Malpractices: Big v/s small

in hive-107855 •  2 months ago 
I always felt that despite some risks in supporting newbies, I will help this platform if I can provide valuable opportunities for them to develop their skills and build a good relationship with them. I wanted to see what benefits my effort offers to newbies to help them make the best for themselves and this platform.

However, I knew at the outset that my effort may present risks, and also what benefits or losses were there in giving newbies the necessary guidance to make the best by helping them.



I felt that new joiners would learn and appreciate different perspectives through my efforts to better understand the Steemit world and build their knowledge on various topics. If brought into the limelight they could discover their areas of interest and use the platforms with new energy through the thoughts they shared on this platform.

Since this media is going to be a part of their everyday lives from now on, new users need to learn how to support them in preparing them for future opportunities on this platform. I wanted to let them know that using this platform can help them develop their future and the money, of course.

While I was trying my best to develop connections with them on my own, I felt that for those newbies who did not have enough expertise yet or did not feel that they could connect with others within this community, helping them was proving to be too risky and too disruptive to save face. This could have been a great way to connect with newbies, which I felt boomeranged on me.

I had thought from the beginning that this could open up opportunities to help new members who are talented but need an opportunity to infuse a little energy into them to do better on this platform. This could be a little help to some new members. Maybe they were looking for a little support, and I know that because I went through this situation in the beginning myself.

I thought if they're going through something, they can talk to someone about it, and that's what I was trying to do. I wanted to run a campaign for the benefit of new members so that they understood this platform better. I wanted to promote their posts and let them feel they were welcome and they could write what they're interested in. I believed that a little could help and make a big impact.

But maybe I was wrong. Here, big users make big mistakes, get big gains, and get away by writing a one-line apology if caught, but new members get big punishment even for minor mistakes.

I thought that my campaign could develop a positive so that young people can use their accounts to share their achievements and show their talent, and it can be a positive step to benefit them later in life, but was I right?

I was looking for ways they can do good by pursuing their skills or sharing something that will positively contribute to their future and this platform as well. But it was a double-edged sword that I was walking on. Some newbies weren't taking it seriously, and the authorities were taking strict action on all their activities. I wish they did the same on bigger accounts though, because we all know a great number of malpractices go Scott-free every day.

I think it is time to change my way of working on this platform because working for newbies is proving to be harmful to my own reputation, and let me make it clear: I love nothing more than my own reputation before everything else. So I am withdrawing my newbies campaign and will do something in the future that benefits me and the bigger accounts.

Conclusion: Bigger malpractices are fine, but small mistakes get punished harshly. I guess I should not act as an intruder in the territory of concerned authorities.


Beneficiaries @ramadhayani84
The diary game/// 07 Agustus 2024 Semangat

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What can I say I experienced the same behind the screens but also admit that of all those I help (via Telegram and Steemit through my comments) only a handful appreciate what I do. Most of them don't care, they already know and a few have the attitude of "stupid bitch" and can't stand a tip given by a woman.
I look at the newbie platform frequently and can't say I find it promising, nor the way they are guided or told how to engage.

I rarely see reports, advices, can be I arrive too early in the process but what I see is that the lack of creativity is huge (smothered or killed already?) and this won't do anyone any good. Not the newbies and not the one who reaches out. We both know it's time consuming and the end result is... questionable.

Yes, the newbie is punished first and harder unless s/he ignores and takes another road. That other road seems to be there and is more relaxing. Guiding, what you did is a great iniative but if it comes to it, it's a waste of time. Those doing good, a few are lifted for unknown reasons, will be discoverred elsewhere. It's what I noticed.

You left a comment behind you are a newbie and so am I. What baffles me is how someone can be at the top within 3 months while others still struggle after investing over 5 or 6 years Karma? Luck? Not related? Are we with too many and is the platform flooded with content no one likes to see/read?

There's no solution and if it comes to reaching out, helping, perhaps the only way to get familiar with Steemit is doing it your way. Actively searching for answers, asking around (good for the engagement), reading what is written and finding your niche so you know where to look, you will be welcomed, helped out, and like to post. Like you I believe that is important since to many Steemit is the place where all free time is invested.

