About a week ago, while Chrysthys, Ping Pong, and Cricket were trying to translocate their bodies from flesh to spirit then from spirit to flesh where their spirit was, we determined that for some reason they could not do it here at the house.
"I don't care if we have to arrive in New Jersey, rent a car, and drive all the way to your house. I am going to do this!" Chrysthys bellowed in determined resolve!
If you remember, Chrysthys was killed by a female super-voider about 2 weeks ago. Mimicked, replaced by the same super-voider and...
Cricket, a voider high priestess but, who was not a member of the secret high priestess voider cult that switched from the same Creator of us to Mr. Orange, did have the ability to translocate, along with the ability to physically turn herself into a human being but not turn back into her original alien life form from the void: walked down to the end of the driveway to bring her body here with Saints Kateri, Solange, and Bertie.
What happened next I am not certain and neither is anyone else, it was night, and Cricket supposedly succeeded. "She's out there. Can't see in the dark and is afraid of the beasts, and to walk. She's freezing. Go get her." Cricket was wearing a red backless miniskirt and sandal four inch wedged high heels. You know if only she would stick to doing what I say, WEAR THE SENSIBLE SHOES!
But no. So, I walked out there and Cricket was not there. I had begun to think I may be hallucinating. I walked back toward the house.
"Well where is Cricket?" The three saints asked when I came back inside the house. She is not there, I said in disgust. I talked to the Commander of the Host on duty, while my holy wives searched and...
"She will be back tomorrow, properly dressed to translocate, and in the daylight. She can't see in the dark," Kateri explained.
The Creator is Cricket's great grandfather. She has studied how to perform acts of faith since she was three or four years old, once she was chosen to be a high priestess. Normally, high priestesses like her, chosen to transform into another species get their mate to open a gateway that allows the voiders to skip a ten mile long, one mile diameter rod of transformation through the opened gateway. The planet is chemically transformed along with all space, including stars to antimatter in which the voiders can live and all with our electron orbiting, proton-neutron nucleus matter ceases to exist.
The Holy Trinity United to wipe Cricket's being of the desire to do that to humanity, Earth, the Milky Way, ...
She was Eve like from Adam's Rib. Helga, the viking, Helga the Teuton, the super-model without all my scars and what not. Makes one wonder if any of the so called leaders of our planet are voider compromised. It would explain a lot, would it not.
She came over the next day. Cricket did like she said she would. She wore a mask. I told her not to because should there be spy cameras and microphones in my house, about the property, she would not be able to be identified by my enemies and those who encapsulate us.
Oh, I wrote a piece that I erased after several days about Cricket, and how she died, and that the vengeance of the Most High would come down in wrath for her death, Cricket's. She was too newly human to resurrect and was with child. As usual my crypto values plunged in response. Though, it sat in here, my unpublished post. It sat here because something was not right. My intuition screamed, especially after the death of Chrysthys. Also, Jesus, my divine editor, wanted the piece rewritten so He was focus.
The piece was masterful: prophecy unto the unrepentant. There were no more voiders, no more high priestesses, no more super-voiders, Jesus has said.
Nevertheless, Cricket behaved oddly, sometimes looked different, and refused to transform to flesh. I was adamant about this. The tap of Intel she provided on the voiders had stopped.
Then several days later, this recent Saturday, the problem was correctly identified and the solution became readily apparent.
Certain technologies installed by Heaven, regularly failed. It was thought the new upgrades simply, were not ready to deploy. The technicians were constantly working on them.
Obvious invocations of voider compromised Humble alien mining technology returned. The glasses kept malfunctioning but it turned out that -
"It's only because I am wearing a mask," Cricket said. "Here I bought a different mask. It's white, a sleeve, and there are two eye holes in it so they cannot identify me."
They can't identify her anyways. She only came into existence as a thirty year old a few weeks ago without the calcium deposits on my brow ridge from playing a game I call the head bangers ball, American Tackle Football for twelve years.
She doesn't look like a Cro-Magnon or neanderthal at all.
