History Lessons ~ Cambyses, Son of Cyrus the Great ~ The Second Ruler of Achaemenids ~ King of Iran From 522 to 530 B.C.

in history •  7 years ago 


He reigned after Cyrus the Great. From 522 to 530 he was the king of the Achaemenids. Cyrus had two sons, one called the Cambyses, who was appointed to Velaycedi, and had the rule of Babylon, and in the absence of Cyrus from Persia, he would have been the ruler of the monarchy, and the other was Greeks (Smirdis), but Darius in the inscription of Bisotun He calls him Bardia. The extraordinary pride of Cambyses, she took her to look at the relatives of her servants, which in turn forced her brother to become more popular in Bardia's eyes. Beria had some of the eastern provinces of Iran such as Khwarazm and Bactria, Parth and Kerman, and because of the people's attention, Cambyses considered him rival, according to the great Darius in the Bishtun inscription, he was secretly killed. Cambyses secretly concealed the murder of a brother as a secret that was not known to a few of his close relatives. Cambyses, who apparently had long been thinking of waging a campaign against Egypt, was able to relieve himself of any kind of rebellion against his brother by the slaughter of Bardiy. He deliberately concealed this act, while deliberately hiding this act, while at the same time taking the opportunity of provocation and conspiracy from his surrender, during his absence in Iran, he also claimed other claimants believing that the Shah's brother is in Iran and overseeing the situation, Any kind of plot and outburst is open. He chose one of Moghan, who was respected by both peoples, for his lack of choice among the great tribes of Pars and Mad at his absence, and then set himself to prepare for the conquest of Egypt. The pretext for starting a war was easy to achieve. The fact that Amasius II, the king of Egypt, when he had given his daughter Cambyses a gift to her, sent her the king's daughter before her for the Persian King, could be a real excuse. The second Amozis of the Egyptian pharaoh, with his death and placing a boy who did not have the courage and prestige, facilitated the progress of Cambyses. Egypt had prepared itself for an offensive by the sea, but the Cambyses Corps, supported by warships along the coast and provided with the water provided by the Arab primitive who had been entrusted to him, was able to finish the desert ten-day march He traversed Sinai and reached the eastern gate of Egypt, where he encountered a new Pharaoh.


Egypt's third postcard, which came to Egypt after the death of the fatherland to the kingdom of the gods. The war broke out near the fence of Plouzius (an ancient city near the city of Port Said nowadays), and both sides fought with devotion. The Egyptian people were forced to die because of the fact that their country was not captured by foreigners and the Iranians were faced with real loss due to lack of water and supplies on the way back. The war had caused so many casualties that, eighty years later, when Herodotus had visited the battlefield, he could still see the deadly foes of the warriors around the battlefield. In any case, the Pharaoh's army was defeated, and Pharaoh, who lacked the courage of a commander, chose Escape Beat-Hoff to save his life instead of resisting in other areas. In 524 BC, Egypt was actually an Iranian province. The Egyptian pheasant, who was captured, agreed to the Cyrus of the Great Covenant, initially considered to remain on the Iranian side as a satrap in Egypt, but he was plotting against the Iranian Revolutionary Guards, and the discovery of conspiracy caused the Cambyses to perish Shooting from Egypt to Carthage and Ethiopia: Conquest of Carthage (today's Tunisia) was not possible for him, as at that time the Phoenicians were colonies, and the Phoenicians refused, in favor of Cambyses and against the child They and his relatives took action and did not leave their ships. Therefore, Cambyses decided in 524 BC to attack the land, but the 50,000 troops sent to capture Carthage through the Libyan desert were buried under the sandy desert due to the lack of an amine guide. They never again returned to him. After this defeat, Cambyses attempted to attack Mount Napa (modern Sudan) and Ethiopia (Habsheh), and he himself took over Sardari, but in The waterless and grassy deserts fell short of food and returned to Egypt after a massive loss. Later, in the time of Darius the Great, these two countries became part of Iran. In any case, the failure of these wisdom maps was undoubtedly the opposite of anticipation that would disrupt the psychological and neurological balance of Cambyses. Herodotus says Cambyses returning from the Ethiopian wars has ravaged a deadly slaughter to the Egyptian horses of Apice or Aphos, and the holy cattle or the goddess has been destroyed by this wound. Herodotus writes that Cambyses was killing and killing the animal's stomach, but the dagger went wrong and the animal was wounded in the throat. So the king said to the crowd in a mocking manner: "O sinners! You call him God, you do not have the intelligence, you think that the gods are made of meat and blood. Do you think that the strike is not working on him? Such a god just deserves you. "Apis was wounded in the temple for sometime and eventually died after a few days. Scientists' opinions differ in their accuracy. New research on the epigraphs of the Serpium columns and the works in the Vatican and Cairo museums allows us to claim that Cambyses could not worsen Apis. Although it is difficult to accept the story of killing a sacred cow, by Cambodia, it is unlikely that Herodotus, who says that Cambyses, has rebelled against Egyptian priests in returning to the Egyptian campaign in Ethiopia in Memphis, scoffing at their cowardles, To be correct. Cambyses might have thought beforehand that he would liberate the people from the suppression of these insults, but because of the troubles that followed her insult, the Egyptian popular belief undoubtedly became more and more solid in its supremacy. As a result of this action, Cambyses hated the great Egyptians of Iranians. Darius I participated in the Egyptian trip to Egyptian mourning when their sacred cat was lost for retaliation for the overwhelming affairs of Cambyses, and one hundred talents of gold promised a person who would find a new cow for the Egyptian people. Herodotus writes that after killing the sacred cow of Cambyses, Morocco changed, and the Egyptian people believed that the change was due to the same sin. Although he did not have a history in Pars at any time, his brother married his sister, however, it was thought that he would marry his sister Atousa, in spite of his religious and religious affiliation. He then summoned the judiciary and asked: "Is there a law in Pars that if he wants to allow marriage between his siblings?" The judges found a consistent answer that was neither wrong nor dangerous to their lives. They could not, however, have found a law to prescribe such a thing, but they found the law that allowed the king of Iran to treat what he wanted. Cambyses used her new right once and twice, and married her younger sister, Roxana. Roxana was with her along Egypt. The Greeks say that Roxana was crying once and Cambyses was asking for the cause, and that Roxana replied that she was unaware that she had missed anyone, according to the Greeks, the incident and the anger of Cambyses caused her sister to die. On the other hand, Egyptians say that Roxana was unhappy with his marriage. One day, she broke her brother because she opposed the Persian customs and practices, Cambyses raped her mouth and kicked her against him, and as she was pregnant, she was aborted and subsequently died, too, Roxana. The marriage between the congregation in some of the ancient royal families was commonplace for the maintenance of blood and property, and the Elamites, the Egyptians, the Thai, etc., had this tradition. This story of Cambyses shows that the Parsians at that time were uncomfortable with this tradition.

