트레이딩뷰(TradingView)에 따르면 최근 BTC와 S&P 500 지수간 90일 기준 상관관계가 0.59를 나타내며 비교적 강한 상관관계를 나타내고 있는 것으로 확인됩니다.
상관계수는 +1~-1 사이로 책정되며, -1에 가까울수록 두 변수가 완벽한 음의 상관관계(역상관)를 갖고 있다는 것을 의미합니다. 특히 해당 지수가 0.5 이상일 경우 상관관계가 약간 강한 것으로, 0.7 이상일 경우 매우 강한 것으로 간주됩니다.
BTC과 S&P 500 상관관계 지수는 지난 6월 중순 0.9를 기록한 이후, 9월 5일 0.44 수준까지 하락했습니다.
The link between bitcoin (BTC) and equity prices, particularly tech stocks, is growing closer again.
According to TradingView, the 90-day correlation between the largest cryptocurrency by market capitalization and the S&P 500, which includes a strong tech component, reached a value of 0.59 on Friday.
The correlation value involves a mathematical formula that considers the index and crypto’s price movements over time. A correlation above 0.5 is considered moderately strong and above 0.7 very strong, while correlations between 0.3 and -0.3 are weak. (A value of 1 means the movements are perfectly synchronized, whereas negative 1 indicates they're diametrically opposed.)
During a mid-June sell-off that sent prices of riskier assets tumbling, the correlation hit 0.9 amid a souring investment climate. But the value had steadily faded during the summer, sinking to 0.44 on Sept. 5.
Bitcoin's Correlation With Stocks Comes Back as Economic Factors Roil Markets