This is called the HIVE AirDrop Exclusion List. (HIVE 에어드랍 제외 대상 목록이라고 합니다.)

in hive-101145 •  5 years ago  (edited)

  • This is called the HIVE AirDrop Exclusion List.

  • Don't forget your steem is treated the same.

steemit accounts


tron puppets


Accounts excluded who voted a minimum of two sockpuppets or proxied someone who voted a minimum of two and who didn't unvote before the hive announcement with more than 1k sp


  • 너희들 스팀도 동일하게 대우된다는 것을 잊지 말거라.

  • Don't forget your steem is treated the same.

  • 그리고 아래 이미지는 프록시토큰의 증인보팅 내역 입니다.

  • And the image below shows the witness statement of @proxy.token

  • 너희들의 이런 결정이 중앙화이고, 검열인거야.(Your decision is centralization and censorship.)

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Anyone who contributed to have 90% of the chain controlled by one server controlled by one entity for months is not welcome on this new chain.

Yup... totally agree, but someday, we gotta be open to the idea that Hive will hardfork into another chain, say
LIBERTY (FromAssholesWhalesStakeHolder)... and then folks will mass powerdown Hive and sell it to oblivion after the hardfork like what's going to happen to Steem. The precedent has been set. I look forward to doubling my HIVE when that happens.

This one raises one of the major concerns I was thinking when the Hive split off; they claimed that they were going to maintain the 'account' on the new servers.

Let's think about that for a moment.

You have an account at bank A, the managers at the bank have an argument with the CEO, so, they decide that they will create bank B across the street and will maintain the accounts and the values of them.

You as a user have an account at bank A and a duplicate at bank B; you can then sell off your accounts and double the funds.

Simply, if cryptos were treated as a type of security, there would be a group of people who would be going to jail for 10-20 years a piece for pulling this kind of stunt.

We should each (ESPECIALLY people who invested real money into the platform) be asking ourselves how we can maintain trust in a system that can be torn apart and redistributed because of those within the community with the most influence?

I couldnt have said it better my self. Well spoken 👏

wow. so. I have to say. your example doesn't work with physical money. doubling a list doesn't double funds... but if you use monopoly in the example, it would be perfect

investing is not zero risk. a sucessful investor has to stay updated

@therealmadnessj @bmanmcfly

Well, yes, copying physical money is illegal, but when you get into reserve banking, only about 10% of the money is physically printed, so, the effect would be the same, so, copying the account and promising to honor the value creates the same effect (never would happen in the real world).

But it does double the funds; or at least the coins at the rate they can be traded at.

Ex; when the split happens, you have a 10k account valued at 5k. That means you doubled the coins, and if the value remained (it shouldn't) you will have doubled the value.

I realize it's far from a perfect analog, but for real, if cryptocurrencies were treated as securities, Sun and all the witnesses would EACH be facing 10-20 years in pound you in the ass federal prison. Make no mistake about it.

Your counter goes to show that crypto currencies are effectively a ponzi scheme in that the value of the 'investment' depends on new investment dollars coming in.

what I meant is the 2nd bank owner would have to put actual money into it to make it work. which would be stupid since he would have to provide enough money for all of his client's withdrawals. otherwise I would see my bank account having $5000, try but fail to withdraw. because the actual money is not there. it is completely different because the money has to be there

crypto currencies are effectively a ponzi scheme

what. no. what do you think steem originally is, by design? the blockchain itself perfectly serves it's purpose. people who like consuming content get on it and optionally support authors they like. people who like creating content post their stuff here because it might pay off. it works. it is perfect.

people don't understand steem because they don't want to. all they want to see is a pile of numbers. there is a lot more to it than numbers. bitcoin is all numbers. that could be considered a ponzi scheme. anything that is nothing but numbers may fall into that category. not steem

but I guess it is a pointless argument since not a single fucking witness ever wanted to actually work on mass adoption, which is, free instant registrations. from this perspective, they're all retarded

ps: 10% of a lot of money is still a lot of money. actual physical money is not an idea, it is simply fiat money. utility tokens have nothing to do with it. utility tokens are basically companies pushing out a product, not actual fiat money

You cant, but same thing will happened if the company you invested for files for bankruptcy.

theyre both already super cheap but will all end up like golos, so will eops. All @dan larimer chains are scams now

Only telos is the right chain with real governance. Steem and EOS are still useful. hive is more centralized than steem because you saw how fast they moved like a vertically integrated centralized organism lol.

