Bireuen Regency Government Gives Awards to Initiators of Bireuen Support for the City of Santri.

in hive-103393 •  3 months ago 


The Bireuen Regency Government gave awards to the initiators of Bireuen's support for becoming a City of Santri in commemoration of the 10th National Santri Day, Tuesday (10/22/2024) morning, in the yard of the local Regent's Pendopo.

In addition, the Bireuen Regency Government through the Dayah Education Office (DPD) also symbolically handed over scholarships for students who memorize the Al-Quran in 2024 to 193 people to representatives of the students.

Acting Regent of Bireuen, Jalaluddin, SH MM, represented by Assistant I of the District Secretariat, Mulyadi, SH MM, acted as the ceremony instructor in the commemoration of Santri Day reading the text of the speech of the Minister of Religion of the Republic of Indonesia, Nasaruddin Umar.


The Minister of Religion in his remarks said, among other things, that Santri Day which is commemorated every October 22 is a momentum for all of us to remember and emulate the santri who have fought for and defended Indonesia's independence.

History has recorded that santri are one of the most active groups in fighting against the colonizers. The Minister of Religion emphasized that Santri Day does not only belong to santri and Islamic boarding schools. Santri Day belongs to all groups. Santri Day belongs to all elements of the nation who love their country.

"I invite all components of the nation, whatever their background, to participate in celebrating Santri Day, through the moment of the 2024 Santri Day roll call, let us take a moment to pray for our heroes, our scholars, our santri who have fallen on the battlefield for the benefit of the nation and religion. May they be placed in the best place and gathered with the martyrs," said the Minister of Religion.


Meanwhile, the Head of the Bireuen Dayah Education Office (DPD), Anwar, SAg MAP said, in addition to holding a ceremony, in commemoration of this year's Santri Day, scholarships for students who have memorized the 2024 Al-Quran were also symbolically handed over.

The number of recipients to 193 people according to the results of the selection that was carried out several days ago with the amount of scholarships given varying from IDR 1 million to IDR 5 million with a total budget of IDR 266,000,000, he explained.

Then also presented awards to religious figures, officials of the Bireuen Regency Government and Aceh Province, leaders of universities,
as a form of gratitude and also to arouse positive enthusiasm from the support that has been given in written form in 2020.

"The written support is a historical document for Bireuen Regency, on that basis we raise it again and give an award as an expression of gratitude from the Bireuen Regency Government that they have done a lot in 2020, so that Bireuen was ratified by the Governor of Aceh as a City of Santri," explained the Head of Bireuen Dayah Education Office, Anwar, SAg MAP.

The awards were given respectively to:

  1. Bireuen Regent in 2020, Dr. H. Muzakkar A Gani, SH MSi.
  2. Rector of Almuslim University (Umuslim) in 2020, Dr. Hambali, SE MPd.
  3. Rector of the Islamic Religious Institution (IAI) Almuslim Aceh, Dr. Saifullah, SAg MPd.
  4. Rector of IAI Al-Aziziyah Samalanga in 2020, Dr. Muntasir Abdul Kadir, MA.
  5. Rector of the Indonesian National Islamic University (UNIKI) Bireuen in 2020, Dr. Marwan, MPd.
  6. The Head of the Almadinatuddiniyah Babussalam Blang Bladeh Dayah, Senior H Muhammad Amin Mahmud (Abu Tumin).
  7. The Head of the Ma'had Ulum Diniyah Dayah (MUDI) of the Samalanga Grand Mosque, Abu Sheikh H Hasanoel Bashry HG (Abu Mudi).
  8. The Head of the Ummul Ayman Samalanga Dayah, Senior H Nuruzzahri Yahya (Waled Nu).
  9. The Head of the Thauthiatuth Tulab Simpang Mamplam Dayah in 2020, Senior H Sofyan Mahdi.
  10. The Head of the YPI Darusa'adah Cot Tarom Dayah in 2020, Senior H Muhammad Ishak.
  11. The Head of the Babussalam Al Aziziyah Jeunieb Dayah in 2020, Senior H Yusuf A Wahab.
  12. Head of Dayah Darul Ulum Putra Tanoh Mirah in 2020, Tgk Al Ghazali Abdullah.
  13. Head of Dayah Darusa'adah Cot Puuk Gandapura in 2020, Tgk H M Yusuf Ali.
  14. Head of Dayah Budi Almukhtari Pante Pisang Peusangan, Tgk Nazaruddin H Ismail.
  15. Head of PD Pontren Division of the Aceh Ministry of Religion Regional Office in 2020, Drs H Maiyusri.
  16. Head of the Aceh Dayah Education Office in 2020, Usamah El-Madny, SAg MM.
  17. Governor of Aceh in 2020, Ir H Nova Iriansyah, MT.
  18. Head of Student Development Division of the Aceh Dayah Education Office in 2020, Drs Muhammad Nasir.
  19. Head of the Aceh Ministry of Religion Regional Office in 2020, Dr H Iqbal, SAg MAg.








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