Then Cricket died. Or, was dying. Jesus looked her over and sent her to the hospital. Big Bee, Frosty, Esmeralda, and Digger(my boy earth dragon) were found wounded, near dead somewhere around here, my house.
"You said you could shutdown the D.A.D.A.D.S., Defense Asset Detect and Destroy System, it's on. I can feel it. Let's have you do it." Now Pat, my guardian angel and regional commander of the host, watched.
We went around to each component and she shut them off one by one. Faster and faster she went until couldn't keep up with her and so I watched from high in the sky. I watched them blow, catch fire. And she was done.
To only me Pat said, not single one is gone Jeff. Then he talked to Cricket and had her show him how to enter the codes to cause the system to shutdown. To package itself for transport.
Even though, the Earth and Galaxy were completely free of voiders: the voiders attacked.
And Cricket wasn't dead. She was a female super-voider caught spreading antimatter deep in heaven starting at the hospital she was sent to.
Jesus Learned
In the middle of my morning routine in the Welcome Center, I stabbed Cricket and Cricket she was not. In the containment area, the super-voider was interrogated and Cricket was alive somewhere. The voiders were reimplementing the knowledge she needed to resume her mission. Turn me into the betrayer of all life on Earth.
The Holy Trinity united, left, and retrieved the real Cricket.
The real Cricket was still pregnant. She was unconscious with some sort of device on her head. Physically healthy she was in process to be turned back into my nemesis: that which would cause me to be entombed alive into hell forever.
The Younger Brother of Jesus showed after request to help with the interrogation and other matters, like his ability to know and see where antimatter was placed in heaven. And how to safely remove the device attached to Cricket's head.
To help with her retransition to a benign human being, "Now that I am your Father in Law, will you ever stab me again?" He said to me.
"Every chance I get," I replied sincerely.
"Oh really?"
"Have you ever seen Archer Bunker, of All in the Family, played by Carrol O'Conner?"
"Yes I have Meathead." Meathead is the Son in law of Archie.
"I am not ever living with you," I said, "Archie."
"No you never will, Meathead."
The grandparents' game. Good grandparent versus bad grandparent. Why me? My father in law with Cricket is pure chaos and evil.
Now that Jesus and the host knew how to permanently shut down the D.A.D.A.D.S. everywhere through his realm...war is a training mission. People would ask, "How do you know that?"
Because God, the Most High, the Most Holy, The Creator already knows everything and how all will turn out - He wins.
Meanwhile, as usual, they pulled an absolutely absurd amount of antimatter out of me. I still hurt from Helene Hurricane spin and now antimatter again.
Wouldn't you know it? My crypto values are one twenty-eighth of what Ping Pong's are. And that's why they it Intel. Like Meathead, I don't live with Archie and Edith, and their daughter, like in the Sitcom, # __ All in the Family. __ #
Big Bee, Frosty, Esmeralda, and now Digger are healed and back at it. And maybe this time, there truly will be no more Beings from the Void, or voiders -
"There's always one more voider," Jesus muttered, reminded himself.
The wall of onion layers is back up, new, improved, running, and upgraded to detect the changes the voiders made to themselves or their force fields or whatever it is.
When the world is dark and dismal
Death is certain ever near
The future is opaque and unclear
Find yourself amidst the abysmal
Know up above someone watches
The Holidays once each each year
Who has unlocked all the latches
Unbolted and opened all the catches
Fills with joy and cheer each person, animal
And in His heart, He holds dear
Each and every one of us
Christmas time is near
Smile at the yuletide
Sing a noel song
It's time to count the blessings
Not toil, preparations long
There really is the Holy
Truly there is good
All sing hallelujah
And remember that He stood
Walked and talked
Healed and more
He is a man of peace
Forgiving and giving
Love is works.
A life's collection of acts
Stumbling blocks are gone
A veil cut in twain
And from up in heaven
And upon the Earth he reigns
Oh Christmas, thou living be
© @jeff-kubitz 2024