Vitalik and Tone Vays were right

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

That's the issue with DPOS though, you can buy enough stake to control the chain.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I'm very curious to know if you are currently in charge of all the decisions regarding the Hive fork and if this was your decision or if others were involved?

Edit: I'm referring to the exclusion of investors who voted for the sock puppet witnesses.

You are still controlled by a ninja mined stake, all witnesses will be decided by @freedom

That's a good point, I'm equally disgusted by the ninja-mined stake there. btrade and freedom, at least btrade is participating and trying to add value, Freedom, not so much.

Nothing like using a centralized solution to thwart an attempt at centralization, eh?

  ·  5 years ago (edited)


LOL! Enjoy the centralized pump and dump network you voted for. Hive doesn't airdrop on the people who voted to attack it.

How ridiculous to call it : „ethnic cleansing“ when you just get rid of assholes 🙀

Bleibst Du etwas auch hier? Ich hoffe, Du kommst auch zu Hive!

Bin schon auf Hive aber gerade am Umstellen, power down etc .....meanwhile poste ich auf APPICS und das sieht man ja noch hier.

Yea, ^^^ that is a hilariously crappy piece of propaganda.

"H" Who is censoring posts?
"I" Is so stupid I don't even know where to start.
"V" Justin took aggressive actions, A TEMPORARY hold was put on the steemit inc. funds, in defense of everyone on this chain, till there was clarification. It absolutely justified.
"E" Folks from all over the world are over on Hive, including some Koreans. So..... That can objectively be labeled Absolute Bullshit.

At least in what the "E" stands for.

  ·  4 years ago (edited)

I missed all of this... I was over posting via Dporn and surviving the Pandemic. I have not touched my voting setting in 2 years probably.

So what exactly happened with Hive?

I know Justin Sun bought Steemit and people didn't like the idea. Now what?

Do we get the tokens like in all major forks?

How does this affect the content creators?

How do you move to the new platform or just make a new account?

So what exactly happened with Hive?

Do we get the tokens like in all major forks?

Yep, equal to what you had on Steem when Hive launched.

How does this affect the content creators?

Post on Hive, we're all there. You can post on Steem too, but a lot of people aren't curating here anymore. It seems pointless to add content to a fucked up platform being run into the ground by the idiot who bought Stinc.

How do you move to the new platform or just make a new account?

Use if you like although, the Hive version of SteemPeak, is pretty nice.




the community didnt decide anything. The witnesses did. the community didn't vote for the exclusion of accounts.

The excluded account can make an appeal to the community on #Hive

Go cheer to your new Führer J. Sun who meanwhile controles something around 100-110Million STEEM, bought in a private deal from N. Scott.. You stay on STEEM, you'll never be free and you know it. Whatever, life is too short, I don't care.

Why was I included I proxied Dan and only had set my votes before that years ago

I think they have a way to appeal for that. Check their discord server or message any witness to help you with that. I'm sure they will understand your situation. At least I hope so. you can find a group of people and gather money ( hive coin ) and create a proposal. Once you create it, let me know about that and I will vote. Maybe more hive people will vote and those who didn't get the ardrop will get it.

How do you define "blockchain"? Is it just a centralized database controlled by one person or something more? How can you support someone who intends to run a blockchain like a centralized database? "Ethnic cleansing" is absolutely ridiculous. This isn't about race at all, it's about those who chose to attack Steem and made it clear by their actions they are not interested in what Hive represents (decentralization).

That said, I didn't agree with the criteria used or the subjective method for how it was determined. I understand the perspective of those who came up with it, but I would have preferred to just exclude the Steemit ninja-mined stake just as v0.22.2 did. You can read my witness post here for more details. Those who were excluded can submit a proposal to get their Hive tokens, as far as I understand.

Don't forget your steem is treated the same.

