Days After Impeachment, Trump Admits to Entire Thing

in hive-100421 •  5 years ago 

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--Merely days after his impeachment acquittal, Donald Trump admits to the entire thing, most recently that he did indeed send Rudy Giuliani to Ukraine looking for dirt on Joe Biden

Will this cause any Republican Senators to second guess their acquittal votes?

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NOT impeachable, same political games being played for decades! The bigger issue for me is the actual corruption that has now been exposed regardless of how it was released. The fact that Hunter Biden is lining his pockets with a board seat of the most corrupt energy company in Ukraine at the same time his dad is controlling U.S. energy policy is appalling! The blue no matter who folks need to pull their heads out of their asses and get some fresh air. Stop focusing on a single tree amongst the forest burning down around it.

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Yikes, okay

Why does your mic stand say "Heil"?

Which specific law did Hunter Biden violate?

Probably enough to get Paul Manafort a pardon. lol.

Your way behind the ballgame, not enough hours left to the night to want to go over that again.

Which specific law did Hunter Biden violate?

Perhaps just a link to the actual charge?

Funny part is is that Rudy never went to Ukraine until Dec 2019. So that blows your theory all to pieces. What he said was why he used Giuliani, I am sure you know the difference between sent and used. He did use Rudy as part of his defense in preparation for a defense in the Mueller case. Rudy has been consistent all along that his investigation(s) into Ukraine started way before Biden ever thought about a run for president. He was investigating reports coming out of Ukraine that the 2016 election meddling was done with the assistance of Ukrainians. During investigating that the Biden case just happen to fall into his lap. It wouldn't be until that fall that Biden started hee hawing around with the idea to run for president. He kept that hee hawing up until four days after the president of Ukraine lost his re election bid. Now he knew he was in trouble because under the old president he was shielded because of Ukraine's involvement in the meddling. You have to remember the old president had ever reason in the world to not want a Trump presidency because it was Manafort who helped get the president before him elected, a president they just got done running out of country. Manafort was now Trumps campaign manager. You take that with how much Biden, Soros, the Bilderburgs and a host of other financial institutions has invested in the Ukrainian gas company it was pertinent Hillary win to protect those investments. When Trump won they all fled Ukraine leaving a five billion dollar gaping hole behind them. They had every reason to set Trump up, more so than Trump would ever have invested in any perceived competition against Biden in an election campaign, there simply wouldn't have been any, people would have no sooner wanted to vote for him than they did Hillary. The old president wouldn't cooperate in getting to the bottom of election campaign interference, they were all involved in it, it comes part and parcel. That's why Trump asked for cooperation into the investigations. The pieces fall so perfectly into place you'd have to be a blind man not to see them. It seems the only one's not seeing them is some democrats as the number one thing out on the blogs is how can you make an accusation against one person while letting the other person who did the exact same thing off? Beginning to sound all to familiar lately as we've seen the last couple days with McCabe getting off from lying but the democrats demand Stone rot in prison the rest of his life for lying. The hypocrisy is absolutely stunning.


i just do not really like the governance by donald trump

An interesting method to dry the swamp indeed!

the most criticized president

Upvoted because bloom loves you.

Kiss but. lol.

I mean, it's still a reasonably decent post...