An Unpardonable Mistake in Steem!,... I Feel Pity for Whoever it may Concern.....

in hive-108514 •  5 years ago 


One thing that Steem blockchain & Steemit, Inc. has done to maintain its reputation & covering up or protecting its users(Steemians) from tarnishing their image in the blockchain interface is having a strong back force that monitors individuals work. Monitoring every post that comes into Steemit, Inc. to ensure that it devoid of any "plagiarism, repeated copying from the same work or improper crediting of the original work." On this note, I would like to congratulate Steemit, Inc. Team, all the Executives for this initiatives for the 4yrs successes for all these checks to ensure credibility & that the system is well sanitized from any infringments from complains from other Networks. Finally, my big thanks to the @steemcleaners Team for having that strong instruments that works like telescope to detect all forms of mistakes so that they are brought to book.

Haven said this, "to eer is human & to forgive is a divine!." As far as we are humans, we are bound to comit mistakes. That is why God even encourages us to confess to him when we make mistake, so that we can be forgiven. How many times do we forgive our neighbours mistakes they've committed? Less often do we do this! But, when the Peter confirmed from Jesus the number of times one should forgive his brother or sister for the offense his brother or sister commits, Jesus said; forgive him seventy-seven times not seventy times(Matthew 18:22). This is quite difficult for most people to obey. And this principles is basically inter-personal relationship with our neighbours so that love can co-exist. In our business arena or community such as Steem, it may happen as conflict of interest to most Steemians. And as a matter of fact, it can bring destructions & obsteuctions to the Steem Community & collapses. That is why this principle is there to guide us do the right thing.

But, to every rule, there are some exceptional cases. Some cases or mistakes are genuine, as this may sound to many people meaningless! But, as it's often said: *"first mistake is a mistake, but second mistake is not a mistake!, rather, it's intentional. So, @steemcleaners have been doing well at this point, by promting the plagiarist at first time or alerting those culprits as a sign of caustion to their posts. For my opinion, we say a mistake is genuine when it's first time the culprit has ever done it, & upon his or presentation of the case you can infer some truth from or trust in him or her. Maybe the person has established some trustworthyness consistently & at later part he or her mistakenly declines his or her commitment. On that case you can take some kindness in the matter at hand, but this only my opinion I'm expressing lol:!

Coming to my point, I feel pity for a lady I respect so much in Steem blockchain here. A very renowned, hardworking & committed, who have helped many Steemians in diverse ways through Curation & Contest upon Contest. She has given out her best to Steem & She is a lady on my heart, & use to follow her, because of her passion for Steem. Little do I know about her absence few months ago in writing post in Steemit, Inc. But just a day or two, I followed her post up to find whatsup, & only to find that she has been flagged by @steencleaners. Upon following her responses to these flags, she explained that she left her accounts for someone( Steemian) to write post on her name, since she is going for some course. In fact this was win-win deal for the negotiation. So, for the past 4months of her absence, not knowing that Steemian was copying her old posts which have been in Steemit, Inc. She complained, haven pleaded to @steemcleaners, they are not trying to believe her statement. I guess you know her well, since she is very famous on this blockchain! Beloved, I present to you this humble & industrous lady: @flamingirl!


In fact 2yrs & over for her being this noble community of Steem blockchain, she has built her Steem business to #78 reputation she has acquired #28,705 of Steem power, #7,318 Steem & #195 Sbd. This means that she mean a lot for Steem blockchain & we the Steemians in this blockchain space. So, her absence would mean that we lose a lot of services. I therefore request from @steemcleaners if there is any slim avenue to consider her plea, in all humbleness, do pardon her for this unparsonable mistake she has committed. I also plead all Steemians around to forgive her & say something on her behalf, for the second chance in this community. Thanks for your usual cooperation & responses. Stay blessed in Steem!

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