Maybe something is lost in translation here, but what do you mean by this? Do you mean in the future Hive might restrict your tokens? I would not support that as long as I'm a witness. This initial launch of Hive is about separating out those who actively attacked Steem by centralizing it.

Link to submit proposal because i rushed to action when this all first started and left a couple witnesses selected by mistake before i found out who was who, and boom i'm forked out of the airdrop. Let me know if/when they have a link for this.

I'm not sure what the overall solution will be, but I suggest keeping track of proposals here:

I hope something gets worked out.

Head over to the Discord and chat people up. I'm sure you'll find a solution.

Judging from the previous conversation, I believe that you are worth talking to.

You read lots of replies (including some on your own posts) or postings that explicitly say "korea" and/or "chinese". I don't think we need more evidence.

I am still waiting for the official airdrop and launch to confirm. Yet, such discriminate behavior contradicts the main value of Hive - decentralization.

Will write more after the fork. Good luck.

The criteria is clear,
1 vote for more than 2 fake witnesses and has more than 1000.SP

Do you not get the intent of this selection?

Unfortunately, the criteria is not clear. Take a look at my votes.
It will come back to you like a ninja mining stake.
Shady start once again.

Sorry to see that, Did you apply to the airdrop appeal?

Edit: I see that you will get your token and it was a mistake.

Hey Luke, as you can see on this post, @proxy.token has voted both side of them to buy time to talk each other. Many of Kr members wanted to protect this place. But initial launcher of Hive has treated us like a stranger or sock puppet of tron.

Every STEEM holder has their own voting right to 30 witenesses. That is a fundamental utility of STEEM. But you guys has excluded accounts that has voted to tron 2 or more. Do you think this is reasonable and decentralized way? How could you..

You guys already did violation of property right 2 times. HIVE is the most centralized and censorship-powered blockchain ever.I don't want to see the token listing of Permissioned blockchain on our Korean crypto-exchange.

Your property is not being touched. You owned STEEM, you still own your STEEM. What you don't own is HIVE, but you never owned it, so no one has touched your property.

Sorry, who's this?

doesn't matter

Word. Truth is truth regardless of who says it.


  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

You tried playing kingpin. It wasn’t sustainable. I loathe to say it but proxy.token’s return was the worst powerplay I’ve ever seen.

Nevertheless I totally appreciate that PT switched to maintaining a no HF status and I absolutely do not support a free platform where one can not vote freely. In this whole situation, ever since 22.2, nothing has gone right. Nobody EVER made any positive moves, it was a never-ending disaster, made worse day after day.

OMG! Another leech is coming. A real disaster is Steem has lots of farmers, like you, til now.

Thank you for the compliments. Sadly enough, I actually do support the PT side in the airdrop debate. I also did express my respect for installing the status quo.

I guess not, I guess I’m merely a leech and a farmer apparently. Too bad about all the time I invested in steem, without actually posting.

Enjoy your day and your pedestal. See you!

True, man.

Ethnic Cleansing? That's a little harsh, maybe hostile to counterview is warranted.

The ethnic group of people who vote for fake witnesses to subvert community consensus.

Well, they did happen to share an ethnicity, but plenty from other ethnicities are also excluded from the airdrop due to their choice to support a centralized hostile takeover.

That's horrible.

Why do you care if HIVE isn't going to give you any free tokens? You still have your steem, let people do what they want with their stake

Why wouldn't they? Hive is a steem fork and the existence is going to crash steem. If the community was going to leave to a new chain and exclude everyone but you, you would probably be pretty annoyed about it as well.

let people do what they want with their stake

Says the person defending the exclusion of certain steemians stake.

Boo hoo, should have thought of that before siding with Justin!

Some people made mistakes voting for the wrong ppl in the confusion while trying to help and now will be possibly excluded smh (including me) I shoulda just sat on my hands and done nothing maybe? This is crazy.

They didnt side with Justin, try and keep up here. They voted for enpugh witnesses to keep a power balance and stop either side from hard forking and encouraged communication.

So then they can stick with steem! Looking for some scapegoat for a free lunch is lame, get over it and move on, we all have

So then they can stick with steem!

Again, they didnt side with justin.