There is no doubt that the Iranians, after victory over Egypt, had a connection with Tommy. Probably then, following the Egyptians, some members of the royal family have committed such an act, and then they have provoked the priests to issue fatwas to their legitimacy. As Herodotus said, before the Cambyses, there was no such law that imposes marriage with his sister in Iran. Seal: The Italian archaeologists discovered one of the greatest archaeological mysteries associated with the disappeared section of Cambodia by discovering the remnants of an army that most likely belonged to Iranians and buried two thousand five hundred years ago in the sandy fields of western Egypt. Bronze weapons, silver bracelets, an earring and hundreds of pieces of human bones in a vast section of the desert plain finally bring hopes in relation to the discovery of the missing corpses. The Persian king of Cambyses II has revived. According to historical texts, the 50,000 warriors of the Corps were buried by a terrible storm in 525 BC. This discovery is in fact the first archaeological sign of the story recorded by Herodotus, the Greek historian. According to Herodotus, Cambyses the son of Cyrus the Great, after the disobedience of the priests of the Temple of Ammon, sent out 50,000 warriors from Tubs to attack the Oweh Cave in Egypt, after seven days of walking in the desert to the oasis They came to the name of El Kargha, who had never been seen before they left. "A powerful and deadly wind has risen from the south and has brought massive masses of sand and buried all the troops of this unit." The legend of the disappeared division of Cambyses was gradually forgotten in the dust of history, until this Two Italian scientists announced that they had discovered signs of an Iranian troop that had been swallowed by sandstorms. Alongside these rocky bodies, they form a natural sanctuary. Some 35 meters have been discovered at 1.8 meters at 3 meters, which is a great place to take shelter from the sand storm because of its large dimensions. The tools and weapons that have been discovered from this area are very valuable in the sense that the first objects belonging to the Cambyses era. Also, the study of these objects indicates their belonging to the Achaemenid period. According to Discovery, the Italian researchers, unlike other archaeologists, looked at a different route from the south of the study and discovered the remnants of this great division. Also, among the bones found, there are pieces of arrow arrows and horseshoes that match what looks like in the Persian horse's pictures. Cambyses came to Iran in the spring of 522 BC, at the end of three years away from the homeland, due to bad news coming from Iran and the insurrection of the ill-fated situation there and requiring her presence there. He had heard that one of the Mogans from his mother, Sardo, had said to Cyrus the son, and sat on the throne and all the people had gone to him. Cambyses was in a very difficult position because he himself knew that he had killed Bardiya, but he could not make this publicly public. Before he was faced with the stimulus of the uprising that his people called Bardia, the son of Cyrus, on the way around Damascus. Mysterious man Cambyses did not leave any children of his own. The date of death, the place of death, at death, the place of burial: died 522 BC. Herodotus and Katzis write that death has occurred in the wake of an accident. The promise of Darius, in the inscription of Bisotun, that "death to itself, man", while denying suicide, also almost denies natural death. Most likely, the incident that caused him was Cambyses was the cause of his death. The works on the remains of the north of the Marvdasht plain are a reminder of the works of the Pasargad plain, most likely by the Cambyses, and the construction of Tātr Rustam is likely to be the plan of the half-tomb of the Cambyses in the style of the tomb of Cyrus, which, with its untimely death, The efficiency of Darius was abandoned half-way and, after his death, he built and buried another place in Niriz for him. Some promises and memories: Xenophon writes: The Cambyses' Some modern scholars, for example, believe that Albert the American Assyrian scholar, the man who believed in Cambyses was the true brother and the true inheritor of the kingdom, when Darius killed him, then called him the Geumat, and invented the falsehood of Beria to justify the usurpation of the monarchy.


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