Overwhelmed and Underappreciated: Tis the Season

How can we navigate this time of year in a better way? I find myself overwhelmed and when I am overwhelmed I go into SHUTDOWN MODE. That isn't very good if I want to participate in the holidays as dictated by the commercial mega machine!

Now don't get me wrong. I do enjoy the lovely goodies Santa sends and imagine myself as that woman who has everyone's gifts wrapped and in the closet by October and that they are already sent to my beloveds...yet here it is 10 days to Xmas and not one thing has been bought, wrapped or mailed.

I have always worked great under pressure or that is what I tell myself as deadlines come and go! So here I am in the overwhelmed state of underperformance once again and maybe this year there won't even be a tree...which is usually the case altho I do manage to put up a tiny shrine to Xmas in the entry way.

I also feel also feel the energetic drag of underperformance that I experience, and it can be like an old blanket, that keeps me trapped in these repetitive negative patterns I know so well. For me it comes combined with the online frustration of navigating the "new technologies" that everyone seems so fluent in and I feel left at the station while my luggage and everything else has moved forward.

I am trying to navigate the "block chains," yet can't seem to keep key codes generated or passwords together and each time I go on multiple platforms I spiral just trying to login. That frustration kills my ability to be consistent. Why is it so difficult for me? Everyone else seems to seamlessly be everywhere all the time with fantastic graphics, embeds and a fluidity of information that others want!

For almost 10 years I have tried the online marketing and spent thousands on courses that work for all others...yet I am the last one standing in the line waiting to be called on in Red Rover! Seems like 6th grade all over again!

Complaining? I hope not. Just being observant. At 54 is there no hope for a peaceful little being to apply all that I have learned? Is no one interested in the esoteric understandings of this life? Or as always is it me?

I jest, a bit. My life is filled with wonder, beauty, amazement and opportunities which I am so grateful for and will refocus on my work, again, in the new year!

Cheers to you and be safe out there and remember to take a moment each day to connect deeply within, where it all is happening and ask for guidance.



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