Looking for some scapegoat for a free lunch is lame, get over it and move on, we all have

Thats a real strong statment coming from someone who is going to be stuffing his face with that free lunch.

Lol oh wow as if its a life-changing amount, look at me and my few extra digital cents, seriously?! You're just looking for a bone to pick!

Hey why dont you show me up and send your hive to @null instead of sitting here boasting about how you already gotten over other people not getting the same benefits that you are.

Yea, they just make a ransom to remove downvotes and shorter power down.

You mean the things Justin Sun wanted to do in the first place? They prevented Sun from hard forking the chain so that they could demand he do the things he wanted to do?

Fucking lol, again, as I asked the other guy. Please show the proof of this claim.

Proxy token posted a whole fucking post. Asking witnesses to comment on those topics. U claim to know whats going on but completely oblivious of everything that went on in last 2 weeks.

Thank you for posting a source, I actually found another one up in their blog. That said, I really don't see these as demands. More like figuring out who to vote for. You made it sound like they were threatening to vote for Sun if the demands weren't met. Or visa versa.

The only witness they were voting for that answered postively seems to be timcliff. In the post in their blog ausbitbank gave a flat no and they voted him. There were plenty of others who would give them what ever they wanted. I didn't see a comment from blocktrades or yabbapmatt or roelandp, but I doubt thats the kind of thing they would support.

These are real people you know, and unlike Sun they bought their steem at market value. They should be able to vote for witnesses that aline more to their values.

Thats what literally every other voter does.

I see your mate's on the list, I guess he'll be moaning about that.

Sad not to see crystalieu or however you spell it there.

I was also wondering whether blockbrothers might be on there, they did kind of say they were happy to consider working with Sun.

Work, why would you want to do a thing like that!?


Yet another proof that we are dealing with ideologically possessed communists who don't believe in private property rights.

What a lovely message for all the investors and users.

If you don't like our commy utopia, we will excommunicate you.

This is their vision of decentralization :D


If Steemit and/or Hive are censoring what doesn't suit them, I'm not agree with any website because of being better than Steemit or better than Hive. Personally, I don't want to keep good/evil with any one. This competence is ridiculous & inmature to me.
I don't know why the %&@~=! are Hive fighting against Steemit & viceversa.
They dont seem decentralized websites ¡They seem political parties!

Make your own fork and exclude anyone you want.

How exactly do we appeal?

I I don't like any type of hegemony where money or a platform is concerned. The curators and main authors of steem pretty much ran it how they wanted and rarely cared to bring the best the platform had to offer to new users. Seems like as long as a stranger isn't the oppressor were all good? Decentralization is decentralization. it isnt a sales pitch. its a lifestyle.

what can I say? I didn't even know what I've supported because I voted @justyy as my proxy.

来自于 [WhereIn Android] ( you can find a group of people and gather money ( hive coin ) and create a proposal. Once you create it, let me know about that and I will vote. Maybe more hive people will vote and those who didn't get the ardrop will get it.

저들에게 프록시토큰의 보팅은 유지되나요?

지금 철회 했습니다.

Hi @kopasi I am kind of pissed off as I was eagerly waiting to Join Hive today I logged in and my wallet does not work it just says "Host Error" so I can't upvote or comment or do anything. I thought it was suppose to mirror Steemit. I have been on Steemit for almost 4 years, this is not a good intrduction to the new HIVE Platform.😵

Hey Karen, don't fret! Your account has its share of the airdrop just as it was on Steem at the time of the fork:

Any issues you're experiencing are temporary hiccups that will happen when something like this occurs. I believe (SteemPeak but for Hive) should work for you.

Oh ok that's awesome, thanks so much for your reply @pfunk !✌✊👍

Now when I check my wallet it says "Access Denied" I will try tomorrow, today is a bust!✊💪

@pfunk I tried the peakd link and can't figure out how to log in, it directed me to log into GitHub for some reason even though I have keychain, so I signed up for GitHub and still can't figure out how to log into Hive , no wonder people don't sign up for these things, lol Im giving up after an hour of wasted time try9ng to go on Hive again today Why does it now say Access Denied!? It would be so much easier if I could just log into my wallet like everyone else, I guess I will just stay on Steemit, thanks for the help!