Love what you do and care about yourself first

@heriadi @mikitaly @rashid001 @yancar @chasad75

The ones who already know it all because they really know it all. Some of them are not dumb but they have someone on their back. They can laugh because they know they will be at the top quickly. I am concerned about real newbies and I am not ashamed to admit that some of them have guts and they will make it to the top. After all, I was a newbie on this site when I joined two years ago.

Let's see if it works I posted the topic.. I never arrived at the top. 😁

I have stopped caring if there is no taker. I will keep doing my work and leave the result to its fate. You know I am not a religious person and follow no faith but I believe in what Lord Krishna said in Gita the epic, "Do your job wholeheartedly without expecting a result"

I am not religious either and all I know is that I should do what I feel like, if not it's drained energy. If.. It's a super boost. In the end is what counts most me being happy with me.

_We always expect a result even if it's an energy boost, satisfaction or sleeping being at peace. _



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  ·  2 months ago (edited)

You supporting newbies is great! The bigger issue is how the bulk of users doesn't seem to support eachother, for whatever reason. I figure a healthy community would benefit everybody, but this would require seeing this as a cooperative effort rather than competition. Easier said than done obviously, especially once there's money on the line, but yeah. That's where the lizard brain kicks in and the social chess begins. In that regard your altruism might just open you up to be attacked by individuals with less nobel intentions. So I get it. It's hard.

Heard famous writers often won't even read unwarranted submissions because they're afraid of getting sued, or some kind of creative contamination (and then getting sued). Makes sense I guess, about as much as some aspiring writer potentially feeling cheated, but then again I think a rising tide lifts all boats. That said, I'm a shitty newbie myself and barely even talk to other newbies.I'm not even sure why, but it doesn't happen much.

Everything comes with a result and I am already feeling the heat but would it stop me from doing so? The answer is no, as I have decided to go ahead with my project and see how it works. I don't care what I face on my way or what tries to stop me.

Te leo y me siento identificada con tus palabras, de principio a fin. Esta es una gran verdad:

Aquí, los grandes usuarios cometen grandes errores, obtienen grandes ganancias y se salen con la suya escribiendo una disculpa de una línea si los atrapan, pero los nuevos miembros reciben un gran castigo incluso por errores menores.

A veces siento que la plataforma, en lugar de buscar sumar nuevos usuarios, más bien los castigan con una dureza verbal y de votos que aterra.

He visto algunas publicaciones interesantes de novatos en algunas comunidades, en als que ni siquiera se toman la molestia de leerlos y de darles un voto mínimo. Esto me resulta demasiado indolente.

Como bien sabes, vivo en un país que aparentemente es democrático, pero en la práctica no es así. Me ha tocado obedecerle y rendirle pleitesía a ignorantes. Y he tratado de que eso no me haga cambiar mi forma de ver el mundo. Creo en las igualdades y en las oportunidades para todos. Sin embargo no es así: "El poderoso quiere tener más poder, y no le importa nada ni nadie". Así que, muy a mi pesar, creo que aquí también me tocará vivir una situación similar a la que confronto en mi país. Esto me desagrada. Pero la lucha no se da desde fuera, sino desde adentro. Y ese mi objetivo acá. Actuar conforme a lo que creo. Te reitero mi cariño y mi respeto.

He visto

You always find some truth even in fiction writing because even fiction reflects what an author thinks in his mind. I have been working on a newbies program and have faced it both ways.

Sé que estás trabajando en ese proyecto; y me resulta maravilloso, porque nadie aprende a caminar solo, siempre es importante recibir el apoyo de los que ya saben caminar; y eso no le garantiza al que no sabe caminar, no caerse.

I am trying my best to support people from countries who face trouble, joblessness, weak financial systems, and inflation at a killing rate rather than those who enjoy everything on a platter.

Terimakasih pak anda telah memilih saya sebagai penerima manfaat dan saya sangat sangat berterima kasih sekali🤗🤗

Welcome, if you are comfortable writing fiction and taking part in contests with our community, you can do so by subscribing and finding contests of your interest.

Terimakasih pak atas undangan nya

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Please, I want to ask, who posts the "word" of the week challenge.. I'm new here and don't seem to follow..

Thanks. Got it.

Fiction. All pure fiction. Nobody stops supporting newcomers here... ;-))