If Dems Can't Do Something, This Will Be Embarrassing

in hive-100421 •  5 years ago  (edited)

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--Despite impeachment hearings that are very damaging to Donald Trump, Democrats need to turn them into some success before they become a liability

What would success look like?

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New polling in Wisconsin shows the impeachment inquiry has helped not damaged Trump there, he's even leading the four top democratic contenders. The support for impeachment has also dwindled since the start of the proceedings...

Just 40% of Wisconsin registered voters believe Trump should be impeached and removed from office, while 53% disagreed, according to the survey

The poll of 801 registered Wisconsin voters was conducted Nov. 13 through Sunday, during the opening week of public hearings in the House impeachment inquiry.

In October, before public testimony began, the Marquette poll showed that 44% said the president should be impeached and removed while 51% said he should not be.


Donald Trump is beating all four of the highest-polling Democratic 2020 presidential nominees in Wisconsin, a key swing state whose 10 electoral votes could be the tipping point for the election, The Milwaukee Journal Sentinel reports. Support for Trump’s impeachment is also slipping among voters in the Badger State.

The latest Marquette University Law School Poll, which polled 801 likely voters between November 13 and 17, found that Trump would easily beat any of the four Democratic presidential contenders who are likely, based on current polling, to challenge him at the ballot box in 2020.

Read more: https://www.inquisitr.com/5754394/trump-leads-wisconsin-polls/#ixzz65x65icEe

Yes lets do get real here, the reality is the inability of democrats not to hold Biden to a legal standard in the same manner they feel they are doing to Trump. That was damaging from the get go. To totally ignore what Biden did, which to many Americans is much more a quid quo pro then anything Trump could have come close to is serious business to many Americans. It's called selective justice and it has happened way to many times in the last several years. In other words Americans are tired that democrats have increasingly not been held accountable for their actions when the evidence is enough to brutally slap someone right across the face.

It's way to late to save this dog and pony show. When the IG report comes out and the final results of the criminal probe into the set up of the 2016 election by democrats combined with this sham process it's virtually going to destroy the democratic party as you currently know it.

If you were a blogger you'd see for yourself the number of democrats who've stopped trying to defend the democrats for their current actions. They may be sheep but they see when they are being led for the slaughter.

Take comfort that you've done all you can to advance the hoax, but prepare to be embarrassed.

Yep, kinda like the 2020 election will be embarrassing as well.
Trump has this so in the bag it fucking hurts. Like I don't even want to bet money because anyone who doesn't see it is literally mentally ill at this point.

Also lol at the impeachment thing being damaging to Trump..