Try to log in the or now. ;-) It should work fine for a development of little bit more than 3 weeks. :-)

same for me pfunk back from a hiatus.. do i just use my password to sign into hive? regards cnts

Yes. will work just like Steemit, and you can use with your posting and optionally active key using Peaklock or with the Hive Keychain browser add-on.

All accounts and credentials carried over to Hive.

@kopasi please look into this, when the confusion started i placed votes on people who i thought where the original witnesses and i even made a post educating people about who the different witnesses are

Once I found out who i believed where the different witnesses are i went BACK into the vote list and did my best among the confusion to ensure all my votes where correct. I apparently missed a couple as a obvious mistake. Why would i vote all original witnesses and leave two or more new ones voted for on purpose?? This was all done before I knew anything about hive. I have over 58k steem and now i will be excluded from the fork due to this??

I had my vote for @therealwolf for since i can remember and only started trying to vote otherwise when everyone said they needed my help. Now boom i get excluded. As of reading this i have removed all my votes other than for sure original names that I know for sure where not new witnesses. I am requesting that my case be re-evaluated as I planned to move to hive. Any feed back is much appreciated.

The current witnesses I have votes for is as follows:


Not sure what 2 or more witnesses I had voted for that caused me to be on this list but if I populated on this list then it must be from prior to me finding out who is who. There has been quite the confusion and i'm sure I am not the only one.

Hey @truce. I think what you need to do is create a proposal using the proposal system on Hive. Basically saying what you wrote in your comment. Then community will vote. Based on that you will get your airdrop. Before you create a proposal maybe get more clarification how to properly do it in Hive’s discord.

Good luck!

Ok thanks, will do.

How to create a proposal in hive ? Any link please ?

I don’t know yet. I would ask people on discord or wait for an announcement with instructions.

any word?

Read this regarding second airdrop:

Read comments in that posts too. Some answer the question on airdrop on excluded accounts. you can find a group of people and gather money ( hive coin ) and create a proposal. Once you create it, let me know about that and I will vote. Maybe more hive people will vote and those who didn't get the ardrop will get it.

If you don't decentralize the chain enough then bad actors will attempt to take advantage.

I care very little, but every step you take. Show more. You only talk about decentralization. Because you have to talk about something with which you will defend yourself from your actions.

A decentralized chain would never have absolutely excluded anyone. Bitcoin has never excluded anyone or anything.

Continue your project, in which each step you take and presume to take.

You show more.

That you are not much more than the same of what you accuse the new majority owner of Steemit.

Congratulations, for your terrible contradictions.

These guys just destroyed my already small reputation for having these same concerns.

I don't understand what you guys are complaining about. You were happy with steem as long as there's no downvote and shorter power down. Both those things are not present in HIVE and you still have all your steem tokens as before.

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

@mightypanda You will know this correctly, if steemit blocks your steem account after buying steem from hard earn money. And you are not in a situation to do anything for release of funds. Think....
@justinsunsteemit how about this.

Ned said he disclosed ninja mine stake. Still justin bought thinking he would make a quick buck. Didnt work out well. I genuinely want to know why these guys want to get on hive chain. It has all the things they did not like abt steem on thr. And since hive token is an airdrop and not a swap what they they r complaining abt.

@kopasi I am also don't like the situation. You can see my thoughts on this by post
Can you know how to contact Mr. Justin Sun? If you have something let me know at discord with same id.

한국 분들은 거의 스팀에 남겠네요...

You reap what you harvest.

Enjoy your centralized chain.

kr 많은 분들 제외군요!! 저도... 잘가라 하이브~

I thought about this for a while and there's no way around the fact that this list must be addressed. Sooner rather than later.....
Apologies it took so long to notice, it has been a very hectic few days and week.


^ who owns these accounts @sirvotesalot @ngc @z8teyb289qav9z @innerhive that were flooding comment sections from around 5 hours to 0 hours ETA for the HIVE snapshot of the STEEM blockchain to be taken?

