Dear Friends!
Old postcard 1957 remember two beautiful
travelers born in the month of September.
Fadeevich Fadei Bellingshausen.
Born September 20, 1778 on the island of Saaremaa,
Livonia, Russian Empire, although
from the German nobility and his real name:
Fabian Gottlieb Thaddeus von Bellingshausen.
A prominent scientist and a famous Navigator.
Passed all levels of the Navy:
- the naval cadet corps in Kronstadt;
- Midshipman;
- Midshipman.
In 1803-1806by participated in the first world
the expedition of Ivan Krusenstern and Lisyansky on
the sloop "Hope".
Then he commanded, jointly with M. P. Lazarev
in the years 1819-1821 sloops "Vostok" and "Mirny".
This expedition to the South pole made a great
geographic discovery reached the shores of
Antarctica, and has conducted extensive research
in the Equatorial and tropical zones of the Pacific ocean
and clarified in nautical maps.
Died 25 Jan 1852 in Kronstadt.
Vladimir Obruchev.
He was born 28 Sep 1863 in the village Klepinino,
Tver province, Russian Empire.
A wonderful traveler, the largest Soviet
scientist - a geologist and a geographer.
After studies in Central Asia, in 1886, and
numerous expeditions to Eastern Siberia,
in 1892 a scientist for two years goes to Mongolia
and China, having more than thirty-and-a-half
thousand kilometers.
Obruchev was the head of a major geological research in Siberia.
Since 1930 he is the Chairman of the Commission for the study
permafrost. And since 1939 - Director of the Institute
permafrost of the USSR.
Vladimir Afanasievich wrote sci-Fi
novels, the most famous of them:
"Plutonium" - 1915
"Sannikov land" - 1924
"Gold diggers in the desert" -1928, respectively G.
"In the wilds of Central Asia" -1951 G.
Died June 19, 1956 in Moscow.