed to be hilarious. The problem with content is often that people don't care enough to do something well. The problem with making it difficult for Steemians to earn without a huge following is that they won't have the incentive.

Wouldn't it be cool if Steem could reward authors well enough that they wrote their books on here? But they can't, because the 7 day reward system does not make it profitable. Steem wants to be a long-form content machine, but it is not capable of paying people long-form rewards. On Youtube, a good video can earn you money for years.

I think we are making a big mistake by allowing for a culture on Steem that says what can and can't be on Steem. We should let everything legal be on Steem and let the curation decide the reward.

I've often wondered what it would be like if you had settings that would allow you to choose how long the post stays active? Like regular daily posts stay open for 7 days, while big posts you spend a week making, have an option of earning for a month, with changed rewards.

Great idea.

Yeah, I think allowing people to decide the payout time is a very cool idea.

There would be advantages and disadvantages to extending the payout time, for example, some people might upvote shorter payout times so that they get their curation rewards sooner. But there could be incentives for patient voters that are willing to wait for payouts.

I would also think it would make sense for a long post to give an increased amount to curators, in exchange for the longer exposure.
Guess we'll see how this fork goes, and if it has issues, we make this suggestion.

Posted using Partiko Android

Does Dlive have evergreen content (videos) that can earn past seven days which, like you said, Steem has that limit currently? I thought maybe Dlive, which left Steem, was talking about that. But regardless, perhaps we should launch a competing blockchain network that allows for evergreen content, that is content creators and content creators.

We are moving towards a platform that promotes self-censorship, because the first ones to be marked could be those that generate rubbish or offensive content.
But, when these are finished or diminished, those who remain will have the capacity to eliminate those who are below their reputation.
The whales that promote this HF21 have considered that they could be left alone? ... or is that what they really want?

@galatas I thought the same thing... I think there are many bad side effects of this update. They may not be shown at first but they will appear and grow bigger every time.

I really feel steemit should handle abuse, separately to down votes. Plenty of innocent people fell victim to misguided justice and plenty of criminals got away with in the Wild West 😉

The problem with leaving it to users is that isn't possible for people to successfully flag some abusers out of action, the persistent ones create more and more accounts and it becomes and endless game. Others are too big to be stopped.

It didn't occur to me it might grow, that is scarier. I hope not, fixed is definitely at least better than not.

I don't downvote either. Woo yeah. But people do and I don't like seeing it promoted. Cutting the author rewards does risk pushing authors off, I'm not here for the money so much, and would say at this point quite a lot aren't, so I don't know how much that aspect will kill creators, but it is a big cut to give up. Thank you, I am going to hope you are right ☺️

That is really well put. I totally support a free market, and the madness that comes with it. Steemit isn't quite a free market, although it is very comparable to what we also call a free market out in the wider world, complete with corruption to boot.

Thank you, kind of had a sleepless night after I saw I had a response and couldn't delete this comment and dreading what might show up. But thank you, very much appreciated ❤️

Other Places:

The good news is that there are other websites that are similar to Steem that you can also copy and paste posts to. I'm not talking about Busy which is an app or a platform of Steem. Also, Steemit is also an app of Steem.


There are other blockchain social networks that I post to that is similar to Steemit. There are probably more out there. They include:

Dream Real

Another one that is slightly different is Cent. And there are probably more out there that may come and go.

That's the competition and if Steem fails too much, then some people or a lot of people will continue only posting to some of these other websites. So, if Steem wants to continue to be on top, they will try to listen to their own users. When I say Steem, I mean the Steem Witnesses who coordinate hard forks, annually or whenever.

agreed, it looks like it's completely gonna suck m*** a*s for the small fry :) ... we shall see, barelyh any post ever gets to 20 steem without putting money into it and the extra downvotes certainly wont help lose the policing culture ... or maybe rat-culture now, get paid to flag lol ... never mind and fuck it , the steem price will show what its worth in the end

I'm against downvoting because it is mostly abused... however, I like your idea that downvotin should include a "reason stated" for each downvote.

Since downvoting is not going away though, I would like to see vote power COMPLETELY removed from it's use. There is more justice in a completely free market than their is in a falsely monopolized one... the whales would never allow it, but the ideal situation would be that EVERYONE regardless of steem power has the same downvote power as everyone else. It would equalize the playing field for fighting ACTUAL of abuse and it would help the dumber whales to actually act in their own (and the blockchain's) LONG TERM best interest rather than in the short sighted manner they currently mostly bumble around in.