Upvoted by @aagabriel for having similarities to the #informationwar tag, posts like this anyone can add the tag #informationwar so we can more easily find and upvote them! (by @aagabriel)

  • Our purpose is to encourage posts discussing Information War, Propaganda, Disinformation, and Liberty. We are a peaceful and non-violent movement that sees information as being held back by corrupt forces in the private sector and government. Our Mission.
  • Discord, website, youtube channel links here.

Ways you can help the @informationwar!

I thought about this for a while and there's no way around the fact that this list must be addressed. Sooner rather than later.....

Apologies it took so long to notice, it has been a very hectic few days and week.

Upvoted by @aagabriel for having similarities to the #informationwar tag, posts like this anyone can add the tag #informationwar so we can more easily find and upvote them! (by @aagabriel)

  • Our purpose is to encourage posts discussing Information War, Propaganda, Disinformation, and Liberty. We are a peaceful and non-violent movement that sees information as being held back by corrupt forces in the private sector and government. Our Mission.
  • Discord, website, youtube channel links here.

Ways you can help the @informationwar!

  ·  5 years ago 

i was amazed to see my name in the list.
i set @justyy as proxy a few months ago.
After that, I didn't manage that.
I'm innocent.
What else can I do now?

Accounts excluded who voted a minimum of two sockpuppets or proxied someone who voted a minimum of two and who didn't unvote before the hive announcement with more than 1k sp

nothing about race here...

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

I'll just leave this here for no reason.

lol well as an investor, I can't be more pleased with how things turned out, I manage to sell 1/2 my Steem for 8000 Satoshis, and remaining 1/2 I got free Hive from Bittrex which I can freely trade now. Just waiting for Hive to get bid up by fomo investors before selling my stake on bittrex for even greater much ego an too little thinking = opportunity.

Justinsun and witnesses have full control now. If you want you guys can do whatever you want, here are some extreme examples:

a) make 1 day powerdown for ONLY the exclusion list and of course justinsun's friends like binance.

b) Freeze all Hive benefactors, the old witness, dolphines, orcas, and whales who are now doing 100% powerdown OR freeze their transfer in a hardfork that say > 5,000 SP, so they can sell and dump Steem until it goes down 90% value from 2600 Satoshi to like 260 Sats to pushing existing Steem users.

c) Hell... you can just mute all the big Hive accounts on Steem with a hardfork...

Basically the possibilities are endless.


Unfortunately, you don't have much time. The big powerdown starts coming down in 3 days time....then Steem will crash unless they can't sell. Good luck talking to Justin to get his support to take action now.

Justin sun is a cancer to this space. We just need to kick it out and work on projects

한국 유저들은 거의다 뺀다고 보면 되겠네요

그런거 같습니다. 재미진 친구들이예요.

I think a few things are getting mashed up here. I believe there big is a difference between having another opinion and controlling the ecosystem in which the opinion is expressed...

So some people were penalized for voting?

How do you sign into Hive with your Steem keys?

Quieres hacer algo productivo para ti/por ti en esta cuanentena?, Listo a que te presento anda a este link:


I see my name is on the list of people voting for 2 x sockpuppets or gave a proxy to somebody who voted for them. According to me I did not give any proxies. I know I voted for goodguy24 by mistake and changed immediately when I was made aware. I also changed all my witness votes to the top real steem witnesses as soon as the trouble started in order to help get them to the top. I also started powering down immediately.

Please let me know of the details why I am on the list!!

How to join hive AirDrop?

HIVE Could Face a Massive Class Action Lawsuit for Intellectual Property Theft


A group of rogue members of the Steem blockchain community have unilaterally copied the intellectual property of millions of content creators without even the slightest decency to even attempt to seek their consent...

kr 을 의도적으로 배척하네요.
고민하지 않게 알아서 해 줘서 고맙네요.

Man fuck this shit, Im the anti-community guy, that mf always against everybody, well thats me, idk just fuck yall, like fo real. Yall better love how Justin an CZ are playing this Blockchain shit like a monopoly, those are the ones who are going to get rich, nobody wants decentralization we just wnat money just admit it

하이브가 도대체 뭔지...?;;;;;;;

Posted using Partiko iOS

hi hive

What hostile to property rights bullshit? It is an airdrop. The hive community decides who they want to airdrop tokens to. They aren't taking away your tokens.

imagine being retarded.

