Hi friends,
I am @poorvik a graphic designer and photographer, I also do digital Illustrations on photoshop and adobe illustrator. Today I made an illustration of a sunset landscape and I'm going to show you how I made it.
Open photoshop, open a new white drawing sheet with a size of 12x16
step 2:
Change the background with a yellow and orange gradient by going to Leyr>leyer content options>gradient> choose ant three-color gradient and anthem to yellow and orange
step 3:
Using the rectangular shape tool, make a rectangle box and change its color to the yellow-orange gradient.
step 4:
Draw a mountain shadow using the pen tool and give black color to it
Draw one more mountain shadow at the right side using the pen tool and give black color to it
step 6:
Draw one more mountain shadow using the pen tool and give gray or brown color to it
Draw a lake bank shadow using the pen tool and give a brown color to it
Draw a one lake bank shadow using the pen tool and give a black color to it and make the same on the right side
Draw a Coconut palm tree using the pen tool and give a black color to it
Draw one more Coconut palm tree in a little small size than the previous one using the pen tool and give a black color to it.
Insert a circle and give to yellow and white gradient and outer glow by going to Menu>leyer>leyer styles>gradeint overlay>outerglow.
Draw a Yacht using the pen tool and give a black color to it
Insert some uneven regtangle shapes from custom shape tool, give it transperrant white gradient
Insert some cloud shapes from the custom shape tool, give it a transparent white gradient
Now you can see the beautiful scene of Sunset landscape, you can also try this with above said easy steps, all you need is a computer or laptop with any version of photoshop software.