So very true - I've been here more than three years, but have gone from obsessed to disinterested as the platform has gone backwards, and for me this latest hardfork with more flagging bullshit is the final straw...

I totally agree with you.
I already found out long ago quality posts are not rewarded at all.
I am a mobile user only and write quality content.
What people are looking for and are rewarding is for sure not quality content.

It is a post of a few lines or a link or a single picture that is nothing special. Mainly those who are rich/famous.

Many communities and Steemians give newbies and great content attention. Try to stimulate great content but Steemit is the only one who lets them down.

I got the feeling it all was just a marketing technique (it was) to get people over here and make Steem grow. Now it came that far they can drop dead.

I asked it many times and still have no answer: Why should anyone join Steem at all? If you start here you can not even post and connect to others in a normal way. With normal I mean: social media.

Posted using Partiko Android

I like this girl :))

I can relate to how the 50:50 reward split is gonna be a big issue for smaller users like me. I create art based content, and each one takes about 4-6 hours minimum. I get average of 2.0$ per post, which turns to 1.5$ after curation. After the update its going to be 1$, am i really that bad of an artist? Why would i spend 4 hours to get 1$ worth of votes..... Thats insane

The point is that it will encourage more people to vote, especially big accounts. Hopefully this will mean more rewards and equal or greater payouts. We will see how it works.

I agree absolutely.
HF21 sounds like a pro-whale update at the expense of everybody else. Basically it sounds like the centralised government structures that we know and hate - and WHICH CRYPTO SHOULD BE TAKING DOWN, not mimicking!

I'm scared too, but let see what will happen.

As a newbie to steem, I have to say that you make some very valid points.

You guys turn against whales, not realizing that people who hold and buy SP are the ones who give any money to people who just want to cash out...

If it weren't "the rich", the small guys would have no one to dump their rewards to and you'd get 100% of nothing.

I would argue that the free flags are an imperfect but improved solution for policing bad content. Spammers, plagiarists, and trolls need to be countered without preventing curation.

But this does seem like another way to reward the whales even more.

On point ✔

Have a


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I agree with you. As to what you said about having to pick why you're flagging someone. I made a post about that and Bernie Sanders flagged it and I lost everything. He probably did that because if Steemit took my criticism, he couldn't flag people for the hell of it because he will have to pick why the post should be flagged with a legit reason. The down vote pool is a horrible idea and people will abuse it.

Posted using Partiko Android

It's a change of the whales, by the whales and for the whales. :3

"Steemit have defended it saying it will help support the quality content, and the good posts currently earn over 20 steem so they will earn more." Sure. I mean, I've been writing pretty long very informative blogs, spent 2-3 hours and (mostly) got less than 1 steem. So I don't really know what they are talking about. Maybe they mean that we should not write what we like, but what most people like - to get upvotes :D And that's very childish thinking

Really reasonable concerns there. But i do believe when content is flaged, the administration goes through the post before attributing a reward or reducing points. How ever, if the whole system is automatic then we have a big problem there.

I agree with @calluna. This will be very bad for people without money for buying promotion, bots or
steem power. People just like me will be working a lot for people that does not create new and original content. I think it is a terrible situation for a lot of little content creators. May be they should create new platforms based on contents and let Steemit just for programers and blockchane creators. Artists and writers like me does not have much opportunitties here. May be we should migrate.

Downvoting is as valid as upvoting as a way to set the rewards. A vote is not just about expressing approval as it has a monetary value too. Adjusting rewards is the only reason I downvote. It is definitely not up to Steemit. They just created the platform and in time they may step back from being the main front end as others take over by doing a better job. For now they hold a lot of Steem, but they have said they will reduce that over time.

A lot of the big bot abusers are well aware of what they are doing and they exploit the system for maximum profit rather than trying to be part of the community. If nobody shows real interest in a post by commenting then why should it be worth $20 or more? The value is up to the community. Unfortunately some people get away with abuse by using bullying tactics, as you have seen. He's hit me too. Maybe the free downvotes will be used by the big silent accounts to address this. We shall see.