Now Steem looks like a frozen Account machine. For me it was the right desicion to drive for Hive. This "new" persons with a stake and power i never knowed from @ned s talking like: "there is no ninja-mined stake" is a try to get on new way´s and i get my work with it. My work here on the chain is why i leave. I would know other people have more soul in this blockchain than a scammer like justin and his follower. His tron is a joke and scam, like so many other "blockchains" (Lohol) in the new Crypto Ecosystem. Where i am able to mine Tron? Now i "mine" Hive as a witness in the future.

Have a good time on the same you called the fork.

can someone tell me how you can withdraw from hive? have tried every exchange your registered on and just get transaction broadcast error.

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

Lol.... not sure if they are hackers. But great opportunist, they surely are.

Well as an investor, I can't be more pleased with how things turned out, I figured there was a hardforked planned, and I knew the exchanges will likely support as well as freeze for maintenance (per usual with a coin fork). I manage to sell 1/2 my Steem for avg close to 8000 Satoshis, and remaining 1/2 I got free Hive from Bittrex which I can freely trade.

Now, I'm just waiting for Hive to get bid up by fomo investors (aka bag holders) before selling a nice portion of my stake on bittrex for even greater much ego an too little thinking = opportunity.

Justinsun and witnesses have full control now. If you want you guys can do whatever you want, here are some extreme examples:

A) make 1 day powerdown for ONLY the exclusion list and of course justinsun's friends like binance and houbei.

B) Freeze all Hive benefactors, the old witness, dolphines, orcas, and whales who are now doing 100% powerdown OR freeze their transfer in a hardfork that say > 1,000 SP (Same as what they did to you guys), so they can't sell and dump Steem until it goes down 90% in value from 2600 Satoshi to like 260 Sats to push existing Steem users out (and trust me they will do this, I already have right at Steem's last peak price in Satoshis).

C) Hell... you can just mute all the big Hive accounts on Steem with a hardfork...... but what would be the fun in that?

Basically the possibilities are endless.


....Unfortunately, you don't have much time. The big powerdown starts coming down in 2-3 days time (or at least until Bittrex allows deposits....Thank god i took the gamble and deposited into Bittrex before the shit hit the fan!)....then Steem will crash unless these big duo Steem/Hive stake holders can't sell.

Good luck trying to talk to Justin to get his support to take action now.

Sounds like fun to me lolz. The Bees/Steemit Classic are focused on stealing's audience, they deserve whatever is coming to them.

B) Freeze all Hive benefactors - is a valid point you made and maybe they should get a taste of their own medicine.

They declared war against this platform, so Justin Sun TRON should war on and show them no respect at all.

You clearly know what you are going and have made the right moves. Thanks for sharing.

Ha! will never happen man. Justin isn't fast or smart enough or even cares, in my opinion He was just after making a quick buck with getting Steem on the cheap, instead of just powering it down, he gave the old guards of Steem the excuse they needed to make some $$ and take Steem's sake for their own, not to mention all the free witness votes the top20 got from all that happened.

I could be wrong, but , 0.1% chance Justin will implement anything timely to counter the moves.

Come over to Hive, it's just like old Steem, only everyone there is now richer thanks to Justin.... lol.

Maybe, maybe not? Time will tell. I will watch the power battle unfold.

The monetary gain is not really my thing, but I think Money is the main driving force for HIVE, helping to escalate the hate towards Justin or any buyer that wants in on the party.

I will be staying with Steemit and the projects still involved. Thanks for the offer and I wish you well :)

money is the driving force for all of these blockchains. Without the money for incentive, the blockchain is pointless.

Hi there

I've been reading through many comments related to new hive chain and I've seen your comment too. Many users are being torn, however majority seem to be moving to new hive.

Are you fully moving there or will you stay on both chains? Just curious. I'm trying to figure out what to do myself.

I have moved over to just hive. I generally don't like the extra work of posting on multiple platforms so I decided to just do hive.

@dj123 Can you access your hive wallet yet?

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